Jsem si připadal úplně jak #Feynman z té historky: „Co se stane, když zavřu tenhle ventil? Čekám: ‚To není ventil, to je okno!‘ No jo pane, vy jste na to kápnul.“ https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/11682706-jsem-pln-ztracen-nejhor-je-e-nev-m-co-v-echno-ty
Playing #Feynman? Jack Quaid. https://explorethearchive.com/books-to-read-before-watching-oppenheimer-movie
Don't worry too much about finding the meaning of life
#science #teaching #learning #philosophy #Feynman
@liztai I am now looking at that guide to come up with the 12 problems that matter to me:
#secondbrain #feynman
Trying to find #Opensource materials for my spring #calculus II class. And I found #Feynman 's favourite "Calculus for the Practical Man"
#opensource #calculus #Feynman
Here is my #Introduction, with hashtags. I’m an #author and essayist, part of, and hopeful about, the #TwitterMigration.
I write about #science and #technology and their cultural effects. My books include #Chaos, The #Information, and #TimeTravel, as well as biographies of Richard #Feynman and Isaac #Newton.
#introduction #author #twittermigration #science #technology #chaos #information #timetravel #Feynman #Newton
RT @AxelJean77@twitter.com
A partager via @PhysInHistory@twitter.com un nouvel élément de #Feynman
Physique et science pour toutes et tous !
#Recherche #GTNum @Edu_Num@twitter.com
/C @elieallouche@twitter.com @fbocquet@twitter.com @ctrabado1@twitter.com @ClementFantoli@twitter.com @fred_pinchon@twitter.com @ClaudioCimelli@twitter.com @marcon_valerie@twitter.com @remi_lefeuvre@twitter.com https://twitter.com/PhysInHistory/status/1603774060411817985
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AxelJean77/status/1603803875718356992
[1964] Horizon - "Strangeness Minus Three", it took physicists two years and 97,025 photographs before they successfully identified a predicted new particle, which has a unique characteristic known as 'strangeness minus three'. Contributing physicists include Murray Gell-Mann and Richard Feynman.
#OldBritishTelly #horizon #Feynman #GellMann
Came across this today. Even one of last century's most celebrated geniuses could get tired up in whether other people thought he was a bit stupid. https://lothruput.blogspot.com/2009/12/feynman-looks-at-blueprints.html #Genius #Feynman #ImposterSyndrome
#genius #Feynman #impostersyndrome
Came across this today. Even one of last century's most celebrated geniuses could get tied up in whether other people thought he was a bit stupid. https://lothruput.blogspot.com/2009/12/feynman-looks-at-blueprints.html #Genius #Feynman #ImposterSyndrome
#genius #Feynman #impostersyndrome
#classicalmusic #architecture #landscapephotography #medievalhistory #vikings #languages #history #books #ballet #theater #science #ancienthistory #archeology #archaeology #lgbtq #linguistics #cleanenergy #solar #hydrogen #energytransition #climate #climatechange #piano #physics #Feynman #investing #business #materials #graphene #scotland #uk #art #scrabble #materialsscience #abt #orchestra #opera #space #aviation #laopera #laphil #travel
Feynman: "Students don’t need a perfect teacher. Students need a happy teacher, who’s gonna make them excited to come to school and grow a love for learning."
A good goal while working to build a killer MSc experimental economics course #teaching #experimentaleconomics #feynman
#teaching #ExperimentalEconomics #Feynman
Feynman: "Students don't need a perfect teacher. Students need a happy teacher, who's gonna make them excited to come to school and grow a love for learning."
A good goal while working to build a killer MSc experimental economics course #teaching #experimentaleconomics #feynman
#teaching #ExperimentalEconomics #Feynman
Feynman: "Students don't need a perfect teacher. Students need a happy teacher, who's gonna make them excited to come to school and grow a love for learning."
A good goal while working to build a killer MSc experimental economics course #teaching #experimentaleconomics #feynman
#teaching #ExperimentalEconomics #Feynman
Feynman: "Students don't need a perfect teacher. Students need a happy teacher, who's gonna make them excited to come to school and grow a love for learning."
A good goal while working to build a killer MSc experimental economics course #teaching #experimentaleconomics #feynman
#teaching #ExperimentalEconomics #Feynman
Here is my #Introduction, with hashtags. I’m an #author and essayist, former president of the #AuthorsGuild. I’m part of, and hopeful about, the #TwitterMigration.
I write about #science and #technology and their cultural effects. My books include #Chaos, The #Information, and #TimeTravel, as well as biographies of Richard #Feynman and Isaac #Newton.
#introduction #author #AuthorsGuild #twittermigration #science #technology #chaos #information #timetravel #Feynman #Newton