10. A mashup of games you did or you're thinking of doing.
I didn't. But there are two things on my mind.
First, a #Fiasco trilogy with a selection of playset, and recurring stuff between the games. It's something I want to try once.
Then, it's a recurring universe. A shared universe. For myself, through various Solo Games. It's something I already started to put in place. Just need to get the right solo games for it.
8. A #TTRPG that gave you weird feelings and you liked it
I will say #Fiasco
I discovered I could play characters that I truly despised. And as it was a one-shot, I could lead them to an horrible ending.
It liberated me to the range of characters I could play. It was first strange. Playing someone vile. How will the others react? How do I feel about their actions? Am I responsible? But putting that character in trouble was great.
We are not the characters we play. #TeamDrama
#septemberpg #ttrpg #Fiasco #teamdrama
#SeptembeRPG (3) A New GMless game played this year
None actually. I played a GMless game last year, #Fiasco, and while the session itself was fun in a "variety is the spice of life" way, the system didn't appeal enough to me to convince me to try more GMless games.
#RPGaDay2023 Complex/Simple RPG You Like To Play - #Fiasco, a game about "powerful ambitions and power impulse control"
I've played it twice - once at a con, once with my home group - and I'd love to play it again. #TTRPG #RPGaDay
#rpgaday2023 #Fiasco #ttrpg #rpgaday
26. #Fiasco playsets aren’t quite character sheets—they’re primarily campaign templates. But as Fiasco characters aren’t defined as individuals—rather, by their relationships to other characters—they’re also templates for the ENTIRE party.
I love the design @nickwedig chose for the “Dragon 2000 All You Can Eat” playset (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7tke2XBxlYobHRTVHE4d0hGTmc/view?resourcekey=0-hDt8tdc5UkqukadbWBbz6A). Set in a suburban Chinese eatery, the playset’s presented as a stereotypical, three-colour, risographed takeout menu.
#Fiasco #rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #ttrpg
Hace tiempo para un playset de #Fiasco que publiqué hice está playlist que no escucho seguido, pero creo que está buena xD
Se llama Busca un Problema, como el playset. La música es como la radio que te encontrarías por ahí del año 2001 en el centro de #México y el playset toma todos los tropos de las películas mexicanas de la época sobre todo Matando Cabos
Link al playset, disponible en español e inglés en siguiente toot
13. Most Memorable character demise
I don't know there's been to many. But again #Fiasco comes to my mind, the first time I played fiasco actually
We played Saturday Night '78, my character was a detective. It wasn't so much that they died, it was mostly that everything escaped their grasp and saw it all crumble down around them
It was great
It was so good for me that that was the feeling I chased for years. I only played GMless from 2011 to 2018 probably
12. Old game you still play
I'm going to say Fiasco, I play older games but those are retroclones. I'm a fan of the original fiasco, I have never had a bad game of it, and I've never seen anyone for whom it doesn't click, new player or veteran
I've played it a lot. It can get silly, but if you play it a couple of times with people they tune in to new characters and ways o role play. That's why the Tilt Table on the #Fiasco Companion is a must for me
#TTRPG #RPGaDay2023, Day 11 "Weirdest game you've played"
This is a tough one.
We once started a game of #Fiasco where originally we were gonna make a wedding cake for a Goblin Princess, but somehow we ended up running a coup d'etat with the main ingredient being a compost heap.
There was also #HoneyHeist where we infiltrated a honey convention as a group of bears in disguise.
And so many others that were weird but good. I'll avoid mentioning the "weird and bad" ones.
#ttrpg #rpgaday2023 #Fiasco #honeyheist
Some of my favorite Writer's Room style games include #Fiasco , Primetime Adventures, Avery Alder's *Ribbon Drive*, and Possum Creek Games' #Wanderhome . There are loads of others, but those are the ones I've had incredibly good experiences with.
