The #Fediverse (#ActivityPub) has surpassed 10 million users!
All ActivityPub-connected #SocialMedia are at 10,024,448 users (5.6m active six months, 2.3m monthly active). Thanks to #Mastodon 8.2m users, #Misskey 638k, #PeerTube 322k, #Pixelfed 163k, #Pleroma 128k, #WriteFreely 78k, #Wordpress 76k, #brighteon 49k, #Lemmy 46k, #Plume 23k, #juick 18k, #immersspace 17k, #Friendica 16k, #Mobilizon 16k, #bookwyrm 11k, etc..
#fediverse #activitypub #socialmedia #mastodon #misskey #peertube #pixelfed #pleroma #writefreely #wordpress #brighteon #lemmy #plume #juick #immersspace #friendica #mobilizon #Bookwyrm #Fedigrowth #hubzilla #hometown #akkoma #funkwhale
Mike McCue, Co-Founder and CEO of Flipboard, joins the show to share how Flipboard is getting into the Fediverse by adding support for Mastodon in its app. #flipboard #fedifamily #fedigrowth #podcast #VideoPodcast #TNW #TechNewsWeekly #twit #twitTV
#twittv #twit #TechNewsWeekly #tnw #videopodcast #podcast #Fedigrowth #fedifamily #flipboard
@doggojones Indeed, the IMHO most important metric for the #fediverse is monthly #activeusers. That's why this metric is in the overview, too.
Now, there are 2.6m monthly active users, which is more than five times higher than 1 year ago (554% growth).
BTW: The highest # of active monthly users so far was 3.8m on Dec 23, 2022. This was after the last big influx from Twitter. This means many stayed active, but also over a million did not become permanent users.
#fediverse #activeusers #mau #Fedigrowth #mastodon
The #Fediverse (#ActivityPub) has surpassed 9 million users!
All ActivityPub-connected #SocialMedia are at 9,034,812 users (5.5m active six months, 2.6m monthly active). Thanks to #Mastodon 7.9m users, #PeerTube 308k, #Pixelfed 153k, #Pleroma 128k, #WriteFreely 72k, #Wordpress 67k, #Misskey 43k, #Lemmy 40k, #Plume 23k, #Friendica 21k #bookwyrm 20k #juick 18k #Mobilizon 15k #immersspace 14k #Funkwhale 10k and many more.
#fediverse #activitypub #socialmedia #mastodon #peertube #pixelfed #pleroma #writefreely #wordpress #misskey #lemmy #plume #friendica #Bookwyrm #juick #mobilizon #immersspace #funkwhale #Fedigrowth #hubzilla #hometown #akkoma #notestock
Just now, the #Fediverse (#ActivityPub) has surpassed 8 million users! It just took 13 days from 7 to 8m users!
All ActivityPub-connected #SocialMedia are at 8,012,580 users (5.2m active six months, 3.4m monthly active). Thanks to #Mastodon 7.0m users, #PeerTube 388k, #Pixelfed 130k , #Pleroma 127k, #WriteFreely 65k #Lemmy 40k, #Wordpress 35k, #Plume 28k, #Friendica 20k, #Mobilizon 14k, #bookwyrm 14k and many more.
#fediverse #activitypub #socialmedia #mastodon #peertube #pixelfed #pleroma #writefreely #lemmy #wordpress #plume #friendica #mobilizon #Bookwyrm #Fedigrowth #misskey #funkwhale #hubzilla #hometown
So you may avoid writing #pullRequests to #Mastodon if your concern is #safety. #savesTime
We explained above the growing concern of #personalSafety and 👪#communitySafety at #Mastodon. I will propose shortcuts to be discussed below. Mind the very #longThread 🧶
What do you think? 📢
#security #protection 🌱#dataProtection #dataPrivacy #privacy ㊙️​#secrecy #discoverability #content #frameworks #development #programming #coding #ActivityPub #FediGrowth #tech #technology #Fediverse
#pullrequests #mastodon #safety #savesTime #personalSafety #communitySafety #longThread #security #protection #dataprotection #dataprivacy #privacy #secrecy #discoverability #content #frameworks #development #programming #coding #activitypub #Fedigrowth #tech #technology #fediverse
The #Fediverse (#ActivityPub) has surpassed 7 million users!
For the first time, all #SocialMedia that are connected by ActivityPub are at 7,252,751 users (4.1m active six months, 2.7m monthly active). Thanks to #Mastodon 6.3m users, #PeerTube 389k, #Pixelfed 122k , #Pleroma 97k, #WriteFreely 62k #Lemmy 39k, #Plume 25k, #Friendica 19k, #Mobilizon 14k and many more.
#Fedigrowth #Misskey #Funkwhale #Hubzilla #hometown #Wordpress #bookwyrm #Socialhome
#fediverse #activitypub #socialmedia #mastodon #peertube #pixelfed #pleroma #writefreely #lemmy #plume #friendica #mobilizon #Fedigrowth #misskey #funkwhale #hubzilla #hometown #wordpress #Bookwyrm #socialhome
The #Fediverse (#ActivityPub) has surpassed 6 million users!
For the first time, all #SocialMedia that are connected by ActivityPub are at 6,036,616 users (2.7m active six months, 1.4m monthly active). Thanks to #Mastodon 5.1m users, #PeerTube 378k, #Pixelfed 112k , #Pleroma 95k, #WriteFreely 63k #Lemmy 37k, #Plume 27k, #Friendica 19k, #Mobilizon 14k and many more.
#Fedigrowth #Misskey #Funkwhale #Hubzilla #hometown #Wordpress #bookwyrm #Socialhome
#fediverse #activitypub #socialmedia #mastodon #peertube #pixelfed #pleroma #writefreely #lemmy #plume #friendica #mobilizon #Fedigrowth #misskey #funkwhale #hubzilla #hometown #wordpress #Bookwyrm #socialhome
The #Fediverse (#ActivityPub) has surpassed 5 mio users!
For the first time, all #SocialMedia that are connected by Activitypub are at 5,082,029 mio users (1.6 mio active six months, 0.6 mio monthly active). Thanks to #Mastodon 4.2 mio users, #PeerTube 0.3 mio, #Pixelfed 97k , #Pleroma 88k, #WriteFreely 55k #Lemmy 49k, #Plume 21k, #Friendica 17k, #Mobilizon 12k and many more.
#fediverse #activitypub #socialmedia #mastodon #peertube #pixelfed #pleroma #writefreely #lemmy #plume #friendica #mobilizon #Fedigrowth #misskey #funkwhale #hubzilla #hometown
German politicians in #Mastodon #fediverse
New coming in:
• Kevin Kühnert, #SPD-Generalsekretär. Member of the #GermanParliament #MdB #Bundestag / #FederalGovernment:
#Germany #Politics #Government
@TabeaRoessner @AussenMa @KonstantinNotz@gruene.socia @MargitStumpp
@EvaLettenbauer @marie_schaeffer @Gerbsen @torstenleveringhaus
#mastodon #fediverse #spd #GermanParliament #mdb #bundestag #federalgovernment #germany #politics #government #Fedigrowth
#Europe‎‎‎an #politics is moving to #Mastodon #Fediverse
• #EuropeanCommission
• #EU #CourtofJustice
• #EuropeanUnion #Agency for #FundamentalRights
• European #DataProtection Supervisor #EDPS
• European Union Agency for #SpaceProgramme #EUSPA
• European Ombudsman
• #OpenSource Programme Office
In case I forgot any institution or politicians, please respond!
#europe #politics #mastodon #fediverse #europeancommission #eu #CourtofJustice #europeanunion #agency #fundamentalrights #dataprotection #edps #SpaceProgramme #EUSPA #EU_DIGIT #opensource #EuropeanPolitics #government #Fedigrowth
German #politics is moving to the #Fediverse
#German #federal #government:
• @Bundespresseamt #FederalGovernment
• @bmbf_bund #FederalMinistry of #Education and #Research #BMBF
• @bsi #Federal Office for #InformationSecurity #BSI
• @bfdi #FederalCommissioner for #DataProtection and #FreedomOfInformation #BfDI
• @DS_Stiftung German #FederalFoundation for Data Protection
• @dsk Datenschutzkonferenz #DSK
#Germany #Deutschland #Bundesregierung #Fedigrowth #Mastodon
#politics #fediverse #german #federal #government #federalgovernment #FederalMinistry #education #research #bmbf #FederalOffice #informationsecurity #bsi #FederalCommissioner #dataprotection #freedomofinformation #bfdi #FederalFoundation #dsk #germany #deutschland #bundesregierung #Fedigrowth #mastodon
Das #Ministerium fĂĽr #Umwelt, #Klima und #Energiewirtschaft #BadenWĂĽrttemberg ist nun auch offiziell im #Fediverse vertreten:
➡️ #Umweltministerium #BW @Umweltministerium
The #Ministry of the #Environment, #Climate Protection and the #Energy Sector of the state #BadenWuerttemberg has now an official representation on #Mastodon / Fediverse:
➡️ @Umweltministerium
#Klimawandel #Klimaschutz #Deutschland #UmweltministeriumBW #ClimateChange #ClimateProtection #Germany
#ministerium #umwelt #klima #energiewirtschaft #badenwĂĽrttemberg #fediverse #umweltministerium #bw #ministry #environment #climate #energy #badenwuerttemberg #mastodon #klimawandel #klimaschutz #deutschland #UmweltministeriumBW #climatechange #climateprotection #germany #Fedigrowth
Das #BSI - Bundesamt fĂĽr #Sicherheit in der #informationstechnik ist nun auch offiziell im #Fediverse vertreten:
➡️ @bsi
The BSI - German #FederalOffice for #InformationSecurity has now an official representation on #Mastodon / Fediverse:
➡️ @bsi
#ITSicherheit #ITSecurity #Security #Germany #Deutschland #Datensicherheit #Informationtechnology #Fedigrowth
#bsi #sicherheit #informationstechnik #fediverse #FederalOffice #informationsecurity #mastodon #itsicherheit #itsecurity #security #germany #deutschland #datensicherheit #informationtechnology #Fedigrowth