“Lent begins tomorrow. So eat. Drink. Like Christ himself, enjoy the fatness of God’s house, and imbibe from the river of his delights. The desert road is long, and dry, and barren, and we have been given the lushness of the river, the joy of repentance, to sustain us in the coming dryness. Today, God offers us one final night of feast. Alleluia.”
#ShroveTuesday #Lent #Feasting #Fasting #Repentance #Joy #Jesus #Episcopal #Monastics #SSJE
#shrovetuesday #lent #Feasting #fasting #repentance #joy #jesus #episcopal #monastics #ssje
The Shropshire Wakes, or, Hey for Christmas
A 17th Century broadside ballad about #Christmas #feasting and #revelry.
Eleanor Cramer: Bass #viol
Alison Kinder: #recorder
Robin Jeffrey: #cittern
Tamsin Lewis: #violin
Michael Palmer: #baritone
Peter Wilcock: #bass
#broadsideballad #broadsideballads #17thCentury #christmascarol #christmascarols #earlymusic #renaissance #baroque #seventeenthcentury #carol #carols #earlymodern #folk #folkmusic
#christmas #Feasting #revelry #viol #recorder #cittern #violin #baritone #bass #broadsideballad #broadsideballads #17thcentury #christmascarol #christmascarols #earlymusic #renaissance #baroque #seventeenthcentury #carol #carols #earlymodern #folk #folkmusic