My wife's latest article about informal support for victims of domestic abuse:
#fediscience #domesticabuse #ucl #safelives #eppicentreUCL #socialresearch #systematicreview
#Fediscience #domesticabuse #UCL #safelives #eppicentreucl #socialresearch #SystematicReview
Just discovered Manubot, a new collaborative writing platform, and it looks amazing. Has anyone tried using this #foss project? Wondering how well it integrates with Quarto, if at all. Interested in tools for collaboration? The computational biologists have you covered! #fediscience #rstats #Python #Quarto
#foss #Fediscience #rstats #python #quarto
#Fediscience members, do you know if there is any plan from the admins to add more emoticons ?
i still wonder why govt agencies didn't take legal action against Dr Farrah.
#medicine #medicalscience #Fediscience #doctors
Welcome to Mastodon, Eve!!!
#NewHere #Science #Biology #ScienceMastodon #Fediscience #Neuroscience #Evolution #introduction
#newhere #science #biology #ScienceMastodon #Fediscience #Neuroscience #Evolution #introduction
#Fediscience follows and other #Fediverse science people, @KOKEdit is looking to connect here! #bookstodon #editing #AmEditing
From: @KOKEdit
#amediting #editing #bookstodon #Fediverse #Fediscience
@underdarkGIS Yeah. Change takes time. There was a spike then slight decline in daily users but in terms of *quality* of content and general vibe #fosstodon and other places in the open fediverse including #fediscience are doing great.
I spent some time this week curating my following list, removing inactive users and adding a bunch of cool people (also by widely perusing @Hashtags fantastic lists,, and I'm very pleased with the results 😎
However, I know that the fediverse is plenty of cool people I don't know yet, so please step forward or introduce them to me!
#bookstodon #academicchatter #followfriday #Fediscience
‼️Sobrevivir como investigadoras no tendría que ser un acto de equilibrio tan arriesgado y agotador. Toda la sociedad se beneficiaría si las científicas recibieran apoyo para contribuir de forma equitativa al progreso de la ciencia, desde sus formas de hacer y de pensar propias y diferentes.‼️ ✍️ Marta Bueno Saz.
#AcademicMastodon #ScienceMastodon #FediScience #WomenInScience #Diversity @academicchatter @academicsunite
#AcademicMastodon #sciencemastodon #Fediscience #womeninscience #diversity
Which physical constant is the most fine-tuned for our existence?
(in the sense that by changing it a small amount would prevent the existence of (intelligent/advanced/eucaryotic/whatever) life, but otherwise leave the universe mostly unchanged)
#Fediscience #Astrodon #physics #astrobiology #sciencequestion
#Fediscience #Astrodon #physics #astrobiology #sciencequestion
‼️La divulgación científica hace que los ciudadanos puedan tomar conciencia de la importancia de la investigación para un país.‼️🗣️Margarita Salas †
Fuente: Fundacion Margarita Salas, 2023
#ComunicaCiencia #Scicomm #Divulgación #FediScience #AcademicScience #outreach
#comunicaciencia #scicomm #divulgacion #Fediscience #academicscience #outreach
Well, time for my holidays 🌴
- no internet for 2 weeks ✅
- E book reader is prepared ✅
- podcasts downloaded ✅
- Weather forecast is a bit rainy and chilly; in these times this is just what I want (the North Sea is at about 18 C where I go, just fine) ✅
Suitcases are not packed, yet. One more day to go ... 😉
Looking forward to starting the #fediscience-macroblog soon thereafter!
@vicgrinberg I would hope that eventually "World English" permeates the sociolinguistic domain of academia and confers prestige towards more widely intelligible enunciation of L2-variants, as has been observed in business contexts. That's actually a pretty cool phenomenon.
But then I remember this article about how entrenched hegemonic practices are in academia. And that's among economically privileged peers.
Welchen Abschluss braucht man denn um diese Forschung zu betreiben? Und "Antifarecherche" ist welcher Qualifikation noch vorbehalten?
Und wer oder was davon "gehört nicht hier her"?
Does anyone else find that you can only see 40 accounts in #mastodon profile directories?
I left better.Boston partly because its profile directory listed only 40 accounts, and I knew previously that it had been closed to new accounts.
I was surprised to see that also lists only 40 accounts, which change slightly each time I look. But I’m sure there are more than 40 accounts here.
Hello! I've just migrated over to the #fediscience server in an attempt to use Mastodon properly 👋 #introductions
Ex-academic (#psychology #parkinsons #learning #memory #cognition) turned academic adjacent
#OpenScience is my jam, big fan of @ReproducibiliTeaGlobal @improvingpsych @FORRT etc
Now I work for #GorillaPsych, supporting scientists to take their research online 🙌
#sff #gaming #science #gorillapsych #OpenScience #cognition #memory #learning #Parkinsons #psychology #introductions #Fediscience
¿Te interesa contactar con personas del ámbito de la psicología? Echa un vistazo a esta lista de @kaitclark.
#AcademicMastodon #ScienceMastodon #FediScience @academicchatter
#AcademicMastodon #sciencemastodon #Fediscience
@admin How's the visibility of #fediscience posts in google (or any) search results?
If I post paper announcements here, will it be indexed by google?