Today's poem:
If, After I Die
- by Fernando Pessoa
#poetry #love #life #mundane #everyday#insight #FernandoPessoa #lisbon #death #simplicity #perception
#poetry #love #life #mundane #everyday #FernandoPessoa #lisbon #death #simplicity #perception
Eu amo como ficou meu cantinho do Fernando Pessoa aqui na estante :blob_aww:
#mastolivros #FernandoPessoa #livros
@David_Heb Obviously, I need to expand my reading. Thanks for the hints. Here's my list:
That's a start.
#annquin #enriquevilamatas #cesaraira #chriskraus #PattiSmith #miklosszentkuthy #FernandoPessoa
and I'm doing a slow reread of all of the novels and stories of #AnnQuinn b/c she deserves more attention and recognition for her work. I'm longing to get back to #Prea by #MiklosSzentkuthy and I'm (re)reading #Rilke and #FernandoPessoa + new biographies of these two. I could go on, but I wanted to get this out there in case other book nerds would like to connect and chat about #ExperimentalLiterature /2
#annquinn #prea #miklosszentkuthy #rilke #FernandoPessoa #experimentalliterature
@lilycarol #CharlesPortis #BarbaraPym #FernandoPessoa #AlexanderMcCallSmith #JRRTolkien #MervynPeake #HarukiMurakami #JaneAusten #FyodorDostoevsky #TerryPratchett —wait, how many? Anyway those are some of my faves <3
#charlesportis #BarbaraPym #FernandoPessoa #alexandermccallsmith #jrrtolkien #mervynpeake #HarukiMurakami #JaneAusten #fyodordostoevsky #terrypratchett
Op mijn blog staan allerlei Nederlandstalige artikelen over #dichters, #literatuur, #LHBTIQ+ en #gayhistory, bijvoorbeeld over #WaltWhitman en #FedercoGarciaLorca of #Kavafis, maar ook eigen #gedichten en #verhalen. Wie op Mastodon is daarin geïnteresseerd? Bijvoorbeeld mijn artikel over lievelingsdichter #FernandoPessoa - lees en boost s.v.p.
#kavafis #federcogarcialorca #waltwhitman #LHBTIQ #literatuur #FernandoPessoa #verhalen #gedichten #gayhistory #dichters
E hashtags de literatura? Algum leitor de #OscarWilde, #FernandoPessoa, #JRRTolkien, #NeilGaiman, #LeonelCaldela, #FlorbelaEspanca, #HildaHilst ou qualquer outro em busca de amizade sincera e desinteressada? Hahaha
#HildaHilst #FlorbelaEspanca #LeonelCaldela #neilgaiman #JRRTolkien #FernandoPessoa #oscarwilde