"... it matters what stories make worlds, what worlds make stories" A quote from the great Donna Haraway at the Intersectional Feminist Revolutions in #DigitalHumanities session #dh2023 #FeministSTS @DrIzzyFox @FullStackFeminism
#digitalhumanities #DH2023 #FeministSTS
Looking forward to workshop with @rra next Thu 6th April 2023 on “Infrastructuring alternatives: Mastodon, the Fediverse and beyond” at @kingsdh. If you're around in London there are still a few places left: https://jonathangray.org/2023/03/14/infrastructuring-alternatives
cc @siusoon @anthropologist @__nate__ @jamessmithies @ayliu @dv #london #infrastructure #infrastructurestudies #mastodon #fediverse #socialmedia #fediverse #feministsts #infrastructuring #commodon #newmediastudies #newmedia #mediastudies #federation #interoperability #alternativesocialmedia
#london #infrastructure #infrastructurestudies #mastodon #fediverse #socialmedia #FeministSTS #infrastructuring #commodon #newmediastudies #newmedia #mediastudies #federation #interoperability #alternativesocialmedia
Lovely to listen to Koumar Koushik's talk struggling against malestreaming and male writing. Does Latour escape malestreamed writing? Maybe. Maybe he is too laden with heroism and attributes involved with such. But apparently it still inspires to breach out of those grammatic, syntactic and paradigmatic boundaries. But maybe those are already without the powers of female writing - as imagined and suggested by H #Cixous.
However. While discipline and objectivism has its proven efforts, we should be much more sceptic about the techniques of reasoning, communicating, and comprehending we apply. I agree, let's get more sensitive about the lack of empathy and intrinsic incomprehensibility of durée as well as pragmatic relation and extent. #STShubDe #feministSTS
#FeministSTS #stshubde #cixous
"As it turned out Bruno Latour was strongly supportive of our approach: the development of interdisciplinary methods of inquiry, which combine social science with art and design, became one of his principal occupations in the decades that followed."
Excerpt from “Seven moments with Bruno Latour” by @NoortjeMarres: https://publicdatalab.org/2023/03/08/seven-moments-bruno-latour-noortje-marres/
#brunolatour #STS #feministsts #politicalecology #4s #philosophy #controversymapping #issuemapping #digitalmethods #isabellestengers #donnaharaway
#donnaharaway #IsabelleStengers #digitalmethods #issuemapping #controversymapping #philosophy #4s #politicalecology #FeministSTS #sts #brunolatour
"Seven moments with Bruno Latour" – a moving account of memories, conversations, encounters from 2000 to 2022 by @NoortjeMarres: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/03063127231159852
#BrunoLatour #STS #feministsts #politicalecology #4s #philosophy #controversymapping #issuemapping #digitalmethods
#brunolatour #sts #FeministSTS #politicalecology #4S #philosophy #controversymapping #issuemapping #digitalmethods
Looking forward to visiting Berlin for a fellowship and workshop on "Environmental Data, Media, and the Humanities" in May - focusing on repurposing forest media: https://jonathangray.org/2023/02/22/berlin-fellowship
@maximilian @lbngr
#berlin #sts #datastudies #mediaart #digitalmethods #ecologies #feministsts #infrastructurestudies #internetstudies #newmedia #digitalculture #commodon #platformstudies #softwarestudies
#algorithmstudies #art #climatechange #commons #compost #criticaldatastudies #criticaltechnicalpractice #datapractices #datastudies #digitalculture #digitalhumanities #ecology #forests #formats #freesoftware #newmediaart #newmediastudies #soundscapes #environmentalhumanities
#berlin #sts #datastudies #mediaart #digitalmethods #ecologies #FeministSTS #infrastructurestudies #internetstudies #newmedia #digitalculture #commodon #platformstudies #softwarestudies #algorithmstudies #art #climatechange #commons #compost #criticaldatastudies #criticaltechnicalpractice #datapractices #digitalhumanities #ecology #forests #formats #freesoftware #newmediaart #newmediastudies #soundscapes #environmentalhumanities
How can soundscapes be used as a way to attend to forest life and the many different ways that we narrate and relate to forests?
The forestscapes project aims to explore and document generative arts-based methods for recomposing collections of sound materials to support “collective inquiry” into forests as living cultural landscapes.
As part of the project we have an open call for folders of forest sounds.
