#Sondaggi #Ungheria
Sondaggio di 21 Kutatóközpont:
#Fidesz-#KNDP|NI|EPP: 42%
#DK|S&D: 15%
#Momentum|RE: 9%
#MH|Estrema destra: 8%
#Jobbik|NI: 7%
#MKKP|Satirici: 5%
#MMN|Centro-destra: 4%
#NP|Destra: 4%
#MSZP|S&D: 4%
#LMP|G/EFA: 1%
#Párbeszéd|G/EFA: 1%
Data rilevazione: 24-29 agosto
Intervistati: 1500
#sondaggi #ungheria #Fidesz #kndp #dk #momentum #mh #jobbik #mkkp #mmn #np #mszp #lmp #parbeszed
#Ungheria #Turchia
Il Primo ministro Viktor #Orbán (#Fidesz|NI) ha incontrato il Presidente turco Recep Tayyip #Erdoğan (#AKP|Destra).
I due hanno discusso di Cooperazione energetica e ratifica dell'adesione della #Svezia alla #NATO.
Erdoğan ha annunciato al premier magiaro che visiterà nuovamente Budapest il 18 dicembre.
#ungheria #turchia #orban #Fidesz #erdogan #akp #svezia #nato
Right after #Fidesz got into power with 2/3 back in 2010 (oh, my...) they started their media operation, as a reszlt of which 100% of public, and a huge part of private media outlets (TV, radio, newsportal, journals, whatever) became pure party propaganda, nothing more.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1687836075471802368
Re The session lasted barely fifty minutes, as without the #Fidesz representatives, they couldn't even adopt the agenda, which means that the ratification of #Sweden's @NATO accession will definitely be postponed until autumn."
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1686025582293790720
The value of social media for Hungary https://www.euractiv.com/section/media/opinion/the-value-of-social-media-for-hungary/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #DigitalMarketsActDMA #DigitalServicesActDSA #Fidesz
#digitalmarketsactdma #digitalservicesactdsa #Fidesz
🇭🇺🇺🇦🇷🇺 #Fidesz speaker of the Parliament: "We don't care who wins the #UkraineRussiaWar".
This sentence means you root for the aggressor Mr Speaker. While all knew it, some of your people kept denying it for some reason. The shouldn't anymore. Clear words. https://t.co/coXPvDVKDC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1677280193487024131
#Ungheria #UE #Europa
Primo Ministro Viktor #Orbán (#Fidesz|NI): "L’Ungheria non attuerà le decisioni dell’Unione europea in materia di migrazione. Non accetteremo le quote obbligatorie e non creeremo ghetti per migranti. La situazione è triste, dobbiamo difenderci non solo dai migranti illegali e dai trafficanti di esseri umani ma anche da Bruxelles."
#ungheria #ue #europa #orban #Fidesz
#Sondaggi #Ungheria
Sondaggio di Republikon:
#Fidesz-#KNDP|NI|EPP: 46% (-2)
#DK|S&D: 16% (-1)
#Momentum|RE: 9% (+2)
#MH|Estrema destra: 7% (-1)
#MKKP|Satirici: 6% (+1)
#MSZP|S&D: 5%
#LMP|G/EFA: 5% (+1)
#Jobbik|NI: 4%
#Párbeszéd|G/EFA: 2%
Data rilevazione: 19-23 giugno
+/-: 21-28 aprile
Intervistati: 1000
#sondaggi #ungheria #Fidesz #kndp #dk #momentum #mh #mkkp #mszp #lmp #jobbik #parbeszed
Re 4/ In essence, the story implies that the children of #Fidesz ppl enjoy luxurious lifestyles at the expense of public funds. Hence, whenever @PM_ViktorOrban espouses the values of #family, it seems that he actually means more #Ferraris for his friends' sons.
credits #444
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1676215571501789184
Re @bkalnoky @Nkabcen @NATO I don't blame any country. But I do blame the #Orban-gov't. #Fidesz ppl tend to mix up the two - don't fall in that trap @bkalnoky. Also, excuse me if my geopolitical standard isn't #Erdoğan. But true, it isn't.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1674113923685965984
According to #Fidesz voters, 🇺🇦 & 🇺🇸 pose a bigger threat on 🇭🇺 than 🇷🇺.
