Piratiges Rätseln gefällig? Dann gibt’s hier Teil 4 vom #letsplay zu #ReturnToMonkeyIsland Guybrush bringt geliehene Bücher zurück, schreibt Entschuldigungskarten, geht ins Museum und schnitzt sich einen Mopp. Normales Piratenzeugs halt. Arrr! 🏴☠️ https://peertube.art3mis.de/videos/watch/1ee4c475-0ec9-4f21-a8b8-45e293a0f192 #gaming #peertube #adventure #pointclick #FediVideos
#letsplay #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #gaming #peertube #adventure #pointclick #FediVideos
@6502B I wouldn't use Youtube. I would rather use a #FediVideos alternative.
Similar to this, but in a more mastodon-friendly version where only the last two panels are showed.
The change in colors on the right panel tells what is the age since the last time cosmic rays where injected in the material on those cells. If nothing else happens after their first injection by a star formation or AGN episode, the particles just age.
Otherwise, their "age" is reset - as indeed happens anytime a new feedback episode occurs.
#Astrodon #astrophysics #FediVideos
Take look at this new new new view of one of the latest #SimulatedUniverses
What can be there of new?
From left to right we go from standard to new stuff.
1. gas temperature
2. magnetic field intensity (from star formation and AGN feedback)
3. density of cosmic ray electrons injected by star formation and AGN
4. time elapsed since the last injection of cosmic rays (in Gyr).
Enzo-MHD run with new implementations.
#simulateduniverses #Astrodon #astrophysics #FediVideos
Emergence of cosmic structure from the interaction with a background warm-hot fluid approaching thermal equilibrium:
an experimental study.
#Astrodon #astrophysics #astronomy #FediVideos
The evolving cosmic web in an ENZO-MHD simulation S. Banfi produced during her PhD : the top panels show the evolving baryonic (left) and dar (right) density, the lower two the magnetic field strength (left) and the gas temperature (right), with a nice final zoom onto the most massive forming halo in the box.
#FediVideos #Astrodon #Astrophysics
#simulateduniverses #FediVideos #Astrodon #astrophysics
quick rendering of a simulation that run over this (busier than the usual) week.
Green shows gas temperature, blue is gas density, and the more interesting red shows the location where the latest cosmic rays from cosmological shocks (assuming diffusive shock acceleration) got injected.
I even like the black stripes, added by mistake, which sort of give the idea we are looking through a window!
#Astrodon #simulateduniverses #FediVideos #astronomy
Rendering of a recent a test from a suite of #SimulatedUniverses
Red= magnetic fields; blue=gas temperature; green=gas density.
The evolution goes from z=6 to z=0.5.
Magnetic fields flare within halos because here I simulated the injection by radio jets, triggered by gas accretions onto supermassive black holes.
Probably too many sources for this small volume, but cool!
#simulateduniverses #Astrodon #astronomy #FediVideos
A new rendering of a paper in progress, after nearly a month of slow recovery of data and procedures lost after a bad MACOS failure 😭
This shows the pool of relativistic (γ=10-1e6) electrons released by radio jets, in blue, and the radio detectable part at 140Mhz, using LOFAR HBA ( red colors).
#Astrodon #astronomy #julia #FediVideos
In anticipation of season 5 of the #5DChess league, I am looking for a #peertube instance!
It should be appropriate for #gaming videos, reasonably active, and with a moderate amount of space allocation (or more). Also, the people should be nice and inclusive!
Please give your best #recommendations and also #PleaseBoost
#5DChess #peertube #gaming #recommendations #pleaseboost #video #FediVideos #instance #RecsWanted
Hey there, this is a bit meta but think I need to clarify what my accounts are for:
@feditips (this one) posts hints about using the Fediverse, including Mastodon, PixelFed etc.
@FediFollows recommends accounts to follow on the Fediverse, covering all kinds of topics.
The only reason a lot of FediFollows recommendations are computing-related is because that's the biggest topic on the Fediverse right now. If the Fediverse become more diverse, I will be able to give more diverse recommendations. I try to promote non-techy accounts when I find them, to help the diversity grow.
FediFollows tends to recommend accounts that focus on one topic, rather than general personal accounts. The best place to find general personal accounts is Trunk (https://communitywiki.org/trunk).
@FediVideos boosts interesting videos posted on the Fediverse. At the moment that means PeerTube, but if another Fediverse video platform appears then I'd boost that too.
#FediVideos #FediFollows #FediTips #Meta #Fediverse