@thindil I timed a boot from power off: 21s to the end of the BIOS check then 30s to boot Fedora 35. Not too bad for a bargain hardware machine.
#FedoraShareYourScreen #Fedora35
fish shell ❤️
Adwaita ❤️
Arc-Dark-solid ❤️
Was in the Fedora fosdem stand earlier this morning and using Fedora along with it.
Just switched to i3 the other day and really like it.
#FedoraShareYourScreen #screenshotsunday
It's #FedoraShareYourScreen week. I decided to share a screenshot of #mojotron.
#mojotron #FedoraShareYourScreen
Well, the tag says it all:)
No distractions 😄
Here is my desktop. Just poking around at lunchtime.
#FedoraShareYourScreen An upload from my phone :) even uploaded it from my phone.
Fedora 35 + i3wm