Remove the lyrics, authors. If you're hoping to include someone else's song lyrics in your books, do yourself a favor and don't do it.

No, it is NOT covered under "fair use" because your book is a commercial endeavor. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

This article explains it:


#FictionEditor #writingtips #authors #indieauthors #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Just attended author Quinn Ward's excellent session on Better Read-Throughs, Higher Royalties for at the Neurodivergent Publishing Conference this morning.

I edit back matter for authors' novels and write and edit back cover book copy for them as well, so this is super helpful.

#FictionEditor #writingcommunity #indieauthors

Last updated 2 years ago

It's such a kick to see a book I copyedited on the virtual bookshelves. This one released 2 weeks ago.

If you enjoy and , check out Miss Virginia and the Sweet Sisters by Donna Lawrence. It's a coming-of-age story of a mixed-race teenage girl growing up in 1960s Kentucky, grappling to fit in. A scary, mysterious stalker adds to the story's intrigue.

#FictionEditor #writingcommunity #bookstodon #womensfiction #historicalfiction #literaryfiction

Last updated 2 years ago

As an independent fiction editor, I sometimes encounter novel drafts that could benefit from more foreshadowing. This article has some good advice about leaving breadcrumbs throughout your story.

#wip #authors #BuildBetterStories #FictionEditor #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

I had so much fun putting together part of the seasonal quiz for the group, and plotting it all with my co-coordinator Lisa de Caux.

I'm grateful for everyone putting up with my difficult questions!

I also really enjoyed sharing some holiday customs from my original home (San Francisco) and from my former home (Geneva).

That's 2022 almost wrapped - on to 2023!

#FictionEditor #quiz #holidays #editor #CIEP #manchester

Last updated 2 years ago

Thrilled to see that a book I copyedited was published this week! It's the story of a mixed-race girl growing up in the Deep South and includes a murder mystery.

Kudos to the author, Donna Lawrence, on her extensive research and creativity. This is a fabulous debut novel and a real labor of love.

#writersofmastodon #writingcommunity #FictionEditor #copyeditor #literaryfiction

Last updated 2 years ago

I just finished a super rush line edit of a romance novel that involved weekend work and long hours. I hope my clients don't think I can pull a miracle all the time. That's what rush fees are for, and experienced editors will not hesitate to charge them. But you'll get our best work from us if you plan well and submit your work on the agreed-upon start date.

#FictionEditor #selfpublishing #indieauthor

Last updated 2 years ago

Tomorrow I get to spend a whole day in the National Library of Scotland working on this course on Should be ready to launch in January!

#worldbuilding #sff #FictionEditor

Last updated 2 years ago

AJ Ryan Fiction Editor · @ajryan04
5 followers · 2 posts · Server

It's a new age. I have begun REMOVING commas from a manuscript. Wonder if that says anything about the author, or my continuing education?

#editor #bookeditior #FictionEditor #freelanceeditor #amediting

Last updated 2 years ago

Grrr. I did not need Toggl Track to refuse to work on a Monday morning. I like to track my time when I am It helps me manage my clients' expectations.

It's back up and running now, but I didn't need a technology-is-not-your-friend moment this morning.

#amediting #editingcommunity #editorsofmastodon #FictionEditor #author #bookediting

Last updated 2 years ago

Took a break from copyediting an manuscript today to make the trip down to my mom’s and deal with some unfortunate stuff affecting my family. I’ve been working weekends the past few weeks and it felt odd giving myself the day off, though I needed the break.

If only the reason for the time off had been something positive rather than negative. Watching a few family members deal with the terrible hand they’ve been dealt is hard.

#FictionEditor #copyeditor #EditorLife #YAFantasy #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

New to the server, so here's an . I'm Bronx-born and live in rural NW in the US.

Published and ✍️ and freelance of memoir and fiction 📚 in genres such as these:

I practice daily, love (especially '70s ), and am , 🏳️‍🌈 , and newly thanks to world events.

Looking to connect with nice folks!

#amediting #FictionEditor #twittermigration #pagan #progressive #queer #punkrock #rockandroll #qigong #suspense #lgbtqia #mg #ya #romance #horror #sff #editor #writer #poet #newjersey #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago