@shaan7 Yes, it has become law on July 9th 2021 (Artikel 10-Gesetz), relevant parts here: https://www.anwalt.de/gesetze/g10_2001/2
#ISPs must support the injection of such software by allowing the redirection of data traffic. To that end, ISPs must tolerate intelligence agencies setting up infection devices on premise.
The law is currently being contested in the #FederalConstitutionCourt by the #GFF and journos - see https://freiheitsrechte.org/ueber-die-gff/presse/pressemitteilungen-der-gesellschaft-fur-freiheitsrechte/pm-g10-vb for news and contacts
#artikel10 #nachrichtendienste #staatstrojaner #gff #FederalConstitutionCourt #isps