More at: https://jonathangray.org/2023/02/07/forestscapes
#forests #listening #soundscapes #norns #monome #nornsshield #supercollider #fieldrecording #forestbathing #ecology #bioacoustics #soundart #composition #environmentalhumanities #woods #woodlands #trees #sound #soundstudies #sonicarts #feministsts #sts #inventivemethods #collectiveinquiry
#forests #listening #soundscapes #norns #monome #nornsshield #supercollider #fieldrecording #forestbathing #ecology #bioacoustics #soundart #composition #environmentalhumanities #woods #woodlands #trees #sound #soundstudies #SonicArts #FeministSTS #sts #inventivemethods #collectiveinquiry
🐯 📺 🦍 Donna #Haraway "reads" #NationalGeographic on #PaperTiger TV
#haraway #nationalgeographic #papertiger #lowpowertv #publicaccess #diymedia #sts #FeministSTS
How is #waste knowledge affected, how does it affect unintentionally and potentially toxically, and when should knowledge be open to being affected? Questions I examined in the recent @STSeasst
Review by looking at sentiments, power & sluggish science practices #feministSTS #SF #anthrotwitter
#waste #FeministSTS #sf #anthrotwitter
How is #waste knowledge affected, how does it affect unintentionally and potentially toxically, and when should knowledge be open to being affected? Questions I examined in the recent EASST Review by looking at sentiments, power & sluggish science practices #feministSTS #SF #anthrotwitter
#waste #FeministSTS #sf #anthrotwitter
RT @Tiyathetwit@twitter.com
#feministSTS #syllabus #2023calendar Our new PG course for 2023: Feminist Science, Tech and Society. Cannot wait to teach it with my dear colleague @natashavally@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Tiyathetwit/status/1599720049807237121
#FeministSTS #syllabus #2023calendar
🛢️ 📦 📻 New instance, new #introduction, many hashtags. Hi! I'm an #STS #technopolitics scholar, also thinking w #anthropology #geography #EnvHist #Commodon. Likely to chatter about:
#feministSTS #multispecies #anticolonial #California #trucks #internet #port #SupplyChain #MediaActivism #labor #FreeRadio #CommunityMedia #SoundStudies #soundscapes #ClimateCrisis #LowPower #LosAngeles #oil #InfrastructureStudies #CriticalLogistics #Radio #FOSS #hacking #Energy @sts @geography
#introduction #sts #technopolitics #anthropology #geography #envhist #commodon #FeministSTS #multispecies #anticolonial #california #trucks #Internet #port #supplychain #mediaactivism #labor #freeradio #communitymedia #soundstudies #soundscapes #ClimateCrisis #lowpower #losangeles #oil #infrastructurestudies #criticallogistics #radio #foss #hacking #energy
🛢️ 📦 📻 Hi! New instance, new #introduction, many hashtags. Hi, I'm an #STS #technopolitics scholar, also thinking w #anthropology #geography #EnvHist #Commodon. Likely to chatter about:
#feministSTS #multispecies #anticolonial #California #trucks #internet #port #SupplyChain #MediaActivism #labor #FreeRadio #CommunityMedia #SoundStudies #soundscapes #ClimateCrisis #LowPower #LosAngeles #oil #InfrastructureStudies #CriticalLogistics #Radio #FOSS #hacking #Energy @sts @geography
#introduction #sts #technopolitics #anthropology #geography #envhist #commodon #FeministSTS #multispecies #anticolonial #california #trucks #Internet #port #supplychain #mediaactivism #labor #freeradio #communitymedia #soundstudies #soundscapes #ClimateCrisis #lowpower #losangeles #oil #infrastructurestudies #criticallogistics #radio #foss #hacking #energy
🛢️ 📦 📻 Hi! New instance, new #introduction. Hi, I'm an #STS scholar with interest in... many topics, but work is #technopolitics, also thinking with #Geography #Anthropology #EnvHist #Commodon. Likely to chatter about:
#feministSTS #multispecies #anticolonial #California #trucks #internet #port #SupplyChain #MediaActivism #labor #FreeRadio #CommunityMedia #SoundStudies #soundscapes #ClimateCrisis #LowPower #LosAngeles #oil #InfrastructureStudies #CriticalLogistics #Radio #FOSS #hacking #Energy
#introduction #sts #technopolitics #geography #anthropology #envhist #commodon #FeministSTS #multispecies #anticolonial #california #trucks #Internet #port #supplychain #mediaactivism #labor #freeradio #communitymedia #soundstudies #soundscapes #ClimateCrisis #lowpower #losangeles #oil #infrastructurestudies #criticallogistics #radio #foss #hacking #energy
The #Vienna #ScienceStudies Laboratory, a collaboration between #KLIAustria, #CEU, and #UPSalon #UniVienna, is starting a new feminist #STS reading group!
