: I would love Buadach, of the men, , Cernach, , mac RĂłich and Mac Cumhaill with his to help and her , repel the Roman invasion of Britain.

#celtic #mythologymonday #Loegaire #CET #Connacht #anluan #Conall #cuchulainn #Fergus #Fionn #Fianna #Boudicca #iceni

Last updated 1 year ago

: I would love to see , Mac Cumhaill with his and join in repelling the Roman invasion of .

#celtic #mythologymonday #cuchulainn #Fionn #Fianna #Boudicca #Vercingetorix #Gaul

Last updated 1 year ago

: bewitched a lake near the summit of and tricked Mac Cumhaill into swimming in it. He emerged silver-haired, aged and bent. The , captured the and forced her to give their leader a restorative potion from her golden Cornucopia, but in doing so she made sure his hair remained silver. Some texts say it was the hero Cuilenn who came to Fionn’s rescue by offering him a drink from a golden cup, which also endowed the hero with wisdom.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `

#mythologymonday #milucra #slievegullion #Fionn #Fianna #fairy #irish #celtic #mythology #folklore

Last updated 1 year ago

Deceived by the splendid sight of Midac`s palace that was surrounded by magical rowan trees, entered and made himself comfortable in the grand banquet hall. Midac came in, stared at them, and departed without a word. It was then that Fionn and his warriors realized that a trap had been set. They had been deceived by a glamour and were really being held hostage in a crude shack. One after another of the warriors came to their rescue, with Diarmait finally lopping off Midac’s head.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
RT @NeuKelte
: While was away, his wife had an affair. In the process, , `s fool, caught her and was therefore ki…

#FinnMacCool #Fianna #celtic #mythology #folklore #mythologymonday #Lomna #finn

Last updated 2 years ago

Fionn and his warriors realized that a trap had been set. They had been deceived by a glamour and were really being held hostage in a crude shack. One after another of the warriors came to their rescue, with Diarmait finally lopping off Midac’s head.


Last updated 2 years ago

Deceived by the splendid sight of Midac`s palace that was surrounded by magical rowan trees, Mac Cumhaill entered and made himself comfortable in the grand banquet hall. Midac came in, stared at them, and departed without a word. It was then that Fionn and his warriors realized that a trap had been set. They had been deceived by a glamour and were really being held hostage in a crude shack. One after another of the warriors came to their rescue, with Diarmait finally lopping off Midac’s head.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
RT @NeuKelte
: While frying the `Salmon of Wisdom` burnt his thumb. When he put it in his mouth, enlightenment struck him li…

#Fionn #Fianna #celtic #mythology #folklore #mythologymonday #FinnMacCool

Last updated 2 years ago

that Fionn and his warriors realized that a trap had been set. They had been deceived by a glamour and were really being held hostage in a crude shack. One after another of the warriors came to their rescue, with Diarmait finally lopping off Midac’s head.


Last updated 2 years ago

`Ambitious to join the , came to them pretending to be a lazy man in search of a job. Mac Cumhaill inexplicably agreed to take him into service, calling him Gialla Deacair, or “lazy servant.” Abarta tricked Fianna into mounting his apparently frail old horse and carried them away to the . There he held them hostage until Fionn, after many magical adventures and battles, located and freed them. After this crime, Fionn did not offer Abarta membership in his band.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
RT @laurakaykelly
In Irish mythology, Abhartach was a cruel tyrant dwarf who was slain by Fionn Mac Cumhail. After his burial, he returned from the dead to…

#Fianna #abarta #Fionn #otherworld #celtic #mythology #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

The had repelled a Viking invasion and slain their leader, Colga. Instead of killing his son Midac also as an enemy, Mac Cumhaill bestowed upon the young man cattle, servants and rich lands in counties Limerick and Clare, so that he would want for nothing. For 14 years, Midac lived peacefully enough near the bright waters of the Shannon.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `

RT @NeuKelte
: Midac invited the Fianna to his palace for a banquet. That palace, surrounded by magical rowan trees, was a splendid sigh…

#Fianna #Fionn #celtic #mythology #folklore #nonviolence #FolkloreSunday

Last updated 2 years ago

Deceived by the splendid sight of Midac`s palace that was surrounded by magical rowan trees, entered and made himself comfortable in the grand banquet hall. Midac came in, stared at them, and departed without a word. It was then that Fionn and his warriors realized that a trap had been set. They had been deceived by a glamour and were really being held hostage in a crude shack. One after another of the warriors came to their rescue, with Diarmait finally lopping off Midac’s head.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
RT @NeuKelte
: While was away, his wife had an affair. In the process, , `s fool, caught her and was therefore…

#FinnMacCool #Fianna #celtic #mythology #folklore #mythologymonday #Lomna #finn

Last updated 2 years ago

: 3 young warriors joined the , but made it a condition that they shall camp apart from the rest of the host, and that when night has fallen no man shall come near them or see them, because one of them had to die each night. The mystery of

RT @Aoifedowdartist@twitter.com

Fionn agus na Fianna.. 🎨

#celtic #LegendaryWednesday #Fianna #ireland #irishart #irishwarriors #mythology #StPatricksDay2021 #celticart