👏👏👏 @PM_ViktorOrban & team. Well done.
(Research by @FESonline @BiroNagyAndras)
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1666792177890996232
RT @tomvangrieken: Een blij weerzien met @PM_ViktorOrban om ervaringen uit te wisselen over een veranderende wereld, politieke strategie en de toekomst van ons Europa.
#Fidesz 🇭🇺🤝🏻🦁 #VlaamsBelang https://t.co/SHFYrrcLdO
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TomVandendriese/status/1664653860642619394
RT @tomvangrieken: Op bezoek in Hongarije bij onze politieke vrienden van #Fidesz. Onze samenwerking met ECR en ID in Parlementaire Vergadering van de Raad van Europa (EC/DA) als voorbeeld voor een Europese nationalistische toekomst. https://t.co/GlHgbWYb6V
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TomVandendriese/status/1664547002988806145
MEPs condemn Hungary but diplomats play down threat to EU presidency https://www.euractiv.com/section/eu-institutions/news/meps-condemn-hungary-but-diplomats-play-down-threat-to-eu-presidency/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Fidesz #HungarianEUPresidency #Hungary #ruleoflaw
#Fidesz #hungarianeupresidency #hungary #RuleofLaw
Three mayors testified on Wednesday at the Court that prior to the 2018 elections, individuals associated with the region's #Fidesz MP approached them, suggesting that they should divert 10-20 % of the EU funds allocated to their municipalities for the election campaign.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1664120212617150464
#Sondaggi #Europee #Ungheria
Sondaggio di Nézőpont:
#Fidesz-#KNDP|NI|EPP: 51% (-5)
#DK|S&D: 16% (+2)
#Momentum|RE: 9% (+3)
#MH|Estrema destra: 6%
#Jobbik|NI: 5% (+3)
#LMP|G/EFA: 3%
#MKKP|Satirici: 3% (-1)
#MSZP|S&D: 2%
#Párbeszéd|G/EFA: 1%
Data rilevazione: 15-17 maggio
+/-: 2-4 gennaio
Intervistati: 1000
#sondaggi #europee #ungheria #Fidesz #kndp #dk #momentum #mh #jobbik #lmp #mkkp #mszp #parbeszed
@JensWagner Viele Diktatoren wurden zuerst demokratisch gewählt. Einmal an der Macht, haben sie die Demokratie schnell beschädigt und beseitigt, und dann konnten sie nicht mehr durch den Willen der einfachen Mehrheit entfernt werden. Putin, Erdogan, Orbán, Hitler, Mussolini. Was haben sich die Leute 1933 gedacht, als sie für die NSDAP gestimmt haben? Was denken jene, die #afd #Fidesz #fpoe heute wählen? Wir haben noch viel politische Bildungsarbeit vor uns.
Hungary ‘unfit’ to hold EU presidency, warn MEPs https://www.euractiv.com/section/eu-institutions/news/hungary-unfit-to-hold-eu-presidency-warn-meps/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #EUCouncilPresidency #Fidesz #Hungary
#eucouncilpresidency #Fidesz #hungary
#Ungheria #Ucraina
Primo ministro Viktor #Orbán (#Fidesz|NI): "Ci sono due modi di ragionare sul futuro della guerra in Ucraina: uno è un modo militare, un altro è capire che non c’è via d’uscita da questo conflitto, se non attraverso un cessate il fuoco e negoziati di pace. L'Ungheria è pronta a essere uno strumento nelle mani di coloro che cercano la pace."
#ungheria #ucraina #orban #Fidesz