Sadie Sink〔Apr16〕Happy 21st Birthday! ★Astrology ♫ Kate Bush – Running Up That Hill
#21stBirthday #alltoowell #April16 #Critics'ChoiceMovieAwardforBestYoungPerformer #fearstreet #KateBush #MaxMayfield #RunningUpThatHill #sadiesink #strangerthings #TaylorSwift #TheWhale #クリスティーナ・ピメノヴァ
#21stbirthday #alltoowell #April16 #critics #FearStreet #katebush #maxmayfield #runningupthathill #sadiesink #strangerthings #taylorswift #thewhale #クリスティーナ・ピメノヴァ
In which a pair of young women kiss chicken feet but refuse to pick up a hammer, history is rewritten to be more palatable for a certain group of people, and I do a bad accent.
#horror #FearStreet #bookstodon #books
In which a girl discovers frightening powers and hangs out with old people, and I have a cold and sound issue.
#fearstreet #books #bookstodon
#bookstodon #books #FearStreet
oi essas são minhas tags vamos ser amigos #taylorswift #louistomlinson #bookstan #harrypotter #fearstreet
#FearStreet #harrypotter #bookstan #louistomlinson #taylorswift
It dawned on me that Sam was wearing Deena's sweatshirt and I forget why she was.
I feel like Deena in Fear Street Part One was only wanting to get her girlfriend back after seeing her.
Je regarde #FearStreet.
En fait, c’est une métaphore du capitalisme en plus d’être un slasher.
I shouldn't've stayed up to watch the third Fear Street movie last night, too little sleep.
The third one is definitely the least of the three, but it wraps everything up neatly. The other two do a pretty good job at being the kind of horror movie set at the time they are set at. #FearStreet
Et bien les Masto, avec ma chérie on s'est fait la trilogie de "Fear Street" (#Netflix), films d'horreur gore, d'après l'œuvre originale de Robert Lawrence Stine, et bien ça vaut le coup, le scénario tient assez bien la route ! On recommande !
#netflix #film #Trilogie #FearStreet #AVoir
Is it just me or does Shadyside look a lot like Hawkins, Indiana? #FearStreet #StrangerThings