Last updated 2 years ago

The wizard Abarta had turned himself into the thick-lipped `Giolla Deacair`. The walking mountain from the had long, yellow teeth and tufts of hair on his face. Only his horse surpassed him in ugliness, but had room on its back for 15 warriors of the of .
Source: Sylvia Botheroyd ``
RT @laurakaykelly@twitter.com
In Irish mythology, Abhartach was a cruel tyrant dwarf who was slain by Fionn Mac Cumhail. After his burial, he returned from the dead to drink the blood of the living. Some say he is the true origin of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

#Fomorian #otherworld #Fianna #FinnMacCool #irland #folklorethursday

Last updated 2 years ago

The hero and his warrior band, the , killed ’s three sons as well as the husband of his sister . This giant then set out to punish the murderers. After snaring them in a `s fog that Ailna created, Dryantore captured Fionn Mac Cumhaill and his harper, the sweet-singing Dáire, and imprisoned them in his palace. The rest of the warriors found and freed them, and Dryantore was killed in the ensuing battle.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of Celtic and `
RT @WarpMiniatures@twitter.com
A Celtic Giant for August 2022!

#FinnMacCool #Fianna #dryantore #ailna #druid #otherworld #mythology #folklore #warmongers #3dprinting #warhammercommunity #paintingminiatures

Last updated 2 years ago

: , `the little fawn`, was found as a naked boy of about seven by his father, , on the old magic mountain . He became a warrior-poet of the , living 300 years in the land of eternal youth .

RT @Mattladd1@twitter.com

Benbulbin in Yeats country. Stunning

#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #Oisin #FinnMacCool #BenBulbin #Fianna #tirnanog

Last updated 2 years ago

, son of Miodna burned to the ground every for 23 consecutive years with his fiery breath after lulling all the inhabitants to sleep with his music. This only ended with the arrival of , who inhaled the poison from his spear to keep himself awake and slew . The act won him the leadership of the .
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aillen
RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com
: , son of Miodna, is an incendiary being in mythology. He played the harp and was known to sing beautiful songs. Called "the burner", he is a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann who resides in Mag Mell, the .… todon.eu/@NeuKelte/10851022185

#Aillen #tara #samhain #FinnMacCool #Fianna #celtic #mythologymonday #irish #otherworld

Last updated 2 years ago

: Goll (“the one-eyed”) mac Morna was the traditional enemy of the great hero . Ultimately driven to the edge of , Goll lived without food or water for 30 days, becoming wild with despair and hunger before dying at the hands of a minor member of the , Mac Smaile. Goll’s death did not end the feud, which continued until the Fianna was finally overcome at the battle of Gabhair. Some legends say that after his death Goll found a new home in one of the magical islands of the western sea, on whose shores he had met his doom.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
RT @leeoconnor@twitter.com
Goll Mac Morna from the Fionn MacCumhaill graphic novel. About the eye... It was main character Fionn’s dad, Cumhaill. Goll lost an eye in the fight but got control of the Fianna - the group of the land’s most incredible warrior poets - from Cumhaill. Cumhaill lost his life.

#celtic #mythology #irish #FinnMacCool #ireland #Fianna #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

and the Fianna came upon the mouth of the , before which sat three hags of evil and revolting aspect. Drewing near they found themselves suddenly entangled in strands of the yarn which the hags had spun about the place like the web of a spider, and deadly faintness and trembling came over them, so that they were easily bound fast by the hags and carried into the dark recesses of the cave.
Source: Myths and Legends of the Race by Thomas William Rolleston
RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com
Nua-: In the powerful hags or goddesses, CamĂłg, Cuilleann and Iornach, described as members of the , held the great hero and the rest of the captive. They were set to take revenge on Fionn on behalf of their
1/3 twitter.com/NeuKelte/status/15

#FinnMacCool #CavesOfKesh #celtic #CelticSoulJourney #TuathaDeDannan #Fianna

Last updated 2 years ago

, son of Miodna burned to the ground every for 23 consecutive years with his fiery breath after lulling all the inhabitants to sleep with his music. This only ended with the arrival of , who inhaled the poison from his spear to keep himself awake and slew . The act won him the leadership of the .
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aillen
RT @lorraineelizab6@twitter.com
For 23 years at Samhain a fire-breathing man of the Sidhe, Aillen, would lull the men of Tara to sleep with his before burning the palace to ground! Irish hero, Fionn mac Cumhaill was able to stay awake & slayed him; made leader of fianna! 🎨Beatrice Elvery

#Aillen #tara #samhain #FinnMacCool #Fianna #Music #FaustianFriday

Last updated 2 years ago

: In order not to let the enchanted pigs of come back to life, they were to be burned over a fire, otherwise they would have fought the again the next day. At first the attempt failed. Eventually Bran, the hound of , fetched three logs (three types of wood that could combat enchantments) and the pigs were burned on the fire from these logs. Then there was a great sorrow on Angus, for the pigs had been his people, one of them his own son.” 
Source: socrates.freeshell.org/Animals
RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com
Nua-: In a field near stands Clach a Choin, the “Dog Stone”. Legend has it that this was where the ancient heroic warrior of (Fingal) would chain his massive dog . As it circled and struggled it wore a 1/2 twitter.com/NeuKelte/status/15

#celtic #folklorethursday #AngusOg #Fianna #otherworldly #FinnMacCool #CelticSoulJourney #DunollieCastle #mythology #Bran

Last updated 2 years ago