I think the #reward for being very good and the #punishment for being insufficiently good are unbalanced.
"...[#Perchta] would know whether the children and young servants of the household had behaved well and worked hard all year. If they had, they might find a small silver coin the next day, in a shoe or pail. If they had not, she would slit their bellies open, remove their stomach and guts, and stuff the hole with straw and pebbles. She was particularly concerned to see that girls had spun the whole of their allotted portion of flax or wool during the year. She would also slit people's bellies open and stuff them with straw if they ate something on the night of her #feast day, other than the traditional meal of #fish and gruel."
Oooh! A coin!
#Alpine #Pagan #Christmas #epiphany #goddess
#reward #punishment #perchta #Feast #fish #alpine #pagan #christmas #epiphany #goddess
#Gracias 2022 por haber sido un año tan movidito, te guardaré en mi recuerdo como un buen año 😁
#Bienvenido 2023 #Día1 #Enero se estrena con una buena porra, desayunando churros con chocolate y a la cama, comienza bien... 👌 Página 1 de 365 #FelizDomingo #1Ene
#HappyNewYear #FelizAño #2023 💛🥂
#feast #like #diner #Xmas #Christmas #MerryChristmas #gentleman #boy #follow #man #fashion #model #Spain #FelizNavidad #España #elite #OscarGold
#gracias #bienvenido #dia1 #enero #felizdomingo #1ene #happynewyear #felizano #Feast #like #diner #xmas #christmas #merrychristmas #gentleman #boy #follow #man #fashion #model #spain #feliznavidad #espana #elite #oscargold
Liebe #horror bubble.
Vor 40 Jahren hatte ich keine Probleme damit Bierflaschen für Papa aus dem dunklen Keller zu holen. Mit 10 habe ich #Frankenstein und #Tarantula kennengelernt und bin mit #Alien, #jasonvoorhees , #freddykrueger und allen Möglichen dazwischen groß geworden. Ich habe an Pizzagelagen teilgenommen, während die Filme #Feast 1-3 liefen. Schärfe-Wettessen zu #thebay und #slither. Alles schon dagewesen. Meine #horrorfilm - Sammlung umfasst 300-350 #Blurays. Lange Rede…
#horror #frankenstein #tarantula #alien #jasonvoorhees #freddykrueger #Feast #thebay #slither #HorrorFilm #Blurays
This was our #yule morning presents. Under our adorable #tree. Some of these gifts are for friends coming to #celebrate on Monday. The big one was for me from Bran. It was a new cookware set. I love them. We needed them. I can't wait for Monday's party. The #Feast we have planned, oh man. 🤤
We had family visiting from interstate for a few days and finished with a big feast of chicken wraps for dinner last night. It was fun having three of us in our small kitchen prepping different parts!
The grilled pineapple salsa was from Clare Scrine and the chicken had a taco seasoning recipe from Alice Zaslavsky.
#cooking #Feast #family #clarescrine #alicezaslavsky
#Thanksgiving #feast #vegan #WhatVegansEat (not shown: pumpkin pie and granola-stuffed apples with vanilla almond-milk ice cream)
#thanksgiving #Feast #vegan #whatveganseat
Thanksgiving 2022: 3 simple cocktail recipes to toast family and friends
#cocktails #Thanksgiving #feast
#cocktails #thanksgiving #Feast
மொய்விருந்து நிகழ்வு பற்றி அண்ணாமலைக்கு தெரிய வாய்ப்பு இல்லை! டிடிவி தினகரன்… https://patrikai.com/annamalai-has-no-chance-to-know-moi-virundhu-event-ttv-dhinakaran/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#MoiVirundhu #Feast #Collection #MONEY @annamalai_k@twitter.com @TTVDhinakaran@twitter.com
#money #collection #Feast #MoiVirundhu
சமபந்தி போஜனம் இனி ‘சமத்துவ விருந்து’ என அழைக்கப்படும்! முதல்வர் ஸ்டாலின் அறிவிப்பு https://patrikai.com/samapanthi-bhojanam-will-be-called-the-samapanthi-virunthu-announcement-by-chief-minister-stalin/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#Feast #EqualityFeast #equality #equalityforall #meal #TamilNadu @CMOTamilnadu@twitter.com @mkstalin@twitter.com @arivalayam@twitter.com
#tamilnadu #meal #equalityforall #equality #EqualityFeast #Feast