Time for another Eurofilk! Karl-Johan Norén is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Eurofilk #filk
Time: Sep 7, 2023 18:00 Stockholm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 3738 8391
Passcode: philker
Eurofilk tomorrow Thursday July 26 at 18:00 Central European Time (adjust for summer time as needed)! The friendliest bi-weekly weekday filk circle in the world! #filk https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82569360506?pwd=MXk5SFQrbzc2TnFJYS90cnM2YUY0UT09
Eurofilk on Thursday July 13 at 18:00 Swedish time! Hear all about the adventures on my Finncon trip! #filk #finncon https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89833396010?pwd=bEthdW9BdnZwUElHK2ZLMGxyNTlKdz09
Eurofilk song circle tomorrow, at 18:00 Central European Time! #filk https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87021219146?pwd=UFYrSytHR0NHendNWFdkNlpEd3EyQT09
Eurofilk continues. Tonight June 15 at 18:00 European Time on Zoom! #filk https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89812465349?pwd=MEwraGt0OHVTcUVzYk03dXRWSUp4QT09
Eurofilk tonight, at 18:00 Central European Time! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82873751865?pwd=YlpCbENGNlp6S0VCQ1F3eEJCQVFUUT09 #filk
Eurofilk #filk tomorrow! Karl-Johan Norén is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Eurofilk
Time: May 4, 2023 18:00 Stockholm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 7352 3980
Passcode: philker
Karl-Johan Norén is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Eurofilk
Time: Apr 20, 2023 18:00 Stockholm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 7669 5660
Passcode: philker
Another Eurofilk tonight! Karl-Johan Norén is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Eurofilk
Time: Apr 6, 2023 18:00 Stockholm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 7896 2040
Passcode: philker
@aral Chaos, I have to get back to #FilkCONtinental / #Intermezzo this year … https://intermezzo.filk.de/
#FilkCONtinental #Intermezzo #Filk #music
Eurofilk today (Thursday March 23) at 18.00 Stockholm time! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88028507388?pwd=b2N6RXdXQVg1eDR4OWduVUdkZ2E3QT09 #filk
Time for another evening of #filk at Eurofilk! Every second Thursday on Zoom.
Topic: Eurofilk
Time: Feb 23, 2023 18:00 Stockholm
Join Zoom Meeting
If you loved #TheDarkIsRising by Susan Cooper, do not miss out on the song by prize-winning #Filk artist #JuliaEcklar on Bandcamp: https://juliaecklar.bandcamp.com/track/the-dark-is-rising
#thedarkisrising #Filk #juliaecklar
#Intermezzo: Minions Make #Music Marvelous! https://intermezzocon.bandcamp.com/album/intermezzo-minions-make-music-marvelous mine is track 16
This is a #filk #convention recording from the main concert, the last filk CON pre #COVID19 (so the last I could visit for two years *sob*) — digital #cd on #bandcamp
Disclosure: I actually get royalties for my track on the CD, so please go and buy! ☺ (I may not actually get more when you buy, but it then won’t be a net loss for the producers, and these are fellow filkers, too: the awesome Bine from #geborgt )
#Intermezzo #music #Filk #Convention #COVID19 #cd #bandcamp #geborgt
"Arlington" - Twotonic live at FilKONtario 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYOPj70l520 — I miss you so much #filk
The #WorlDream Project — many hearts, one voice: https://youtu.be/oYBnlCWs2lg — Steve McDonald brought together 20 years of #Filk