Since 2015, The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund has been supporting anti-fascists like Yvette with REAL solidarity right when they needed it the most. You should support them, too. Contribute today!
#antifa #FightingHateIsNotACrime #anti #solidarityisourweapon #antifascist #antifascism
Antifascist David Campbell describes what is was like serving a prison sentence for anti-fascist work & how he got through his time in Riker's Island:
#antifa #davidcampbell, #FightingHateIsNotACrime #solidarity
#antifa #davidcampbell #FightingHateIsNotACrime #solidarity #solidarityisourweapon
Gage Halupowski is serving a six-year prison sentence after defending his community from a fascist rally in 2019. More info about Gage, his case, and how to write to him:
#j25antifa #FightingHateIsNotACrime #solidarityisourweapon #FreeGage