I wish we at the were as powerful in promoting the Fediverse as Musk is.


Last updated 1 year ago

:fedi: The join Fediverse Wiki :fedi:
as of July 21, 2023

🎉 We moved to a new server!

:joinfediversewiki: The recently moved to a new server in Vienna, Austria powered by the .
There was an issue with newly uploaded pictures, but @fossie, who also migrated the wiki, fixed it.

:firefish: All pages on were edited to reflect the rebranding to . Translated pages don't all show the rebranding yet.

:fedi: We have pages on 18 Fediverse projects. Plus there are drafted but unfinished pages on:

🗣️ There are 9 active languages, but many translations missing:


You can always start a translation to a new language too.

Please join the editorial team of the wiki and help editing/translating the pages. We have lots of todos. See: joinfediverse.wiki/Join_the_Fe

#JoinFediverseWiki #FediverseFoundation #calckey #firefish #threads #foundkey #drupal #English #francais #Deutsch #日本語 #italiano #espanol #portugues #russian #עברית #korean

Last updated 1 year ago

We at the run a lot of services.
Some of them are little known yet.
I'd be very happy if these would get more active users:

:VeryClimate: climatescienc.es
MAU: 2
A :masto: instance for scientists, scholars and science projects.

🤗 mental.camp
MAU: 3
A :pixelfed: instance for people talking about (their) .

🎵 indiepop.band
MAU: 3
A :masto: instance for everybody who likes or makes music.

:FP: social.fairphone.community
MAU: 6
A :masto: instance for the community.

:joinfediversewiki: joinfediverse.wiki
MAU: 13 (editors, not visitors)
The :MediaWiki: wiki about the Fediverse.

🔮 mtg.garden
MAU: 18
A :masto: community for one of the greatest games ever.

Join us!

Here you can find out more about the Fediverse Foundation and a list of all our instances/services:


#FediverseFoundation #climate #mentalhealth #indie #Fairphone

Last updated 1 year ago

Are there any other clubs, groups or associations besides the actively advancing the Fediverse?
We should connect. 🤝

So far I know of:

and a club being founded by @Aakerbeere
Which are all active in German speaking countries. But there must be many more all over the world.

I'm looking for any non-profit legal entity that hosts their own server(s) and/or promotes the Fediverse.

#FediverseFoundation #GrazSocial #chaossocial

Last updated 1 year ago

b2c · @b2c
1 followers · 3 posts · Server climatejustice.global

Dear fellow fediverse admins!

== Call for Action ==

We have been made aware of an issue associated with the recent migration of the Mastodon instance climatejustice.global.

The Mastodon instance climatejustice.global has been migrated from the former hosting provider masto.host to the private infrastructure of the fediverse.foundation.
All media files were formerly hosted by masto.host's CDN located at cdn.masto.host/ , and those URLs are now no longer valid.

This means that every Fediverse instance that has formerly federated with climatejustice.global now most likely has broken links for all remote media URLs related to posts and media from climatejustice.global in their databases.
This results in previously cached media from climatejustice.global not loading or showing correctly when accessed by local users.

We have provided a PSA with means to identify and resolve the issue here:

* wiki.apps.fedi.at/books/fedive

It takes only a couple of minutes to check/fix the issue, so if you could find the time to check if you're affected it would be very much appreciated!

Thanks in advance and please excuse the inconvenience!

#mastoadmin #fediadmin #boost #FediverseFoundation

Last updated 1 year ago

Too many ideas for things to do...
None of them would make any money.

Which of these ideas should I keep pursuing?

1) A new activism group, that doesn't spend money on social media ads. So it will have a hard time growing big.

2) A webportal for onboarding people to different activism groups. You answer a questionnaire and then you get (a) suggestion(s).

3) A non-profit that plants and 's.

4) None of them. So I have more time to work on the .

multiple choice

#ClimateJustice #trees #microforest #FediverseFoundation #poll

Last updated 1 year ago

Well hello then new people.
Glad you are here.

I guess the first question has to be: What the fuck took you so long!?!

Okay no, let's leave that aside.
I'm really happy you all came and hope you'll enjoy it here.

I guess a is in order:

Hi, I'm Paula.
I've been here since 2018 and am hosting a few instances myself (actually with the ).
There is e.g. climatejustice.social for activists, mtg.garden for players, indiepop.band for people into music and wien.rocks for people in and around .

