I believe an #introduction is customary in these lands, so here it goes.
Hello! I'm Diego, a #Blind bloke born in #Venezuela. I do #Freelance #Translation work from and into Spanish. I also do some copy-editing and #Writing in #Spanish.
I like reading #Fantasy, #LesbianRomance, #FanFiction, and #FemaleCentric narratives in general.
I'm interested in #Technology, #Accessibility, #VideoGames, #Anime, #AncientRome and #PreModern #History, #WorldBuilding, #Baseball, #DnD, #Science, and many more things.
I'm an #Android user mostly, though I use #Windows from time to time.
Feel free to say ‘Hi’ if you want to chat or want some work done. 😁
#introduction #blind #venezuela #freelance #translation #writing #spanish #fantasy #lesbianromance #fanfiction #FemaleCentric #technology #accessibility #videogames #anime #ancientrome #premodern #history #worldbuilding #baseball #dnd #science #android #windows