终于搞定 Figma 导出用于印刷的 PDF 文件的解决方案了!
Figma 作为一个 UI 设计应用,在印刷方面的功能真的严重缺失——没办法设置 CMYK 颜色,没办法以毫米为单位导出,也没办法设置导出文件的 DPI。
甚至由于 Figma 的很多功能是独家方案,于是导出的文件用别的应用打开都会出现不兼容的问题。我遇到过的就有勾选裁切画板导致内容消失,描边无论选择向内或向外都会在另一侧也出现描边挡住内容。
刚才做了一个 Adobe Illustrator 的动作,然后用批处理把最麻烦的问题全解决了。
Oh wow!
A bit over a year ago (on my mastodon.technology account), I've predicted that someone will build a collaborative video editor with #WebAssembly in the next year or so (which is this year).
Something like #Figma, but for video.
Well, seems like the prophecy will soon be fulfilled:
Zack Radisic is behind this project:
That person knows what their are doing.
Let's see, how that turns out. 🍿
Is it Figma Friday yet?
Container scroll with interactive scrollbar & updating shadows.
Celebrating 1 year as a Nordie today! Thanks to everyone I've met at Nordhealth.com for sharing the ride 🥳 Instead of telling you what I've learned along the way, here's a Figma prototype I was working on today...
It's an accordeon navigation with a twist... the active group stays open to always have it in view. Other groups collapse automatically to reduce sidebar scrolling. #productdesign #ux #figma
Designers, where do get your daily #figma workout?
Reply what makes you decide.
Boost for more reach 😘
Are you curious about the technical details behind Figma's multiplayer technology? Check out this article that explains the challenges and decisions that went into building Figma's real-time #collaboration platform. Learn about the custom multiplayer system developed by #Figma, which is simpler and easier to implement than the standard algorithm used by other tools. A must-read for developers and anyone interested in the inner workings of collaboration platforms.
And since bio doesn’t seem searchable, here are some interests of mine:
#CSS #Nextjs #Nuxtjs #JavaScript #Typescript #Serverless #Figma #React #Vue #A11y #Obsidian #SonyAlpha #Photography #Tech #OpenSource #Cryptocurrency
#css #nextjs #nuxtjs #javascript #typescript #Serverless #Figma #react #Vue #a11y #Obsidian #SonyAlpha #photography #tech #OpenSource #cryptocurrency
🏦 The US Justice Department #DOJ is preparing to open an in-depth investigation of the #Adobe $20 billion takeover of design collaboration company #Figma.
Reactions to the deal are expected to drive people to #OpenSource alternative @penpot.
#graphicDesign #OpenSource #Figma #Adobe #doj
Did you miss any articles from FOSSlife this week? Check out FOSSlife Weekly to catch up https://app.moosend.com/show_campaign/fe08f721-93d8-44c3-bf3e-42dda08c6d0b #DataCenter #OpenSource #FossilFuel #Linux #FerenOS #Adobe #Figma #LinuxFoundation #token #jobs #FOSS
#foss #jobs #token #LinuxFoundation #Figma #adobe #ferenos #Linux #fossilfuel #opensource #DataCenter
Autonomous Acquisition? Adobe announces purchase of the open source design platform Figma https://www.fosslife.org/adobe-buy-figma-20-billion #OpenSource #acquisition #Figma #Adobe #design #tools #business
#business #tools #design #adobe #Figma #acquisition #opensource
End-of-Year Roundup: Richard MacManus looks at the top Internet technologies of 2021 https://buff.ly/3yukBlN #Internet #SoftwareDevelopment #Figma #WebAssembly #WebDevelopment #Nextjs #Lit #NvidiaOmniverse #Omniverse
#Omniverse #NvidiaOmniverse #Lit #Nextjs #webdevelopment #WebAssembly #Figma #softwaredevelopment #Internet
Best Graphic Design Software for Linux in 2020 #Graphic Design #Linux #Figma #Inkscape #Vectr #GravitDesigner #Krita #Photopea #SVG-Edit #Gimp
#GIMP #svg #photopea #Krita #gravitdesigner #Vectr #Inkscape #Figma #Linux #graphic