The dead bird site had an "untag me from this conversation" #feature that I loved, and don't see here.
@pixelfed this new Feature implicate there will be some sort of Save file for every Account? 🤔
I guess you will need to further harden the AGB for this Feature because how quick can these Data collections being used for making Profiles of Users and there relationships to others.
Doesn't this go in the same Direction for what the Platforms from Big Tech are blamed and hated?
@techsquidtv @mikey The Ice Cubes app just added a feature where it adds hashtags (either at the end or in place) from keywords in your post/reply. It is pretty new and it adds a lot of hashtags so I haven’t really used it yet because I err on the side of fewer tags, not more. I tend to find the 20 variations on one main topic a wee bit annoying, but that’s just me, I get it. I’ll do the feature on this reply so you can see what it does. #IceCubesApp #Keywords #Post #Reply #Hashtags #New #Annoying #Feature #Context
#icecubesapp #keywords #post #reply #hashtags #new #annoying #Feature #context
Why Westerman Wanted to ‘Jump Off the Cliff Creatively’ for His Gorgeous New Album
Check it out! 👇
#indieartistofmonth #indie #Feature #rock #music
Inside Linkin Park’s ‘Meteora’ Return, And How It Spawned the Year’s Most Unlikely Rock Smash
Check it out! 👇
#Interview #Feature #alternativerock #rock #music
Meet Julian King & Kyn Rose, Samsung NXT 2.0 Finalists Embracing ‘Every Challenge and Moment’
Check it out! 👇
#samsungnxt #Feature #music #Features
#music #creativity #pianokeys #musician #film #filmcomposer #movie #feature #composer #soundtrack #sound #production #promotion #audio #socialmedia #pic #filmscore #score #musicproduction #musicproducer #sounddesign #sounddesigner
#music #creativity #pianokeys #musician #film #filmcomposer #movie #Feature #composer #soundtrack #sound #production #promotion #audio #socialmedia #pic #filmscore #score #musicproduction #musicproducer #sounddesign #SoundDesigner
Grateful to be part of the team.
#music #creativity #pianokeys #musician #film #filmcomposer #movie #feature #composer #soundtrack #sound #production #promotion #audio #socialmedia #pic #filmscore #score #musicproduction #musicproducer #sounddesign #sounddesigner
#iamstage32 #music #creativity #pianokeys #musician #film #filmcomposer #movie #Feature #composer #soundtrack #sound #production #promotion #audio #socialmedia #pic #filmscore #score #musicproduction #musicproducer #sounddesign #SoundDesigner
Had an amazing session yesterday speaking to youth at the After School Arts Program as part of its Speaker Series. This program is in partnership with the City of Boston Department of Youth Engagement & Employment in the United States. The students in the program are between the ages 14 -18. Thank you to Dominga Martin for the opportunity.
#music #film #filmcomposer #movie #feature #composer #soundtrack #sound #audio #socialmedia #pic #filmscore #score #sounddesign #sounddesigner
#givingback #music #film #filmcomposer #movie #Feature #composer #soundtrack #sound #audio #socialmedia #pic #filmscore #score #sounddesign #SoundDesigner
From the man himself, @steventaylorfilm. This is what happens when you merge creativity with friendship. Having skills is one thing but creating relationships is MORE important! You can see some of my videos here:
#music #creativity #pianokeys #musician #film #filmcomposer #movie #feature #composer #soundtrack #sound #production #promotion #audio #socialmedia #pic #filmscore #score #musicproduction #musicproducer #sounddesign #sounddesigner
#director #music #creativity #pianokeys #musician #film #filmcomposer #movie #Feature #composer #soundtrack #sound #production #promotion #audio #socialmedia #pic #filmscore #score #musicproduction #musicproducer #sounddesign #SoundDesigner
How Hecklers Turned the State of the Union Into a Biden 2024 Ad #Uncategorized #TheD.C.Brief #republicans #JoeBiden #feature
#Uncategorized #TheD #Republicans #joebiden #Feature
The sweet spot: Debating the optimal length for a video game
------------------ #General-Opinion/Editorial #ChronoTrigger #Feature #Opinion #Omori #News
#General #ChronoTrigger #Feature #Opinion #Omori #News
Few State of the Union Speeches Have Had Lower Stakes Than This One #BidenAdministration #Uncategorized #TheD.C.Brief #JoeBiden #feature
#BidenAdministration #Uncategorized #TheD #joebiden #Feature
Meet the Real Women Whose 72-Year Friendship Inspired 80 For Brady #Uncategorized #culturepod #feature #movies
#Uncategorized #culturepod #Feature #Movies
Effective Altruism Promises to Do Good Better. These Women Say It Has a Toxic Culture Of Sexual Harassment and Abuse #uspoliticspolicy #Uncategorized #Exclusive #feature
#uspoliticspolicy #Uncategorized #Exclusive #Feature
Donald Trump Was a Fundraising Juggernaut. His 2024 Campaign Is Off to a Weaker Start #uspoliticspolicy #Uncategorized #TheD.C.Brief #feature
#uspoliticspolicy #Uncategorized #TheD #Feature
Why Joe Biden, Who Loves to Make Deals, Is Not Offering One to Kevin McCarthy #Uncategorized #TheD.C.Brief #republicans #WhiteHouse #JoeBiden #feature
#Uncategorized #TheD #Republicans #WhiteHouse #joebiden #Feature