Did the thing. Also ran into my coach with whom, let’s face it, I need to spend way more time. #figureskating #adultsskatetoo #adultathlete #training
#training #adultathlete #adultsskatetoo #Figureskating
TV TONIGHT (March 25)
#APictureOfHer #EveryBreathSheTakes #ScornedFatalFury #FigureSkating #NCAATournament #XFL #MLS #UFC #NHL #MastersOfIllusion #LoveAndMarriageDC #SYTTD #ColdJustice #UnexplainedCaughtOnCamera #48Hours #AEWRampage #FamilyDinner
#familydinner #AEWRampage #48hours #unexplainedcaughtoncamera #coldjustice #syttd #loveandmarriagedc #mastersofillusion #nhl #ufc #mls #xfl #NCAATournament #Figureskating #scornedfatalfury #everybreathshetakes #apictureofher
Is it really St Patrick’s Day if Jason Brown skating to River Dance isn’t posted all over social media? No, friends. No it is not.
Despite being a "very" gay for what feels like centuries, I still don't know the difference between a Lutz and an Axel.
Or a Salchow.
TV TONIGHT (February 5)
#Grammys #RHOP #WorstCooks #MurderInBigHorn #SuperchefGrudgeMatch #1923TV #ProBowlGames #FigureSkating #NASCAR #90DayFianceTheOtherWay #DirtyJobs #HomeTown #TheLastOfUs #YourHonor #MurfTheSurf #AmericanPain #EvilLivesHere
#evilliveshere #americanpain #murfthesurf #YourHonor #thelastofus #HomeTown #Dirtyjobs #90dayfiancetheotherway #nascar #Figureskating #probowlgames #1923tv #superchefgrudgematch #murderinbighorn #worstcooks #RHOP #Grammys
I think I was the only one trying to follow the US Figure Skate Championships on a smaller screen while everyone else was watching the 49ers vs Eagles game on a large screen at the restaurant today....
TV TONIGHT (January 29)
#FireCountry #AFCChampionship #NFCChampionship #90DayFianceTheOtherWay #TheLostKitchen #VacationHomeNightmare #CollegeBasketball #FigureSkating #RHOP #WorstCooks #TheLastOfUs #TheWayHome #YourHonor #EvilLivesHere #MayfairWitches
#mayfairwitches #evilliveshere #YourHonor #thewayhome #thelastofus #worstcooks #RHOP #Figureskating #collegebasketball #vacationhomenightmare #thelostkitchen #90dayfiancetheotherway #nfcchampionship #afcchampionship #firecountry
TV TONIGHT (January 27)
#Shrinking #LockwoodAndCo #ShotgunWedding #YouPeople #BoysInBlue #EnggaHostel #KingsOfJoburg #BMF #SmackDown #FigureSkating #SharkTank #MyDaughtersDeadlyRoommates #DragRace #ReadyToLove #GoldRush #LoveAfterLockup #AEWRampage
#AEWRampage #loveafterlockup #goldrush #readytolove #dragrace #mydaughtersdeadlyroommates #sharktank #Figureskating #smackdown #bmf #kingsofjoburg #enggahostel #boysinblue #youpeople #ShotgunWedding #lockwoodandco #shrinking
I have never really been into #FigureSkating, but man these kids are *good* - it's rather inspiring to see what they can do (only caught end of practice session, some of the other moves were even more impressive)
It occurs to me that with a little more support #Denmark could be pretty competitive in #Skating
#mastodonDK #dkmastodon #noxp #hvidovreskojteklub #dksport #skating #Denmark #Figureskating
I’ve been posting a lot of sad things lately, but there’s still some awesome stuff happening. Like Mai Mihara absolutely crushing it at FISU. #FigureSkating
“Yes, Collin, of course I can support your body weight.”
#Humor #Funny #FigureSkating
To allow more inclusive gender-pairing for ice dance, i suggest removing the number of lifts as well as having alternatives to the lift requirement. for women-pairs, how about allowing something like double-spiral sequences...i mean some people still miss it in the women individual event, so why not. #FigureSkating
I vaguely remember someone mentioning requesting Yuzu to skate to Debussy. I feel there are other composers who have overall better chemistry with Yuzu, but for him I could sense a chemistry with either Michelangeli or Pollini's recordings. #FigureSkating
It's MAAAAGIC I can see the future.
In other words, there is an article about me in the January issue of #Reason. Apparently it posts Dec. 31.
#journalistsonmastodon #Felon #Figureskating #reason
It's MAAAAGIC I can see the future.
In other words, there is an article about me in the January issue of #Reason. Apparently it posts Dec. 31.
#journalistsonmastodon #Felon #Figureskating #reason
Comenzando la danza en el Junior Grand Prix de Torino :blobcatbigfan: #Figureskating
If even Sandman gets a “figure skating” treatment, Yuzuru Hanyu deserves to be Dream. Yuzu is a maker of worlds, creator of dreams. Nuff said.
#Figureskating #sandman #yuzuruhanyu
If even Sandman gets a “figure skating” treatment, Yuzuru Hanyu deserves to be Dream. Yuzu is a maker of worlds, creator of dreams. Nuff said.
#Figureskating #sandman #yuzuruhanyu
Japan could theoretically take home 7 of the 12 medals at the #FigureSkating Grand Prix Final. 💀 Wild. I’m not *entirely* sure that’s going to happen, but it *could.*
The least they will bring home is one, since they have 4/6 of the mens spot. No matter what, at least one Japanese Man is getting a medal.
We are in the new Japanese dominance era of Figure Skating and I love it. I’m going to be pulling for Kaori Sakamoto 🇯🇵
Sometimes I just feel like sharing some #FigureSkating
Isabeau Levito has such a good performance quality. It’s just very enjoyable to watch.