For some reason @AIandGames 's posts don't show up on my timeline. And going to the profile only shows the last post.
Even when I follow the account.
Anyone knows why that may be happening? 🤔
🥥 #FediTip: Don't even think about #migration to another instance until you've done some searching of teh internets and found an authoritative "how-to" article or video that takes you step-by-step through the process and you have enough time to not feel pressured while performing the multiple critical steps that are involved.
PS: Make some copies of everything you want to have available after the transition B E F O R E you go. Otherwise, you will lose those very things you wish to keep most. 🥥
One interesting subtlety to mastodon search I didn't realize until reading through some docs yesterday - you'll get results back from posts you favorite or bookmark (if your instance has ElasticSearch integration enabled).
So there is another fringe benefit to favoriting beyond just giving feedback to the poster.
Hey Blind mastodon users. I have a totally blind friend looking to join here. I've recommended them, but wondering if anyone has any mastodon tips for totally blind newbies. They use IOS.
@bmoore123 maybe you have some tips?
#blindcommunity #blind #visuallyimpaired #Feditip
Reminder: if you wish you recommend tags for post visibility, it's better to suggest the tags for be added without actually putting the hash sign in front of the word. This gives the OP the choice on whether to add the tag or not, while putting the whole tagged thing forces their thread into a discoverability the OP might not want.
#feditip I know it's a challenge but read past that 140 character mark! You'll find some great stuff there
Tipp: Ihr nutzt #Mastodon ( im Web im Standard-Layout (1 Spalte) auf einem großen Monitor (2560x1440)?
Ich hab ein kleines Custom-CSS für Tampermonkey geschrieben welches vor allem den Feed etwas breiter und die Schrift etwas größer macht. Das macht es für mich noch etwas angenehmer meine Feeds anzusehen.
Ich teile das mal, dann können das auch andere bei Interesse verwenden (oder verbessern):
Follow ➡️ @PleaseCaption
It will auto notify you if
1. You've forgotten to add a caption to your picture.
2. Someone you have boosted has not added a caption
#accessibility #blind #Feditip #feditips
#Feditip if you leave a typo in your toot, you could delete & re-draft to fix it. But someone out there on the federated timeline will notice, and will judge you for it.
Is it considered rude to send a follow request to locked accounts on here without interacting first?
Not sure of the etiquette re: locked accounts here.
Is there a podcast or something that provides a recap on all the fediverse news that's happening the past week or month? I'm interested in knowing how things are developing but I can't be as Online as I used to be.
The only #feditip that you actually need when you're new is: to interact with a particular post or user on a different instance, just paste the URL directly into the search bar on your own instance. This is definitely the most user-unfriendly aspect of mastodon.
Copy pasted this from another account because it is very useful info - not a boosted toot for obvious reasons !
Don't forget you can turn off boosting for individual people in the settings on their profile AND that you can set it to group boosts in your Masto settings so you don't see the same thing 50 times in ten minutes 🤓
A good way to help new folks is to make sure your social graph is public. #Feditip
#Feditip Si tu TL está 'muerta', aquí no hay algoritmos, ¡busca en los #hashtags , haz tu #presentacion / #introducción !
Por ejemplo: #switch #Linux #pokemon #eurovision #history #caturday #cualquiercosaqueteinterese :blobcatthinkOwO: :ablobcatbongokeyboard:
Si no hay hashtag, ¡empieza tú!
¡Busca a gente afín, sigue y charla con quien te apetezca!
#Feditip #hashtags #presentacion #introduccion #switch #linux #pokemon #eurovision #history #caturday #cualquiercosaqueteinterese
Did you check if your problems with #MastodonApp in #Italy have been covered in any of the #Feditip posts?
@feditips publishes a lot of helpful info. Also, there are a number of other accounts that write about the tech behind #Mastodon, and you could search for some related hashtags.
I mostly use #TuskyApp on #Android and have yet to try it on a trip abroad.
#mastodonapp #italy #Feditip #mastodon #tuskyapp #android
🆕 Profilupdate: 🆕
Wanderer zwischen den geistigen Welten. Immer auf der Suche nach dem Glück.
Im normalen Leben als Fotograf und Schriftsteller unterwegs. Hier entspannt und privat.
#PsyPilgrimArt = Emotionen mit Farbe
#PPilgrimArt = Kunst
#PPG = Gedanken
#PPZ = Zitate
#LeicaPP = Kleine Fotografien
Du kannst diesen Hashtags folgen und so leichter Deine Interessen im Auge behalten.
Dies war ein #FediTip /#FediTips
#Feditip #leicapp #ppz #ppg #ppilgrimart #psypilgrimart