"#Fauci had been informed by January 2020 that his institute had funded..discovery..dozens of novel coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, including the closest..virus to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, new records show."
#Fauci a menti sous serment au Congrès américain quand il a affirmé qu’il n’avait pas financé de recherches en gain de fonctions du virus !
Le sénateur Rand #Paul vient pour cela de saisir au pénal le procureur ! Et il précise que la place de Fauci est : en taule ! Excellent !
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/f_philippot/status/1689527868018114560
This is the crucial issue. #fauci's smoking gun email (for which, if there is any justice at all, he must be prosecuted), refers to WU. Maybe #fauci was trying to deflect from WIV but, in truth, Fauci's grant to Daszak was for both WIV and WU. Humanized mice experiments were at WU.
"After viewing the email, Rand Paul [correctly] referred #fauci to the Department of Justice for lying to Congress."
"There is no ambiguity: the #NIH and #NIAID have funded and supported this work. Yet #Fauci, and his then-boss #collins during the Covid years, repeatedly obscured and even outright denied their involvement."
"This July, the House subcommittee released what appears to be an extremely incriminating email that Fauci had written on February 1, 2020..to..Collins. In the email Fauci wrote 'scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working on gain-of-function experiments'"
#fauci #GoF
RICHARD H EBRIGHT: "[G]ain-of-function research of concern..involves manipulating viruses to be..more transmissible..or deadly..[I[t is..intensely controversial..Kevin M. Esvelt..MIT..wrote 'I implore every scientist, funder, and nation working in this field: Please stop.'"
Jeanne Marrazzo vient d’être nommée pour remplacer #Fauci : une dingo !
Médecin de plateau covidiste, elle est fanatique de l’OMS, des confinements, de l’injection bien sûr, et du masque obligatoire !
Masque sur l’oreille, elle l’a dit et redit !
Faut dégager tous ces gens !
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/f_philippot/status/1688481123091763202
despite pleas from well known ethical scientists to stop funding risky GoF research, #fauci plowed full speed ahead after the likely origin became apparent to him.
he then made it his mission to deflect, deny, and derail the truth about what really happened.
If making an animal virus more transferable to humans is not gain of function—as Fauci claimed before the Senate—it’s interesting that Fauci described the Wuhan research as gain of function in his private emails. #fauci
07/21: Rand Paul: "Do you still claim NIH never funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan?"
#fauci: "I've never lied before Congress.."
Making animal viruses more transmissible isn't GoF, he said adding, "Sen. Paul you don't know what you are talking about."
#fauci (in private) 👇🏽:
🚨 Physicians gather at the Supreme Court of the United States with over 100,000 petition signatures to call for an investigation into #Fauci's misdealings & corruption.
"Never before have we seen such a blatantly corrupt government official not be prosecuted."
9/ Due to the authors' private statements contradicting their scientific conclusions, which led to global censorship of the lab leak possibility, Nature Medicine should retract the "Proximal Origin" paper.
If COVID-19 potentially resulted from gain-of-function research, why does the United States continue to fund such research domestically and internationally?
(Graphic created by @ RAEMKA1)
#Fauci Flashback: “My records are an open book” —a claim #Fauci made after #NIH redacted nearly 99% of a FOIA request made by the Intercept
Enfin !
Covid : #Fauci le pape du covidisme cible de 2 enquêtes officielles au Congrès américain !
On veut la même chose avec ses amis en France !
Vérité et justice !
Nouvelle vidéo ➡️ https://youtu.be/nK9Y7EQmDKg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/f_philippot/status/1673326606079623169
#Fauci visé ! Double enquête qui s’ouvre au Congrès américain :
- Il doit remettre avant le 30 juin tous ses mails relatifs à ce qu’il a écrit/fait écrire sur les origines du covid !
- Il doit faire la transparence sur ses activités professionnelles actuelles !
Ça avance !
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/f_philippot/status/1672590587961266176
Fou ! Alors qu’il a forcé des millions de gens à porter en permanence un masque, dont les enfants, et contaminé le monde avec ses lubies, #Fauci dit maintenant dans le NYT qu’« au niveau de la population, les masques fonctionnent à la marge - peut-être 10 % » !
Trop facile !
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/f_philippot/status/1651153754152943619
Everything is coming out in drips.
First the EcoHealth report (2 years late) is filed in 2021, showing experiments with humanized mice.
The "Wild West" emails were redacted until recently
And only yesterday, we find out that the State department and (Fauci?) knew the whole time
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