@favourite_lucy There are more than 1000 posts per day on your local timeline. Using the "Mastodon"-branded app, you possibly aren't aware that the local timeline exists, since that app has a long history of hiding it from its users.
For the local timeline, with plenty of people to follow, see https://MastodonApp.UK/public/local . (There are also others for Mastodon.Scot, Toot.Wales, Mastodon.London, Glasgow.Social, and those are just for starters.)
For better #FediVerseApp s see https://hueyy.github.io/awesome-mastodon/#android
Trying this once more.
I'm thinking about trying a different #MastodonApp #app #FediverseApp
but I'm not sure which. I'm using Tooot now, but not thrilled with it.
Especially since it's not playing well with #Pixelfed, where I have my other account mainly for my photos & digital art.
Here's a little poll to help me out, please vote & #share/#retoot Thanks.
#mastodonapp #app #FediverseApp #pixelfed #share
@TransitBiker @JamesTDG @feditips
There's a whole list at https://hueyy.github.io/awesome-mastodon/#ios maintained by @huey .
... or, even, maybe of one of the better #FediVerseApp s, given how inferior the "Mastodon"-branded one has historically been.
For tips and tricks see the pinned posts kindly curated by @HollieK72, including https://Fedi.Tips .
For better #FediVerseApp s than the "Mastodon"-branded one, see https://hueyy.github.io/awesome-mastodon/#android, especially (but not limited to) the forks such as #Megalodon.
#FediverseApp #megalodon #feditips #twittermigration
@MarkHoltom @grammargirl @huey
Over recent months, one thing that has caused novices difficulties is the notion that one has to use the "#Mastodon"-branded app, or even use an app at all.
The "Mastodon"-branded app unfortunately has a history of hiding useful things from its users, such as the existence of the local timeline. Its derivatives and alternatives have not.
For more #FediVerseApp s and for resources on the #FediVerse in general, see https://hueyy.github.io/awesome-mastodon/ .
#mastodon #FediverseApp #fediverse #feditips
@LeePelling You might find an alternative #FediVerseApp to be better.
Try using a better #FediVerseApp, such as Tusky (or just the straight WWW UI) as @garretguy is using, or #Megalodon.
#FediverseApp #megalodon #feditips
You're using the WWW interface. It's at the bottom of your posts. @codeisbroken is using the "Mastodon"-branded #FediVerseApp, per the bottom of xyr posts.
Received wisdom is that the "Mastodon"-branded app is inferior. Its forks have more capabilities, just for starters.
#FediverseApp #mastodon #megalodon
@wild1145 @TheActualSteve @HollieK72
A common feature of the "seems quiet here" people is that they are using the "Mastodon"-branded app, understandably given the name of the WWW site but not actually a requirement.
For a long time, it hid the very existence of the local timeline; one of the differentiators between it and its forks where the local and home timelines were prominent and together.
So sometimes they also get a pointer to https://hueyy.github.io/awesome-mastodon/#ios for a better #FediVerseApp.
If you mean the "Mastodon"-branded #FediVerseApp, then there are better alternatives. The "Mastodon"-branded one was rushed out and is still even now behind the alternatives.
If you mean the FediVerse itself, rather than the particular app that you are using, then see https://fedi.tips
@bigbeardedbookseller @SimonRoyHughes
It looks like you need https://hueyy.github.io/awesome-mastodon/#ios
@paulandeve On the subject of alternatives, this seems useful and relevant, given how the "Mastodon"-branded app is still catching up (although apparently it does do text descriptions):
In fairness, if you are looking for an article about #FediVerseApp s or an indication of what is actually available, including plenty that are open source _already_, don't look at that sort of TechCrunch article at all. That's just journalism recycling vendor announcements.
Look at the likes of https://hueyy.github.io/awesome-mastodon/#clients and https://bilge.world/mastodon-ios-apps .
Or go and read https://hueyy.github.io/awesome-mastodon/#android and decide for yourself, because "best" depends from what you want.
My criteria for "best" when I had to pick an app for an Android user last Christmas involved not paying any money at all, for example. Not everyone imposes that constraint. (-:
Tell @huey all about it, so that xe can keep https://hueyy.github.io/awesome-mastodon/#android up-to-date.
@Matt02392 @derekbrauders @mastodonmigration @Lundemo
One of the #FediTips for people returning to their #TwitterMigration accounts with the "But there's nobody here." complaint is now "Just look at the local timeline! There are well over a thousand posts per day, and this is just one of several WWW sites in one country."
It's usually people who chose the Mastodon #FediVerseApp, whose developers for a long time were opposed to showing a local timeline. So #Megalodon & al. are tipped too.
#feditips #twittermigration #FediverseApp #megalodon
There's an extension to the #Mastodon WWW server that they're enabling over at https://toot.wales all month this month. It puts a black+yellow warning border around, and optionally blurs, images that have no text descriptions. You can see it active in the local timeline there right now. Blurring is turned on on Fridays, as I understand it.
I rather like it, and it's worth considering as a UI feature in #FediVerseApp s.
@huey maintains a list of #FediVerseApp s at https://github.com/hueyy/awesome-mastodon/blob/master/README.md#ios , normally hyperlinked as https://hueyy.github.io/awesome-mastodon/#ios to non-programmers.