#FedNow Isn’t A #CBDC, But It Is Dangerous (Video) https://thewashingtonstandard.com/fednow-isnt-a-cbdc-but-it-is-dangerous-video/
Video: Pastor Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible -
Will #FedNow Be Used To Steal American's #Money?
They are talking about making FedNow a system whereby #bank money can be transferred instantly to another bank. Could this be used to move people's money to a foreign bank, when the financial system collapses in #America? It would be a very efficient way to steal the #wealth of the American people. https://rumble.com/v31tm4b-will-fednow-be-used-to-steal-americans-money.html
#Sermon #Scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #FedNow #money #bank #America #wealth
Finally, the US catches up with the European Union, India, and Brazil.
The US Federal Reserve launches long-awaited instant payments service, modernizing system.
Americans will be able to send/receive funds in seconds, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Can someone please explain to me,in the event of national rolling blackouts or a total grid collapse scenario,will the #FEDNOW digital currency,work for the masses?
Over at the QSite, I am only just learning that FedNow — the United States' wayyyy overdue network for enabling many countries have had for years, "real time" (intraday) bank transfers and payments — is a conspiracy to control us, a stepping stone towards (horrors!) CBDC, and the true motive for the murder of Bob Lee.
It's important to remember that Twitter has become basically a successor to Weekly World News in order not to despair too deeply. https://twitter.com/search?q=FedNow
The Story of the AT1 Bonds and your FedNow Account with the Federal Reserve
Listen now (59 min) | The Banking Contagion is spreading faster that even the Corona Virus #FedNow #AT1 #CreditSuisse #UBS #Bankingcrisis
#Bankingcrisis #ubs #creditsuisse #AT1 #FedNow
Federal Reserve Bank Launches Phase One of CBDC This July. FedNow is the gateway to a Central Bank Digital Currency. Props to Greg Reese
#NEWS #fednow #instagood #INSTAGRAM #AlexJones #infowars #CDBC
#CDBC #infowars #alexjones #instagram #instagood #FedNow #news
The intentional demolition of #SVB & consolidation of capital into SIB’s orchestrated to roll out #Digitalid through #FedNow program, #TrojanHorse for the #cbdc roll out in USA...
#cbdc #TrojanHorse #FedNow #Digitalid #SVB #IRISHFOREVER
Federal Reserve Bank Launches Phase One of CBDC This July https://www.infowars.com/posts/federal-reserve-bank-launches-phase-one-of-cbdc-this-july/ #FedNow
A Conversation with Mark Gould on FedNow and the Future of Payments, SF Fed Blog, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, February 6, 2023
— Available here: https://www.frbsf.org/our-district/about/sf-fed-blog/a-conversation-with-mark-gould-on-fednow-and-the-future-of-payments/
#FedNow #banking #payments #paymentsystems #realtimepayments #instantpayments #innovation #financialinclusion #financialservices #FederalReserve #FRBSF
#frbsf #federalreserve #financialservices #financialinclusion #innovation #InstantPayments #realtimepayments #paymentsystems #payments #banking #FedNow
#FedNow Is Set to Transform the Payments Space
Connie Diaz De Teran by Connie Diaz De Teran January 11, 2023 https://www.paymentsjournal.com/payments-space-set-to-undergo-tranformation-with-fednow/
Federal Reserve Governor Michelle W. Bowman, "Brief Remarks on the Economy and Bank Supervision," January 10, 2023
— Available here: https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/bowman20230110a.htm
#cryptoassets #stablecoin #CBDC #digitalcurrency #regulation #banking #financialservices #paymentsystems #fasterpayments #consumerprotection #FedNow #FederalReserve
#federalreserve #FedNow #consumerprotection #FasterPayments #paymentsystems #financialservices #banking #regulation #digitalcurrency #cbdc #stablecoin #cryptoassets
Will the #dollar go bye-bye in #2023? #FedNow #digitalcurrency #FederalReserve
#federalreserve #digitalcurrency #FedNow #dollar
Will the #dollar go bye-bye in #2023? #FedNow #digitalcurrency #FederalReserve
#federalreserve #digitalcurrency #FedNow #dollar
@mrmcmayhem could probably be a bot to sell the narrative.
I think the real take away is, most ppl will just go along with anything to maintain some chance at keeping some of what they have.
Keep this in mind as the government digital currency is rolled out into July 2023 #FedNow, and look at the incentives and coercion being setup world wide to herd ppl into it.