#RPGaDAY2023 Day 06: my favourite game I never get to play? That's a tough one actually. I've got quite a few games at the top of my 'to-be-run' list, so let's chose one without a character creation session or just the nail of a little toe dipped into a game session. One I know I'd love to run because I heard the 2014 episodes of @OneShotRPG's podcast would be @robindlaws's #FengShui2 from @atlasgames. Now I've talked about it, let's add it to my already heavy 2023 #ttrpg bingo. #rpg #jdr
#rpgaday2023 #FengShui2 #ttrpg #rpg #jdr
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 06: my favourite game I never get to play? That's a tough one actually. I've got quite a few games at the top of my 'to-be-run' list, so let's chose one without a character creation session or just the nail of a little toe dipped into a game session. One I know I'd love to run because I heard the 2014 episodes of @OneShotRPG's podcast would be @robindlaws's #FengShui2 from @atlasgames. Now I've talked about it, let's add it to my already heavy 2023 #ttrpg bingo. #rpg #jdr
#jdr #rpg #ttrpg #FengShui2 #rpgaday2023
Nice investigative episode in @SimonLandmine's #FengShui2 campaign. The Paladin (my Masked Avenger) successfully intimidated the two mooks on the ground floor of the warehouse so we didn't even need to fight.
Sadly, we AGAIN failed our advancement roll, at least the third in a row. Booh!
cc @robindlaws
@AndreasDavour Thank you VERY MUCH! I'm looking for a genre emulation (setting + rules are fast & furious), not a genre simulation where rules & setting might differ a lot.
I want a vibe at the gaming table like #BigTroublelnLittleChina. Maybe #FengShui2 is an option, too. In my experience, #FengShui 1 was pretty slow.
If I recall correctly, I played only a #FengShui2 playtest version, it wasn't much faster than the original. I like them both, but I want a faster, more furious game.
#bigtroublelnlittlechina #FengShui2 #FengShui
@W99 Merci, I played #FengShui 1e and (iirc) a playtest version #FengShui2. The fu power mgmt. of 1e was clunky - at least at our table it was often not fast and furious.
Anyway, I have to books somewhere, time to reconsider them.
Thank you.
@AetherEgo I would recon #FengShui2 is a good option. Don't know you find them too intricate. You might be able to tweak New Hong Kong Stories, although they don't do any Wuxia stuff as far as I have seen. Not sure though.
Ici, nous avons #LeverageRPG, #FengShui2, #Inspectres, #Fiasco, #Microscope, #Kingdom, #NightWitches, #Monsterhearts, #Durance, #MouseGuard, #Cabal, #NovaPraxis, #EclipsePhase, #Spark, #PosthumanPathways, #Annalise, #Hollowpoint, #HeroQuestGlorantha, #13thAgeGlorantha #shelfie #jdr .3/6
#jdr #shelfie #13thageglorantha #heroquestglorantha #hollowpoint #annalise #posthumanpathways #spark #eclipsephase #novapraxis #cabal #MouseGuard #Durance #monsterhearts #nightwitches #Kingdom #microscope #Fiasco #inspectres #FengShui2 #leveragerpg
Ici, nous avons #LeverageRPG, #FengShui2, #Inspectres, #Fiasco, #Microscope, #Kingdom, #NightWitches, #Monsterhearts, #Durace, #MouseGuard, #Cabal, #NovaPraxis, #EclipsePhase, #Spark, #PosthumanPathways, #Annalise, #Hollowpoint, #HeroQuestGlorantha, #13thAgeGlorantha #shelfie #jdr .3/6
#jdr #shelfie #13thageglorantha #heroquestglorantha #hollowpoint #annalise #posthumanpathways #spark #eclipsephase #novapraxis #cabal #MouseGuard #durace #monsterhearts #nightwitches #Kingdom #microscope #Fiasco #inspectres #FengShui2 #leveragerpg