Here I mostly post about , , the and my .

Oh and I am the main author of the joinfediverse.wiki which is an encyclopedia for new people.

Let me know if you have any questions about or the . I'm glad if I can help.

#reintroduction #FediverseFoundation #climate #magicthegathering #indie #Vienna #ClimateJustice #SocialJustice #Fediverse #mentalhealth #mastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Are there any webdesigners out there who would help the with our website?
We use .

#FediverseFoundation #ghost #ghostcms #askfedi #webdesign #FollowerPower

Last updated 1 year ago

@PaulaToThePeople made a small bank transfer.
It's not much, but hope It helps and others also donate to help!

#FediverseFoundation #mutualaid

Last updated 1 year ago

Dear Fediverse,
I'm out of money.

How did this happen?
I had quite a bit of money on my account a year ago, but then my grandmother died. I had previously cared for her and got a bit of money for it as well as living rent-free in her house and getting my food payed by her.
Since then I live off my savings.
I am in a bad place mentally and am not able to work, but so far I get absolutely no money from the state (this could change in a month or so).

So with no income I have to pay:

~500€/month for the house (highly variable)
600+€/month for therapy
~240€/month for food
410€/month for the server*
~50€/month for domains*

*The Fediverse Foundation will probably soonish take over here.

So about 1.800€ in total.
I'll definitely try to use up less money, sell stuff and I'll also ask friends and family for money, but a little will help me a lot.

If you can, please visit paulatothepeople.eu/donations to help me out.

Thanks so much. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

#FediverseFoundation #mutualaid

Last updated 1 year ago

It's something I'll decide with the other mods and admins, but I'll ask the general populous anyway:

Should we sign the ?

Or in other words, should we block all instances that gather data and send it to (Facebook, Instagram) or should we embrace them?

Please also answer whether you are on one of the instances:

#fedipact #meta #FediverseFoundation #poll #facebook #instagram #SurveillanceCapitalism

Last updated 1 year ago

I ❤️ the
(Post inspired by @dansup)

:fedi: I joined the Fediverse in 2018
:masto: I started the Mastodon instances climatejustice.global climatejustice.social climatejustice.rocks wien.rocks and fedi.at which all took off
:joinfediversewiki: I wrote guides about the Fediverse and later started the joinfediverse.wiki and integrated my guides there.
🇦🇹 I am in the process of founding a non-profit in Austria called fediverse.foundation with a few friends to fund my instances, promote the Fediverse and maybe also fund some software in the future.
🏘️ I started the fediverse.town forum for non-techy Fediverse discussion, which hasn't taken off yet
📝I designed flyers and stickers to promote the Fediverse
👶I started some instances that haven't taken off yet either
🤔 I'm sure I forgot some things...

#Fediverse #ilovethefediverse #ilovethefedi #mastodon #ClimateJustice #WienRocks #JoinFediverseWiki #FediverseFoundation

Last updated 2 years ago

DataKnightmare · @dataKnightmare
521 followers · 2887 posts · Server octodon.social

"A French, a German, and an Italian..." should enter the bar and define a fediverse instance GDPR notice that does not totally suck, then a list of standard processes, etc.
GDPR can help the fediverse big time, if work is started early. Just think "purpose limitation", would not we like it in GAFAMs?

Really, we should think up a /#FediverseSociety before the ritual "business friendly" US association comes around telling us what the fediverse is. It should be of EU right, because GDPR is on the users' side. It may eventually work out a Code of Conduct. It would be one voice capable of speaking up and be heard.

There are no billions to make with the fediverse, nor should there be. But there is a lot of honest, paid work ahead if we let go of the Far West frontier bullshit myths and work as a society. I want thousands of small and micro instances safely run by people who can make an honest buck of it, either as a full or part time job, depending on size. And I would like it to fund a one-user server that runs on a cheap mobile.

I know, I should sleep more. But if I didn't still believe a better world is possible I'd be enjoying the perks of a C-level at my age, not working 700km from my family and on the 6:22 to the umpteenth cert exam.
Cc @aral

#FediverseFoundation #SmallWeb

Last updated 2 years ago

We're discussing to create a (or ).


Who wants to join?

#FediverseFoundation #FediFoundation

Last updated 3 years ago