Threw 19 over, but ended up finding another disc, so I call that a win after not playing for 2-3 months.
Couldn't keep a connection to the downtown repeater though, and didn't have the foresight to program in a closer #DMR repeater that covered the #FediHams TG.
Now the question is do I wander around the nearby Ham Radio Outlet or go home and clean the garage? Lol.
and a great shout out to fellow #fedihams @kelvin0mql and @n6cta by @abraxas3d during her presentation!
Apropos of nothing - but mostly to ensure that interested people have a hashtag they can look for/refer people to - I'm going to call this #FediHamsUniversity.
I've never set up a net before, but the #FediHams DV network seems like an appropriate and convenient place to try.
Right now the idea is we're going to pick a day of the week, and then alternate between Tech and General classes online. I'm happy to record these and maybe throw them up on a #PeerTube instance for people to access later, and that way we can provide for a wider audience outside of this specific org.
I'm happy to hear any input, questions, or suggestions from fellow #FediHams, so feel free. I'm happy to discuss further, this all kind of came to me in a rush this morning, lol.
I'm not looking for anyone to take on everything, I'm looking for many hands to make the work a little lighter. If you want to help proofread/edit slides, actually talk these folks through classes, provide demonstrations of different operating modes, whatever you feel willing to contribute.
Honestly, it'd be helpful just to have more experienced hams who value inclusivity (of which there is no shortage amongst #FediHams ) who are willing to Elmer and answer questions in a Discord channel.
Macht hier jemand was mit LoRaAPRS und vor allem Lilygo-Platinen? Mein Windows (ja, schlagt mich..) mag nicht mehr mit dem zukünftigen APRS-Digi. Hats da irgendein Windows Update gegeben, wo generische Treiber für USB/RS232-Interfaces geändert wurden? #lora #hamradio #FediHams
Hey #Fedihams! It's time for another #FediFridayWinlinkNet! Today between 0000-2359 UTC, send a #winlink message with the following format:
Subject: FFWN
Line 1 text: [callsign], [firstname], [city], [state/province/locale], [country], [mastodon username], [VHF/HF/APRS/Telnet]
*This week's task*: check in as many times as you can times using different modes (VHF/HF/APRS/Telnet). Let's see who use all 4 modes! And there may be others or hybrids.
#FediHams #fedifridaywinlinknet #winlink #hamradio #ffwn
Hey #hamradio folks! I forgot to publish last week's #FFWN check-in list (from 8/18/23). We had 15 check-ins.
Take a look at it and see what you fellow #fedihams are interested in doing or learning in ham radio!
#hamradio #ffwn #FediHams #fedifridaywinlinknet
Well. Walked outside while I was packing the kiddo up in the car, keyed the repeater and got a handshake. Brandmeister shows me hitting the repeater to access the #FediHams talkgroup.
Wonder if the repeater goes analog only at night or something? Very interesting.
On #DMR monitoring #Fedihams and the Michigan DMR TG 3126 on #brandmeister .
Fedihams info is here thanks to @DK1MI
Nets Sunday 2200 UTC (informal, in English); Wednesday 1930 UTC (#Chaosrunde in German); first Friday, 1800 UTC (#Draussenfunker in German).
#draussenfunker #Chaosrunde #brandmeister #FediHams #dmr
For what it's worth, I have been monitoring #FediHams on YSF since mid-morning CDT today.
Only one I've heard was myself, testing to verify it was connected.
Hopefully this afternoon there might be some activity.
Hey #Fedihams! It's almost time for another #FediFridayWinlinkNet! On Friday August 18 between 0000-2359 UTC, send a #winlink message with the following format:
Subject: FFWN
Line 1 text: [callsign], [firstname], [city], [state/province/locale], [country], [mastodon username], [VHF/HF/APRS/Telnet]
Line 2 text: [answer the question of the week] What is one area within #hamradio that you currently don't engage in but would like to explore or learn?
#FediHams #fedifridaywinlinknet #winlink #hamradio #ffwn
@HopelessDemigod i have hopped on once or twice. Was gonna check out the #FediHams net tonight @ 2200 UTC
Well I think I have my DMR handheld set up to connect to the BM TG 2630002 - #FediHams net. Although I started with DMR some time ago, I’m still a beginner - it’s pretty complicated! I’m accessing via a hotspot since DMR in the south-east of England is, like all V/UHF, non-existent. Apparently the BM TG has heard me call, but the TG is quiet.
Q5. How often do you use internet-connected ham radio tools such as EchoLink, D-STAR, APRS, etc.?
A5. There are a couple of weekly #DMR nets here in Michigan with good traffic. I will check the #Fedihams network as well from time to time to see all of the digital access paths that Michael @DK1MI + crew have put together. And sometimes I'll turn on APRS on my phone to beacon out location when I'm bicycle mobile.
#hamradio #hamtalk #FediHams #dmr