Elizabeth Ward · @elizabethward
717 followers · 274 posts · Server mastodon.social

I confess, I hadn't heard of Timothy Spall's 2021 , "The Last Bus" before today.

But it's title is now definitely in my list of favourite German-language titles of English-language films.

I mean, why go for "Der letzte Bus" when you could have:
"Der Engländer, der in den Bus stieg und bis ans Ende der Welt fuhr"
(EN: The Englishman who got on the bus and travelled to the end of the world)

#film #german #FilmTitle #movies

Last updated 2 years ago

Joseph Kanski · @JPK_elmediat
355 followers · 2719 posts · Server mastodon.art

One Flue Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
starring The - Shemp, Curly, Harpo, and Karl

#allohistory #FilmTitle #fim #cinema #altenativehistory #marxbrothers

Last updated 2 years ago