Dit is volgens mij een ijzersterk betoog over waarom een nieuwe, krachtigere, miljardenkostende deeltjesversneller dus totaal onnodig is. #lhc #cern #Fermilab
1 of 2
Science --> Power + Future
A recent Fusion Reaction experiment at Fermilab have confirmed that we have the technology to fuse 2 elements into 1 and produce more energy than used to cause the reaction.
Like the 1830 Faraday experiment of the past, this, (very expensive) one will revolutionize energy production, possibly creating almost limitless, clean energy leading to net-0. #Fusion #Fermilab #Energy #environment #Science #Nuclear #McMaster #Canada
#fusion #Fermilab #energy #environment #science #nuclear #mcmaster #canada
Myonen: Abweichung zum Standardmodell bestätigt. Neue Messwerte des anomalen magnetischen Moments stärken Hinweise auf "neue Physik". #Muong2 #Myon #Physik #Standardmodell #FermiLab
#muong2 #Myon #physik #Standardmodell #Fermilab
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics Codebases
New machine learning techniques for simulation-based inference: InferoStatic nets, kernel score estimation, and kernel likelihood ratio estimation
Kyoungchul Kong, Konstantin T. Matchev, Stephen Mrenna, Prasanth Shyamsundar
SciPost Phys. Codebases 14 (2023)
Codebase release 0.1 for infstat
SciPost Phys. Codebases 14-r0.1 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #ku #UF #Fermilab #doe
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Machine learning and LHC event generation
Anja Butter et al.
SciPost Phys. 14, 079 (2023)
#SorbonneUniversity #HITS #GAU #UNITO #RUN #NIKHEF #NYU #SapienzaUniversityofRome #WeizmannInstitute #UNIMI #UT #OSU #KIT #TUM #Fermilab #UCI #UC #UCL #DurhamUniversity #UniversityParisSaclay #SLAC #UH #DESY #CNRS #RU #TUDortmund #UCL #UNIBO #HU #LBNL #UCBL #VU #MIT #HU #TUD
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #SorbonneUniversity #HITS #GAU #UNITO #run #Nikhef #NYU #SapienzaUniversityofRome #WeizmannInstitute #UNIMI #ut #osu #kit #TUM #Fermilab #UCI #UC #ucl #DurhamUniversity #UniversityParisSaclay #SLAC #UH #desy #cnrs #ru #TUDortmund #UNIBO #HU #LBNL #UCBL #VU #MIT #TUD #ANR #bmbf #dfg #FNRS #IN2P3 #NSF
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #physics
The forward-backward asymmetry and differences of partial moments in inclusive semileptonic B decays
Florian Herren
SciPost Phys. 14, 020 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #AlexandervonHumboldtFoundation #Fermilab #doe
Apply by January 10.
RT @Fermilab
For #faculty members interested in getting some hands-on experience at #Fermilab, applications for the Visiting Faculty Program are still open for a few more days!
Learn more and apply: https://bit.ly/3CuZrrf
Dit Youtube kanaal over natuurkunde blijft me fascineren: https://youtu.be/u23vZsJbrjE
#astronomie #natuurkunde #Fermilab
#AlmaLinux, a popular free #Linux distribution derived from #RHEL, received a vote of confidence on Thursday from the European and American science communities as #CERN, #Fermilab select AlmaLinux as standard for big science over #RockyLinux or #RedHat https://bit.ly/3hdwQPC
#redhat #RockyLinux #Fermilab #cern #rhel #linux #AlmaLinux
In a research article featured on the cover of the Dec. 1 issue of Nature, titled “Traversable wormhole dynamics on a quantum processor,” a team of physicists from Caltech, Harvard, Fermilab, MIT and Google present results on a pair of quantum systems that exhibit the behavior of a traversable wormhole.
#Physics #Fermilab #Quantum
After years of construction, testing and planning, an exciting move is currently underway at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
#Fermilab #Physics #Neutrinos
Physicists Use Quantum Computer to Probe Wormhole Dynamics https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=1593488 #Research #Caltech #EPR #Fermilab #Google #Hartmut_Neven #Harvard #holographic #John_Preskill #Maria_Spiropulu #mit #quantum_gravity #quantum_wormhole #SYK_models #quantumdaily Insider Brief A multi-institutional research team used a quantum computer to use a quantum computer in an experiment that allows them to study the dynamics, or behavior, of a special kind of theoretical wormhole. While the
#Research #Caltech #EPR #Fermilab #Google #Hartmut_Neven #Harvard #holographic #John_Preskill #Maria_Spiropulu #mit #quantum_gravity #quantum_wormhole #SYK_models #quantumdaily
Go, little detector, go!
#SBND #SBNDonTheMove #Fermilab
RT @sbnddetector@twitter.com
It is moving! #SBND #SBNDonTheMove #Fermilab
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sbnddetector/status/1598298217955065857
#sbnd #sbndonthemove #Fermilab