der Arche-Musikkalender hat immer wieder Neuentdeckungen parat:
Verdina Shlonsky (1905-1990), ukrainisch-israelische Komponistin
#womencomposers #FemaleComposers
Una entrevista con la gran Meredith Monk. Habla sobre su carrera, el cuerpo, la glosolalia y sobre hacer música folclórica de otro planeta, entre otras cosas. #MeredithMonk #music #musicpodcasts #composers #femalecomposers
#meredithmonk #music #musicpodcasts #composers #FemaleComposers
Now playing on #Spotify:
Julia Wolfe: Fire in my mouth
New York Philharmonic • Jaap van Zweden
#newyorkphilharmonic #jaapvanzweden #juliawolfe #music #classicalmusic #femalecomposers #femalecomposer
#femalecomposer #FemaleComposers #classicalmusic #music #juliawolfe #jaapvanzweden #newyorkphilharmonic #spotify
Now playing on #Spotify:
Julia Wolfe: Fire in my mouth
New York Philarmonic • Jaap van Zweden
#newyorkphilharmonic #jaapvanzweden #juliawolfe #music #classicalmusic #femalecomposers #femalecomposer
#femalecomposer #FemaleComposers #classicalmusic #music #juliawolfe #jaapvanzweden #newyorkphilharmonic #spotify
Among musicians (#conductors, #pianists, string players, #orchestras), #womeninmusic are making major inroads. Also woman #composers receive attention: I see them emerge over the past 100+ years. Sadly, we can't correct their suppression in earlier centuries.
However, I have now expanded the search utilities at my blog site, to search for #femalecomposers & their works, see
As a man, I'm not proud of the few search results... :-(
#conductors #pianists #orchestras #womeninmusic #composers #FemaleComposers #rolfsmblog
Bei mir läuft heute die Komponistin Emilie Mayer in Dauerschleife.
Falls ihr Klassik mögt: Hört euch alle ihre Sinfonien an. Ich finde sie grandios und total unterschätzt.
Wow, look who's here: @Dr_Amy_Zigler !! 🤩✨️ A very warm welcome - so great that you joined Mastodon! 💐🎉 For everyone who doesn't know her: She's a fantastic Ethel Smyth expert and we had an Online Talk about female composer Ethel Smyth recently:
@womencomposer @classicalmusic
#femalecomposers #ethelsmyth #Smyth
#smyth #EthelSmyth #FemaleComposers
A new #composer for me now, #NowListening to #ElfridaAndrée; her two #PianoTrios and #PianoQuartet. Wonderful music, where has she been all my life?!
#ClassicalMusic @classicalmusic @womencomposers #WomenComposers #FemaleComposers
#FemaleComposers #womencomposers #classicalmusic #pianoquartet #pianotrios #elfridaandree #nowlistening #composer
For those of you interested in Fanny Hensel, who was born on this day, then the new album of Fanny and her brother Felix Mendelssohn’s chamber music by the Kaleidoscope Collective on Chandon is excellent and highly recommended. xx
Listen to some music from Fanny Hensel, a Birthday for her today, born 1805.
A piano trio in A minor op 11, a moving and enchanting piece of music.
#FannyHensel #FannyMendelssohn #FriedemannKupsa #CelineDutilly #RenateEggebrecht #FemaleComposers #classicalmusic
Ny musik kom med posten idag. Vill gärna spela mer musik av kvinnliga kompositörer, och Britta Byström är en av världens mest intressanta, enligt mig!
#FemaleComposers @ClassicalMusic
New music arrived by mail today. I want to play more music by female composers, and Britta Byström is one of the most interesting ones in the world IMO!
Now more and more international people arriving here, so a warm welcome in English!
Many of you will know me from "over there" but for those who don't a short #introduction:
I play #classicalguitar , devotion, passion and profession
I love #opera and #pianomusic
Since 3 years living with #melanoma, so I consider myself as #cancersurvivor
And since many years ambassador for #womencomposers #femalecomposers as performer and in the Archiv Frau und Musik Here in #Frankfurt
#frankfurt #FemaleComposers #womencomposers #cancersurvivor #melanoma #pianomusic #opera #classicalguitar #introduction