Sur ces photos-ci, nous avons #LeverageRPG, #FengShui2, #Inspectres, #Fiasco, #Microscope, #Kingdom, #NightWitches, #Monsterhearts, #Durace, #%MouseGuard, #Cabal, #NovaPraxis, #EclipsePhase, #Spark, #PosthumanPathways, #Annalise, #Hollowpoint, HeroQuestGlorantha, #13thAgeGlorantha #shelfie #jdr .3/6
#jdr #shelfie #13thageglorantha #hollowpoint #annalise #posthumanpathways #spark #eclipsephase #novapraxis #cabal #durace #monsterhearts #nightwitches #Kingdom #microscope #Fiasco #inspectres #FengShui2 #leveragerpg
Next picture shows #LeverageRPG, #FengShui2, #Inspectres, #Fiasco, #Microscope, #Kingdom, #NightWitches, #Monsterhearts, #Durace, #%MouseGuard, #Cabal, #NovaPraxis, #EclipsePhase, #Spark, #PasthumanPathways, #Analise, #Hollowpoint, HeroQuestGlorantha, #13thAgeGlorantha #shelfie #ttrpg #rpg .3/6
#leveragerpg #FengShui2 #InSpectres #Fiasco #microscope #kingdom #nightwitches #monsterhearts #durace #cabal #novapraxis #eclipsephase #spark #pasthumanpathways #analise #hollowpoint #13thageglorantha #shelfie #ttrpg #rpg
Yesterday, I was prepping for a game (feng shui 2) which takes place in occupied France 1944 and saw this fantastic section.
First of several #Grogmeet threads I'm going to scribe this week, and I decided to start with the hardest one.
Not #Rolemaster, or #FengShui2, or the joys of spending time with some excellent nerds.
This is about becoming a better me.🧵
#Grogmeet #rolemaster #FengShui2
Today at #Grogmeet
Ran #Rolemaster for first time since the 80s despite owning it for many years. I have thoughts (for another day)
Played #FengShui2 by the inimitable Robin D. Laws and run by the wonderful Guy Milner of burnafterrunningrpg.com. Great fun. I also have thoughts, both about the game and his GMing style (spoilers: he's good)
Tired but buzzing. And with my #PF2 online game over I need to think about where my next regular fix is coming from.
#Grogmeet #rolemaster #FengShui2 #PF2
To help make #TTRPG connections name…
Last 5 #ttrpgs you played
Next 5 you really want to play!
Next 5 genres/game systems you enjoy!
Then, boost this post so others know to do the same!
_Last Five_
_Next Five_
#introductionTTRPG #ttrpg #ttrpgs #mutantsandmasterminds #MorkBorg #callofcthulhu #dungeonsAndDragons #FengShui2 #alien #CY_BORG #dune #bladerunner #40kRPGs #FFGStarWars #FreeLeague #horror #scifi
#Sunday #Breakfast for champions:
#Lentils with #ginger #ginger #tomatoes, #coconut #milk and #almond #butter... Neither a vegetarian nor a vegan, but pure #foodporn!!!
#nowplaying: #EmmaRuthRundle #EngineofHell #Alternative #Folk #SingerSongWriter, has a late #PJHarvey vibe
#pnpde: Reading #ApeworldonFire for the #FengShui2 #ttrpg, #HongKongAction #movie #Wuxia
Have a nice Sunday, #TagderArbeit
#sunday #breakfast #lentils #ginger #tomatoes #coconut #milk #almond #butter #foodporn #nowplaying #EmmaRuthRundle #EngineofHell #alternative #folk #singersongwriter #PJHarvey #pnpde #ApeworldonFire #FengShui2 #ttrpg #HongKongAction #movie #Wuxia #tagderarbeit
WOT? #KungFuHustle2 incoming?
If you are into #MartialArts / #Wuxia # movies look no further, the original #KungFuHustle is a hilarious beast!!
BTW: An excellent inspiration for your #FengShui / #FengShui2 #ttrpg group.
#KungFuHustle2 #martialarts #Wuxia #KungFuHustle #FengShui #FengShui2 #ttrpg #pnpde #rpg #movies