Organized by Sophie Veigl and Laura Menatti, learn more about how to join the in-person meeting here: https://sciencestudieslab.wordpress.com/ and here: https://kli.ac.at/en/events/event_calendar/view/653
#feminism #FeministPhilosophyofScience #FeministSTS #ScienceStudiesLab
#vienna #sciencestudies #KLIAustria #ceu #upsalon #UniVienna #sts #feminism #feministphilosophyofscience #FeministSTS #sciencestudieslab
Have been feeling inspired after doing some work assembling communities that I'm really interested in - thought I'd do a tag dump for some of the areas that I'm looking into, as well as have already found super interesting, have been following and am boosting... (not in alphabetical order and probably too broad but for my own future reference also!)
#Tag heap:
#Abolition #ACAB #ADHD #Affect #AffectStudies #AntiImperialism #AntiColonialism #AntiRacism #Archiving #Archives #Art #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Boardgames #ClimateChange #Coffee #Commons #CriticalTheory #CinemaStudies #Communities #CulturalStudies #Decolonisation #Design #Disabled #DigitalCommons #DigitalCulture #DigitalCultures #DigitalHumanities #DigitalTechnologies #DigiModernism #Diversity #EDI #EnglishLiterature #Feminism #Feministsts #FilmStudies #FreeSoftware #Games #Gaming #Geopolitics #Geography #Hauntology #HCI #HumanComputerInteraction
#HigherEd #HigherEducation #History #Histodians #Incarceration #Inclusion #InfrastructureStudies #InternetStudies #London #LowTech #Media #MediaStudies #Museum #Museums #Musicals #OpenPedagogy #ParticipatoryDesign #Pedagogy #PoliceAbolition #Philosophy #Photography #Praxis #Prisons #PrisonAbolition #Preservation #Progressive #Politics #Postmodernism #PublicEducation
#Running #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #SocialInclusion #SocialMobility #SocialTheory #Socialism #SocialJustice #Sociology #Sociodon #Sociodons #Solidarity #SoftwareStudies #SoundScapes #Skeuomorphism #SpeculativeFiction #STS #Technology #Trans #UK #VanLife #VideoGames #University #Zines
Also I suppose really this is a second #Introduction after the #TwitterMigration as I'm still relatively #NewHere so... Hi again! Feel free to follow or boost if this sounds like your areas of interest also
#tag #Abolition #acab #adhd #affect #AffectStudies #antiimperialism #anticolonialism #antiracism #Archiving #archives #Art #blacklivesmatter #blm #boardgames #ClimateChange #coffee #commons #criticaltheory #cinemastudies #communities #culturalstudies #decolonisation #design #disabled #digitalcommons #digitalculture #DigitalCultures #digitalhumanities #DigitalTechnologies #DigiModernism #diversity #edi #englishliterature #feminism #FeministSTS #filmstudies #freesoftware #games #gaming #geopolitics #geography #hauntology #hci #HumanComputerInteraction #highered #highereducation #history #histodians #incarceration #inclusion #infrastructurestudies #internetstudies #london #lowtech #media #mediastudies #museum #museums #musicals #openpedagogy #participatorydesign #pedagogy #policeabolition #philosophy #photography #praxis #prisons #prisonabolition #preservation #progressive #politics #postmodernism #publiceducation #running #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #socialinclusion #socialmobility #socialtheory #socialism #socialjustice #sociology #sociodon #sociodons #solidarity #softwarestudies #soundscapes #Skeuomorphism #speculativefiction #sts #technology #trans #uk #vanlife #videogames #university #zines #Introduction #twittermigration #newhere
What are remarkable/regrettable about 20th century #science & #SciencePolicy?
#science #sciencepolicy #history #sts #FeministSTS #technology #philosophyofscience
Currently reading Donna Haraway's Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene and I like that on pages 10-11, Haraway gives a fictional integral equation (or speculative fabulation) to describe #Terrapolis. I quite like this idea as I tried to do the same (in a much smaller scale) to give some kind of heuristics for #iiif resources and #boundaryobjects, mainly defined by Susan Leigh Star (--> https://julsraemy.ch/posts/2022/10/05/boundary-objects-iiif-dariah/), I sometimes thought I was mad. I'm fine to be mad with the fantastic Haraway. #sts #anthropocene #feministSTS
#FeministSTS #anthropocene #sts #boundaryobjects #iiif #Terrapolis
In Colombia, itinerant #seedschools contribute to build more just and caring #technosocial relationships with people, #seeds & territories.
Read more by Nathalia Hernández Vidal & Kelly Moore: https://doi.org/hz4p
#seedschools #technosocial #seeds #FeministSTS #globalsouthepistemologies #dissentandpolitics
Banu Subramanium writes "#SharonTraweek is one of my angels, and her work has grounded my work from my early years, and has created a roadmap I’ve faithfully followed. I am, always, eternally in her debt." Read more about the #map and #feministSTS here: https://doi.org/hbw4
#sharontraweek #map #FeministSTS