Hat jemand einen PVC-Kartendrucker (farbig, idealerweise von Zebra, aber egal) oder kennt jemanden, der einen hat, und wenn ja, bestünde da die Möglichkeit, den auszuleihen?
Details wozu und warum verraten wir dann natürlich ;).
Hmm, helft mir doch mal… #fedibikes #FediHelp
Ich habe ein 14″-Laptop in einer 15″-Hülle. So weit, so einfach.
Ich suche:
1. Eine kompakte, aber brauchbare Bluetooth-Maus
2. (optional) eine kompakte, aber brauchbare Bluetooth-Tastatur
3. Eine Verpackung, in die das Ganze gut gepäcktaschen- und tourtauglich rein passt
Ich möchte Radtouren fahren, aber abends ein einigermaßen brauchbares Büro haben.
Hat da jemand schon eine tolle Kombi gefunden vielleicht?
Say I have a highly specialised technical problem to solve. I am myself knowledgeable enough in the field, but the specific problem is just slightly too special to wrap my head around.
I need another specialist to help me order my thoughts, do some ping-pong thinking, and the like – the other specialist does not need to implement the solution.
I might be willing to pay the specialist.
Is there a known online place where I would go look for someone who fits in?
#FediHelp :boost_love:
I want to write a top-like tool for my server software (i.e. I want it to emita table of running requests), and also a structured access log (not persistent, only to display it while amonitoring tool is attached).
Is there some kind of standard protocol to transport such information to a monitoring tool, e.g. over a Unix socket or Websockets?
#FediHelp :boost_love: :boost_ok:
Is there already an automated tool that can monitor the followers of an account and block them for your own, and also unblocks if they unfollow later?
Anybody know why the advanced web interface has narrowed and I can no longer make it go the whole screen width? #FediHelp
When I log in on the web based server, I am having problems.
On FireFox on the Mac, I am now getting dozens of 500 Server Error floating down the left hand side for a few minutes.
The columns are coming up blank with an elephant holding a trumpet saying "Not found
This resource could not be found". They do have a back button. If this is clicked, it totally out of the program.
Sometimes, if I wait long enough, the lists will say load more. And they eventually show up.
This started yesterday on Safari on the Ipad.
I read something else, and thought maybe it was something wrong with Safari. There, it just gets a single 500 error.
This problem after I reduced the number of columns by unpinning at least ten.
There is no way to unpin the unresponsive columns, because clicking the back button takes it out to one full black screen error screen.
What is going on?
I know there's a way to get the birdsite to crosspost to here, but is there a way to do it the other way around? #FediHelp #MastoHelp
I know there's a way to get the birdsite to crosspost to here, but is there a way to do it the other way around? #FediHelp
Nach innis thu dhuinn cò thusa leis an taga hais #introductions no #fàilte?
Cuideachd, ma tha thu feumach air taic, cleachd an taga hais #taic no #FediHelp sa Bheurla.
#introductions #fàilte #taic #FediHelp
Der Spam-Filter bei Netcups Webhostingpaketen ist irgendwo zwischen Emmentaler und Transparentpapier angesiedelt. Daher will ich umziehen.
Es geht um:
- zwei Postfächer
- IMAP mit Push
- Sieve Filter
- zwei eigene (externe) Domains
- zuverlässiger Spamfilter
Wo möchte man denn damit heutzutage hin?