TxDOT, FHWA Sign Agreement On Houston's $9B Project https://www.constructionequipmentguide.com/txdot-fhwa-sign-agreement-on-houstons-9b-project/60518?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #FederalHighwayAdministration #Infrastructure #TEXAS
#FederalHighwayAdministration #infrastructure #texas
Today, from the "doesn't really matter because they're never used" department...
I think that U.S. #Metric speed limit #Signs should have a red ring around the number, even though the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices says that the ring should be black.
It's still a #Regulatory sign with the red ring, and it would stand out a lot more.
More: https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/
#RoadGeek #RoadSign #MUTCD #FederalHighwayAdministration #FHA #UrbanPlanning #CityPlanning #TrafficControl #SpeedLimit
#metric #signs #Regulatory #roadgeek #roadsign #mutcd #FederalHighwayAdministration #fha #urbanplanning #cityplanning #trafficcontrol #speedlimit