Now I know that three posts ago I said roleplay was Dollhouse Play, but man, there's a *lot* of roleplay that goes on in the Writer's Room space. I guess the difference is that in Writer's Room play, you're all building the dollhouse together.
@deidungeon Thanks! I get Writer's Room satisfaction from collaborative games like #Fiasco , #PrimeTimeAdventures , and #Wanderhome .
#Fiasco #primetimeadventures #wanderhome
@Wightbred @bullypulpit_hq What I've kept saying since my very 1st game of #Fiasco: there's a life as a RPG player before Fiasco, and a life after.
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 07: The smartest game I've ever played is definitely #Fiasco, a huge game changer in the #ttrpg industry as it made a lot of us rethink how fun playing the PC's downward spiral and their emotional turmoils can be, and how stale the reverse is. With its simple narration-oriented ruleset adaptable to just any kind of setting, Fiasco did change they way I play and run games, but more importantly, the way I truly have fun during an #rpg session. #jdr @bullypulpit_hq
#jdr #rpg #ttrpg #Fiasco #rpgaday2023
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 07: The smartest game I've ever played is definitely #Fiasco, a huge game changer in the #ttrpg industry as it made a lot of us rethink how fun playing the PC's downward spiral and their emotional turmoils can be, and how stale the reverse is. With its simple narration-oriented ruleset adaptable to just any kind of setting, Fiasco did change they way I play and run games, but more importantly, the way I truly have fun during an #rpg session. #jdr @bullypulpit_hq
#rpgaday2023 #Fiasco #ttrpg #rpg #jdr
@LeviKornelsen I'm mainly known for blogging/writing about #DnD #DnD5E, but in terms of what I'm playing, I've been branching out into #CypherSystem and #CourtOfBlades and am also keenly interested in trying out #HauntedWest, #BladesInTheDark, #KidsOnBikes and #Fiasco, among others.
I do almost all my work solo. Collaboration would be a nice change.
I'm way out of the industry loop—like, I can't even see it from where I am—so I don't talk about the State of Things much. But I listen, closely.
#DnD #dnd5e #cyphersystem #CourtofBlades #HauntedWest #bladesinthedark #KidsOnBikes #Fiasco
It would be cool to see more co-moderated stuff, like Fiasco. Professional streaming players are performing for us. We can encourage them to share the creative load with the GM.
#ttrpg #criticalrole #worldsbeyondnumber #Fiasco
I'm running a short season of #TTRPG games on my discord, they are somewhat experimental, as the GMs are improvising on the day, or have written a scenario specifically for it.
The premise? The aftermath of a heist gone wrong.
Games are UK/EU friendly but Sat too for those in US or Canada. It runs in the first two weeks of June
Some excellent GMs inc @SavageSpiel @neilnjae @johnpwalter and systems such as #everwayRPG #Alien #KULT & #Fiasco
#ttrpg #everwayrpg #alien #KULT #Fiasco
@cybergoths @ttrpg @Chaosium My first game was AD&D as GM and player, followed by a bit of #Traveller (I'm not sure I ever got to play, as the chargen was exhausting). I briefly GMed a homebrew #BasicRoleplaying game called #Superheroes Against #Cthulhu (#CoC and #Superworld). I've also played #Fiasco, and probably some other stuff I can't recall. I don't have time to GM these days, but I keep hoping someone will run a #BRP or #GURPS game that will appeal.
#traveller #basicroleplaying #superheroes #cthulhu #coc #superworld #Fiasco #brp #gurps
Hey fediverse! This is my #introduction post! I love #ttrpg including #wod #dnd #5e #fiasco #fate and many others!
I also love to make games. I'm currently on a mission to write a homebrew magic item every day for 100 days! (Which I will be tooting!)
Follows and boosts much appreciated.
#introduction #ttrpg #wod #DnD #5e #Fiasco #fate
RT @peterfrankopan
Obviously the board of the BBC should resign, if not collectively then individually. Failure of leadership, poor accountability and chronic loss of confidence in senior management. #Fiasco.