If you want to find people to follow on another instance you can simply type <instance name>/public/local into a new browser window (replace <instance name> with say toot.wales) to see that instances local feed.
A few tips from my experiences of the last couple of weeks:
- Boost posts rather than favourite them and boost liberally, favouriting a post effectively only notifies the author.
- Use Content Warnings for anything political, controversial etc.
- Add Alt Text to all images
- Use hashtags liberally to help people on other instances find your post
Okay I have remembered my Apple password and have the mobile app which is great. Thanks to all posting #FedTips and for everyone being tolerant of the newbies 💕
#FedTips If you made the mistake of not setting up 2 factor authentication when setting up the account or couldn't set it up then how can you set it up later? I can't find anywhere to do that
Remember: don't just #favourite. #Retoot. A #favourite doesn't impulse a post. It just informs the publisher that you liked it. A #retoot gives visibility in your instance to posts published in other instances that otherwise might go unnoticed.
Boosting reunites the silos in the #Fediverse
And if you like what you read, follow.
#Favourite #retoot #fediverse #FedTips
Looking for #journalists on Mastodon? You could do worse than by starting here: https://journa.host/explore
Follow me for more exciting tips. #Fedtips
Sobre el #español 🇪🇸 en #Mastodon
Para no cometer los mismos errores que se cometieron en el sitio ornitológico, sugiero que la #RAE tome cartas en el asunto desde el primer momento y defina los siguientes términos para esta red social:
Toot = Bocineo
To toot = Bocinar
To retoot = Replicar
Instance = Estancia
Favourite = Favorito
To boost = Aupar
Son solo sugerencias. Si a alguien se le ocurren alternativas, bienvenido sea.
#español #mastodon #RAE #FedTips
Calling all new tooters. Many of you may be already aware of this but the reason you can't see who others are following appears to be because they are on other instances. If you visit their profile on their own instance's desktop app, you can see all their followers and followed. The mobile app doesn't seem to work for this. #Fedtips
Folks.. If you want me to follow back.. have at least ONE word in your bio. #Fedtips
There's some bird-site creeping into my feeds unfortunately; there's some habbits here that will set you apart from the rest.. #FedTips:
* Fill in your Bio.. it's got space, use it! I want to know about YOU before I follow you back.
* CW "Content Wrappers" (as I call them) are a thing. USE THEM. (wrap things like news, politics, food, nsfw content)
* Filters are awesome. Use them. Oh you did turn on advanced UI right?
* Alt text your images!! It's just good practice.
* Enjoy.