I encourage you to submit nominations for the Okin-Young Award! Email your nominations to one of the selection committee members listed below by April 1st, 2023. #FeministTheory #PoliticalTheory #PoliticalScience #PoliSci #APSA #FeministPhilosophy #Philosophy #GenderStudies #WomensStudies #FeministStudies @genderpolitics @politicalscience
#feministtheory #politicaltheory #politicalscience #polisci #apsa #feministPhilosophy #philosophy #genderstudies #womensstudies #FeministStudies
Hello world. I am a lazy social media user but still hope to change my mind.
My art looks at things that are very small or very big, but always leaky.
I make art, give talks, write a lot.
#bioart #ArtisticResearch #EnvHum #QueerEcology #QueerDeath #PerformanceArt #Art #QueerStudies #FeministStudies #biohacking #artscience
#introduction #BioArt #artisticresearch #envhum #queerecology #queerdeath #performanceart #art #queerstudies #FeministStudies #biohacking #artscience
Please apply to our two-year Helaine B. Allen and Cynthia Berenson Postdoctoral Fellowship (2023-2024) in the field of Feminist Science and Technology Studies very broadly defined in the WGS Dept at Brandeis University. We especially welcome scholars who bring an intersectional approach to their intellectual work. Share widely please! #postdoc #genderstudies #feministstudies
#postdoc #genderstudies #FeministStudies
Tracing the Contours of a Half Century of Jewish Feminist Theology
- Mara H. Benjamin
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Vol 36, 1, 2020, pp. 11-31
#feminism #feministstudies #theology #judaism #jewish #religion
#Feminism #FeministStudies #theology #judaism #jewish #religion