"Everything's coming up Tiffany!" Another sentiment going out to the #FiascoFridays crew tonight: Jen Vaughn, Austin Taylor, Ashley Gallagher, Christina Ramey, Jess, and Kristine!
#fiascofridays #FiascoRPG #ttrpgs
Anyways, here's Wonderwall. Austin Taylor, Ashley Gallagher, and Christina Ramey. #FiascoFridays #FiascoRPG #TTRPGs
#fiascofridays #FiascoRPG #ttrpgs
Never let them see you scream. Austin Taylor and Christina Ramey. #FiascoFridays #FiascoRPG #TTRPGs
#fiascofridays #FiascoRPG #ttrpgs
Truth. We WERE all there for that. Jen Vaughn, Austin Taylor, Ashley Gallagher, and Christina Ramey #FiascoFridays #FiascoRPG #TTRPGs
#fiascofridays #FiascoRPG #ttrpgs
Brinley defines loose morals for Tiffany. Jen Vaughn and
Austin Taylor during #FiascoFridays #FiascoRPG #TTRPGs
#fiascofridays #FiascoRPG #ttrpgs
The Ludonarrative Dissonance podcast does a deep dive into #FiascoRPG and lets y'all know how the water is...
@stjepanlukac I used to get bored and drop games when as GM I fully established world, factions and locations before the game and the players characters had static personalities. I’m much happier now we leave some of those th8ngs to be discovered. The #FiascoRPG was a great tool to help us change up how we played.
Day 11 at #RPGaDay2023: Weirdest game you've played
(I add "this year" to the prompt)
The weirdest RPG I've played this year has been "Fiasco". At the beginning none of us knew who he is and where we are. We ended up with more priests than organized crime could handle and a self-help group that met regularly at the funeral home. 😄
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #pnpde #ttrpg #FiascoRPG
@craigmaloney I enjoyed reading the #Dramasystem books, especially the huge range of high-concept alternative settings - from Mad Scientists Anonymous (PCs in a support group for recovering mad scientists) through Moscow Station (cold war espionage) and Paged (literary characters escape pages of British Library books and become flatmates in North London) to The Throne (angels scheme and war for control of a Heaven abandoned by God). I think many of them would make fine #FiascoRPG playbooks too!
An #introduction... Living in the UK and posting here on #RPG / #TTRPG and maybe other game-related topics.
Played #RPGs since the 1980s, starting with red box D&D. Since enjoyed varieties of #GURPS, #AmberRPG, #MageTheAscension, #Nobilis, #ArsMagica, #FateRPG, #FiascoRPG, and more. Tastes now lean towards narrative and lightweight over simulation and complexity.
Current "to try one day" list includes Powered By The Apocalypse (#PbtA), Forged In The Dark (#FitD) and #GumshoeRPG. One day...
#introduction #rpg #ttrpg #rpgs #gurps #AmberRPG #magetheascension #nobilis #arsmagica #faterpg #FiascoRPG #pbta #fitd #gumshoerpg
I feel like Frankenstein working on an #ttrpg chimera. I’m taking the #pbta conversation core where the players add ideas but roll fancy dice. But I’ve replaced the limbs of moves with fiction-first #fkr moderation. And the Abby Normal brain has strange emotions, relationships and secrets that create a #FiascoRPG like frenzy.
But by applying lightning and letting it out into the public I’ve discovered a handful of others with similar strange obsessions, so my Named monster is not truly alone.
Want to hone your #TTRPG #improv skills? According to Sam Liberty, play #FiascoRPG!
Mit der neuen #rollenspielrunde haben wir nun #FiascoRPG gespielt (das liebe ich ja sehr 🥰 und die anderen kannten es alle nicht) und einen heiter-absurden Abend auf Rainbow Mountain verbracht. In zwei Wochen geht es dann endlich mit #dread los!
#rollenspielrunde #FiascoRPG #dread #pnpde
Favorite Cryptid of Shubham Mehta: British big cats!
Favorite Cryptid of Leon Barillaro: Jersey Devil (Pine Barrens represent!)
Favorite Cryptid of Amanda Meadows: chupacabra (SoCal in the house!)
Favorite Cryptid of Jen Vaughn:
- jackalope (fueled by beer and cowboy songs)
What is your favorite Cryptid?
And #FiascoFridays is live! Tune in and join Shubham Mehta, Amanda Meadows, Leon Barillaro, and Jen Vaughn now! #FiascoRPG #TTRPGs
#fiascofridays #FiascoRPG #ttrpgs
Our friends at Beijing Labyrinth Culture Ltd. sent us these and we think they are quite lovely! #FiascoRPG #TTRPGs
If you are attending #ShineConVegas, swing by booth E10 and say hello to @ipr! They are fully vaccinated, masked, and ready to help you with your indie #TTRPG needs!
Pick up a copy of our latest #DesperationRPG or finally get yourself a copy of #FiascoRPG! They are stocked with an array of indie games just for you!
#shineconvegas #ttrpg #desperationrpg #FiascoRPG
So who’s playing “His Majesty’s Monster Slayers” today…?
#FiascoRPG #Coronation #TTRPG
If you ever find yourself in Piastów, Poland, make a point to visit the Przyczółek game store for some @bullypulpit_hq goodness!
They have #FiascoRPG plus expansions, #StarCrossedRPG, and #TheNightWitches in stock!
#FiascoRPG #starcrossedrpg #thenightwitches
Check out this FREE #FiascoRPG Playset: "Tough Cookies" by @wysiwyggins - a playset about Girl Scout cookies!