#ianMcKellen reciting an inspirational letter by #KurtVonnegut on creating #art to "experience becoming": https://youtu.be/Fh9tMqpH8nc
Another wonderful letter from the #LettersLive project! 💚
#ianmckellen #KurtVonnegut #art #letterslive #FiXatoRecommends #writing
#Duskers by #MisfitsAttic is currently #free as in #gratis on the #EpicGamesStore: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/duskers-672fdc
«Pilot drones into derelict spaceships to find the means to survive and piece together how the universe became a giant graveyard.»
#indie #indieGame #IndieGames #simulation #strategy #strategyGame #WindowsGaming #gaming #games #FreeGames #GratisGames #EpicGames #FiXatoRecommends
#duskers #misfitsattic #free #gratis #epicgamesstore #indie #indiegame #indiegames #simulation #strategy #strategygame #windowsgaming #gaming #games #freegames #GratisGames #epicgames #FiXatoRecommends
It's disappointing that the only way to get an overview of new releases in #Spotify is their #ReleaseRadar, which only shows a single track per artist, has a limited time scope, and refreshes only periodically.
So glad that #JakubDobes aka #Jakubito has created https://spotifyreleaselist.netlify.app/ which does a far better job!
I can set the time range, what types (album, single, compilation, and/or appearances), sort order, optionally exclude labels, include popularity, etc.
#spotify #ReleaseRadar #jakubdobes #jakubito #FiXatoRecommends #music
I just finished watching the #GDC post-mortem talk by John Salwitz for #Paperboy, which was pretty interesting, but what had me laughing was the video he showed of #RandomEncounters' "Paperboy - The Musical": https://youtu.be/0aoYBZJ1ZbA
Anyway, if you also enjoy talks / presentations by classic #videoGame developers, then I highly recommend the #GameDevelopersConference #ClassicGamePostMortem series, including the aforementioned one for the Paperboy #arcade game: https://youtu.be/MREsJsRZqu0
#gdc #paperboy #randomencounters #videogame #gamedevelopersconference #classicgamepostmortem #arcade #FiXatoRecommends #johnsalwitz #atari
That #RitterSport white #chocolate with #cinnamon sugar crisps was surprisingly good. Normally not fond of Ritter's chocolate, but I couldn't resist a combination of white chocolate and cinnamon, as I love both.
Now I'm curious how hard it would be to make something similar...
#RitterSport #chocolate #cinnamon #food #snacks #foodfixatolikes #FiXatoRecommends
I very much enjoyed #EnolaHolmes 2.
Nice balance between action, problem solving and character development. :)
#EnolaHolmes #FilmsFiXatoWatches #FiXatoRecommends #films
The ending of #Archive made up for it in part.
I'd say it's a film #FiXatoRecommends. :)
I recently rediscovered how good #ColmansMustard is.
If you like a sharp #mustard, give it a try if your grocer carries it.
#ColmansMustard #mustard #food #FiXatoRecommends
I don't know anymore who linked it to me or where, but this slide presentation by #SarahDrasner aka @sarah_edo@twitter.com called SVG can do THAT?! was pretty impressive!
#SVG #SVGCanDoThat #webDevelopment #design #FiXatoRecommends
#SarahDrasner #svg #SVGCanDoThat #webdevelopment #design #FiXatoRecommends
@greyor well, here's another medley: Radical Dreamers - A Chrono Cross Medley by Ashiko - VGM Percussionist
The music from #Snatcher and #SDSnatcher is also one of my favourites. I highly recommend this soulful arrangement of Snatcher's One Night in Neo Kobe City, by the Super Soul Bros., especially if you like some #saxophone.
(You might find some more at https://fixato.org/music/recommendations.html)
#snatcher #SDSnatcher #saxophone #FiXatoRecommends
That's a lovely #fanMade #comic for #Garfield fans, but then seen from #JonArbuckle's perspective: "Jon", by Gale Galligan
#fanmade #comic #garfield #jonarbuckle #GaleGalligan #comics #FiXatoRecommends
I enjoyed playing as well as watching FutureGrind
#futuregrind #itchio #gaming #FiXatoRecommends
Especially loved the return of Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborn / The Green Goblin (that laugh / cackle is just unique), as well as J.K. Simmons as John Jonah Jameson, Jr.
Also liked how the other Spideys weren't de-aged or anything.
A bit annoyed though that I missed some of the backstory from not having seen everything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe...
#SpiderMan #MCU #MarvelCinematicUniverse #FilmsFiXatoWatches #FiXatoRecommends
#spiderman #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #FilmsFiXatoWatches #FiXatoRecommends
If you're ever looking to watch a random #documentary, I can highly recommend the BBC Horizon collection on Archive.org which has over 500 episodes spanning a large part of #BBCHorizon's aired episodes from 1964 to 2014; that's 50 years of snapshots of explorations of the scientific views of its time.
You can either download the entire archive, or instantly watch individual episodes.
#BBC #Horizon #SeriesFiXatoWatches #FiXatoRecommends #documentaries
#documentary #BBCHorizon #bbc #horizon #seriesfixatowatches #FiXatoRecommends #documentaries
So far I am enjoying season 3 of #TheOrville :)
Wouldn't mind if the episodes were a bit shorter and perhaps spread over 2 episodes though.
#theorville #seriesfixatowatches #FiXatoRecommends #scifi
The Man From Earth, I don't know how often I've watched this #film so far, but after all these times, it's still such a great #movie to watch...
The premise, what if your friend claims to have been born as a #CroMagnon, and has thus supposedly has lived for thousands of years, is such an intriguing one.
The setting, your friend's home and yard, and the company of friends, is so uncomplicated and low-budget, which really helps put the focus on the story.
It does feature familiar actors, but I don't feel like they have been type-cast, and they just feel right for the roles. Actors include #TonyTodd (known for playing #Kurn on #StarTrek) and #JohnBillingsley (#DoctorPhlox on #STEnterprise), #RichardRiehle (who played #Batai on the excellent episode The Inner Light, but also Seamus in the Voyager holodeck episodes), which is kinda fitting as the story is based on a 1969 Star Trek episode called 'Requiem for Methuselah', which was also written by #JeromeBixby.
Other actors include #EllenAnnCrawford (known for her role as Nurse Lydia Wright on ER), #AlexisAnnThorpe (Days of Our Lives), #WilliamKatt (The Greatest American Hero), #DavidLeeSmith and #AnnikaPeterson.
#film #movie #CroMagnon #TonyTodd #Kurn #startrek #JohnBillingsley #DoctorPhlox #stenterprise #RichardRiehle #Batai #JeromeBixby #EllenAnnCrawford #AlexisAnnThorpe #WilliamKatt #DavidLeeSmith #AnnikaPeterson #FilmsFiXatoWatches #FiXatoRecommends