I'm on a break from working on my Federal Cabinet "form guide" today but one thing that did occur to me while walking the dog: I've seen a lot of Private School->University->(Law)->Trade Union Official->Policy Advisor back stories in members' Wikipedia entries.
I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of Cabinet/Ministry members with more extensive experience before entering Federal Parliament.
But then again, I've only got 22 entries so far, so maybe I've got some pleasant surprises to look forward to.
German #politics is moving to the #Fediverse
#German #federal #government:
• @Bundespresseamt #FederalGovernment
• @bmbf_bund #FederalMinistry of #Education and #Research #BMBF
• @bsi #Federal Office for #InformationSecurity #BSI
• @bfdi #FederalCommissioner for #DataProtection and #FreedomOfInformation #BfDI
• @DS_Stiftung German #FederalFoundation for Data Protection
• @dsk Datenschutzkonferenz #DSK
#Germany #Deutschland #Bundesregierung #Fedigrowth #Mastodon
#politics #fediverse #german #federal #government #federalgovernment #FederalMinistry #education #research #bmbf #FederalOffice #informationsecurity #bsi #FederalCommissioner #dataprotection #freedomofinformation #bfdi #FederalFoundation #dsk #germany #deutschland #bundesregierung #Fedigrowth #mastodon