No Longer a Theory – Fauci Lied & People Died
SUMMARY: Since the Propaganda MSM and co-criminals in the lying U.S. Government are HUGE on lying to Americans, you might be out of the loop that not only did I-AM-THE-SCIENCE (NOT-TRUE) Fauci lied about the Wuhan Lab Leak and Gain of Function (GoF) taxpayer supported research that manufactured the China Virus (er…I mean COVID); Fauci set out to fabricate science to coverup China Virus origins…. ABSOLUTELY MORE TO READ:
#FauciCriminal #FauciLied #COVIDLabLeak
#COVIDLabLeak #FauciLied #FauciCriminal
No Longer a Theory – Fauci Lied & People Died
SUMMARY: Since the Propaganda MSM and co-criminals in the lying U.S. Government are HUGE on lying to Americans, you might be out of the loop that not only did I-AM-THE-SCIENCE (NOT-TRUE) Fauci lied about the Wuhan Lab Leak and Gain of Function (GoF) taxpayer supported research that manufactured the China Virus (er…I mean COVID); Fauci set out to fabricate science to coverup China Virus origins…. ABSOLUTELY MORE TO READ:
#FauciCriminal #FauciLied #COVIDLabLeak
#COVIDLabLeak #FauciLied #FauciCriminal