D.U.S. · @DUS_23
0 followers · 3 posts · Server nebbia.fail
D.U.S. · @DUS_23
0 followers · 3 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im
D.U.S. · @dus
20 followers · 6 posts · Server mastodon.uno
D.U.S. · @dus
5 followers · 3 posts · Server mastodon.uno
D.U.S. · @dus_23_
0 followers · 2 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im
D.U.S. · @dus
9 followers · 4 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im

Their goal is not to kill us, but to make us just and enough to talk about them, celebrate them, feed them and give them sustenance and our loyalty.

Remember they used slogans like , , and while testing products and ideas that caused great harm.

So what is their new ?

#sick #deluded #FeedingTheWorld #PainRelief #spreadingdemocracy #poison #monsanto #GMSeed #glyphosate #paraquat #bigpharma #opioids #sacklerFamily #asbestos #jnj #afghanistan #china #cloudflare #cyberattack #ddos #newPoison

Last updated 3 years ago

Given the reveal above, we wonder if it's a "good and necessary cause" to give everyone what is effctively an experimental treatment?

Just remembering history.

#deathcult #forcedNews #MICIMATT #wikileaks #goodAndNecessaryCause #FeedingTheWorld #monsanto #revolveringDoor #revolvingdoor

Last updated 3 years ago

In the pursuit of profits and efficiency could strip from while they look the same?

One example (and huge mistake) was the GM they did to . They developed that looks the same but grew in . Rather than the likes of created an epidemic of – the was missing.

#vitaminA #keepFoodOpenAndHonest #bigag #nutrients #foods #sweetPotatoes #africa #sweetpotato #nutrientDepleted #soil #FeedingTheWorld #monsanto #blindness #seedFreedom #vita #gmo #billgates #hydroponics #farming #agriculture #privateequity

Last updated 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing, and yes you are right on all points re and .

The one area that you might be able to keep an eye out for are the ways strip nutrients from foods while they look the same.

One example (and huge mistake) that comes to mind are the GM they tested on . They developed sweetPotato that looks the same but grew in . Rather than they created an epidemic of – the was taken out.

#gmo #seedFreedom #bigag #sweetPotatos #africa #nutrientDepleted #soil #FeedingTheWorld #blindness #vita

Last updated 4 years ago

Monsanto/#Bayer to set aside a sum of 2 billion for future victims of the RoundUp.

For years we knew there was something dangerously wrong with their -laden . We saw it was in everything from , to , to meals. The revealed that not only did Monsanto know caused , but they actively setup funds to , and deceive that fact with .

Where is the prison time?

#carcinogenic #roundup #soy #bread #chocolate #readyMade #monsantopapers #glyphosate #cancer #darkmoney #CoverUp #disinfo #biostitutes #FeedingTheWorld

Last updated 4 years ago

Was it the designed to grow in deficient causing VitaminA deficiency and in children - or another one?

Feel free to DM

#GeneticallyModified #sweetpotato #soil #blindness #monsanto #FeedingTheWorld #Bayer #GMcrops

Last updated 4 years ago