Please alert people that my first public protest against police abusing disabled & immunocompromised households launches on July 29th at noon!
In front of Saanich PD station.
They can msg me to coordinate.
#VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #Wsanec #Saanich #FightForJustice #SocialJustice #Covid #POCfolksMatter #StopAbleism #FuckAbuseFromPolice
#victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #wsanec #saanich #FightForJustice #socialjustice #covid #pocfolksmatter #StopAbleism #fuckabusefrompolice
My response to that weak attempt at justifying #unethical , morally #corrupt #SaanichPolice actions on our POC disabled immunocompromised household on night my Dad died. They need to be all held #ACCOUNTABLE - they're all #PublicServants & paid by #PublicMoney aka #TaxpayerFunds 😡
#VictoriaBC #Saanich #injustice #AsianMastodon #FightForJustice #YYJ #ChekNews #CTVVI #Corruption #CoverUp #VancouverIsland #PNW
#unethical #corrupt #saanichpolice #yyj #cheknews #ctvvi #corruption #coverup #vancouverisland #pnw #accountable #publicservants #publicmoney #taxpayerfunds #victoriabc #saanich #injustice #asianmastodon #FightForJustice
The best kind of fool is a fool fighting for justice. Let's all be that kind of fool.
Diane Desierto, #law #professor and faculty director for the Law School’s LL.M. Program in International #HumanRights Law, began her career in 2004 seeking #reparations and #justice for #Filipina #women who suffered from the #sexual #slavery system imposed by the #Japanese during #WorldWarII .
#ComfortWomen #Phillipines #AsianMastodon #FightForJustice #WWII #WomensMonth #WomensRights #HumanRights #WarCrimes #Filipino #Asian #RightTheWrongs
#law #professor #humanrights #reparations #justice #filipina #women #sexual #slavery #japanese #worldwarii #comfortwomen #phillipines #asianmastodon #FightForJustice #wwii #WomensMonth #womensrights #warcrimes #filipino #asian #rightthewrongs
A year ago Russia Federation made it's biggest mistake in several decades. That will be, sooner or later, woefully evident to everyone—including to the entirety of Putin regime and it's supporters.
#StandWithUkraine #FightForJustice #ukraine
Be #relentless with #fighting for #SocialJustice & #EcoJustice ✊ #StandUpSpeakOut against #crapitalism & #colonial forces that fuel #evil in this world. It's 2022 - f**k #WhiteSupremacy & anyone who supports it. #Environmental #racism isn't a myth, it's an #UglyReality & it needs to STOP🛑
#solidarity #FightAgainstEvil #AsianMastodon #NativeMastodon #BlackMastodon #POCMastodon #StopEcocide #HumanRights #FightForJustice #FightTheSystem #decolonize #PowerToThePeople #AntiRacism #BIPOC
#relentless #fighting #socialjustice #ecojustice #standupspeakout #crapitalism #colonial #evil #whitesupremacy #environmental #racism #uglyreality #solidarity #fightagainstevil #asianmastodon #nativemastodon #blackmastodon #pocmastodon #stopecocide #humanrights #FightForJustice #fightthesystem #decolonize #powertothepeople #antiracism #bipoc
to quote Ursula K. Le Guin:
We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings.
Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begins in art, and very often in our art, the art of words.
see also:
original source: