It didn't take long for Cannon to show her true colours. Is anyone surprised? This freaking fanatic..... I hope she gets what's coming to her with full force.
I agree with others that she's been coached. #FedSoc Puppet.
Adding a bit more to describe her attitude and the quality of her rulings:
Via Sarah N Lynch on Twitter:
"Judge Cannon forgot to swear in prospective jurors and blocked the defendant ‘s family from attending jury selection, in violation of his Sixth Amendment rights. These errors came days after she was assigned to Trump’s case. w/ @jacq_thomsen…
Berry, the federal defender, argued in the courtroom that Cannon's refusal to let his client's mother and sister be present during jury selection was a Sixth Amendment violation.
"All right, thank you. Your objection is overruled," Cannon replied, according to the transcript.
Cannon still refused to let the defendant's family in after the federal prosecutor cited one of two important SCOTUS cases on the public trial rights (Presley v. Georgia). Cannon overruled his objection, too."
This is the future of the Espionage case. She's dumb, arrogant, dismissive as well as a #FederalistSociety minion.
#AileenCannon #DocumentsCase #EspionageCase #trump #fascism #legal #FedSoc
#federalistsociety #aileencannon #documentscase #espionagecase #trump #fascism #legal #FedSoc
The #Federalist Society is a #terrorist organization. It is high time we treated them like one. #FedSoc
#FedSoc #terrorist #federalist
@fifilamoura @briannawu Agree, problem is RWNJS & Ruling Class took a very long time to infiltrate government, media, churches, universities, etc. Do we as a species have time to do that? #Progressives have got to organize & learn to move it now.
#oligarchy #liberals #emergency #climatechangeisreal #autocracy #gop #FedSoc #Murdochs #trump #democracy #Kochs
#Progressives #oligarchy #liberals #emergency #climatechangeisreal #autocracy #gop #FedSoc #Murdochs #trump #democracy #kochs
OMG! #FedSoc tries to muzzle 1 of its own leaders! See transcript of interview I did this A.M. w Steve Calabresi abt his ISL brief at #SCOTUS
Just your average friendly and open debating society that disavows founders who at times stray from the party line
OMG! #FedSoc tries to muzzle 1 of its own leaders! See transcript of interview I did this A.M. w Steve Calabresi abt his ISL brief at #SCOTUS
OMG! #FedSoc tries to muzzle 1 of its own leaders! See transcript of interview I did this A.M. w Steve Calabresi abt his ISL brief at #SCOTUS
OMG! #FedSoc tries to muzzle 1 of its own leaders! See transcript of interview I did this A.M. w Steve Calabresi abt his ISL brief at #SCOTUS
OMG! #FedSoc tries to muzzle 1 of its own leaders! See transcript of interview I did this A.M. w Steve Calabresi abt his ISL brief at #SCOTUS
OMG! #FedSoc tries to muzzle 1 of its own leaders! See transcript of interview I did this A.M. w Steve Calabresi abt his ISL brief at #SCOTUS