The upcoming release of the LUE Conda package will have support for reading and writing rasters formatted as Geotiff. I have put a simple example online of using LUE to calculate erodibility using the USLE equation:
#LUE #Python #GIS #MapAlgebra #FieldBasedModelling #HighPerformanceComputing
#HighPerformanceComputing #FieldBasedModelling #mapalgebra #gis #python #lue
A few days ago, we released a Conda package containing the full LUE software package, including the field-based modelling framework. Lots of stuff still missing, but this will allows users to install a high-performant parallel map algebra engine using a simple `conda install -c conda-forge lue`.
#LUE #Python #Conda #GIS #MapAlgebra #FieldBasedModelling #HighPerformanceComputing
#HighPerformanceComputing #FieldBasedModelling #mapalgebra #gis #conda #python #lue