FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

I very much enjoyed 2.
Nice balance between action, problem solving and character development. :)

#EnolaHolmes #FilmsFiXatoWatches #FiXatoRecommends #films

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

Half an hour left of the film , and I'm feeling sorry for , and think the 'protagonist' is an inconsiderate dick who focuses only on his own goal and doesn't consider the feelings of the of the he's created...

#archive #j2 #ai #robots #FilmsFiXatoWatches #film #films #movies

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

Especially loved the return of Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborn / The Green Goblin (that laugh / cackle is just unique), as well as J.K. Simmons as John Jonah Jameson, Jr.
Also liked how the other Spideys weren't de-aged or anything.

A bit annoyed though that I missed some of the backstory from not having seen everything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe...

#spiderman #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #FilmsFiXatoWatches #FiXatoRecommends

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

The Man From Earth, I don't know how often I've watched this so far, but after all these times, it's still such a great to watch...

The premise, what if your friend claims to have been born as a , and has thus supposedly has lived for thousands of years, is such an intriguing one.
The setting, your friend's home and yard, and the company of friends, is so uncomplicated and low-budget, which really helps put the focus on the story.

It does feature familiar actors, but I don't feel like they have been type-cast, and they just feel right for the roles. Actors include (known for playing on ) and ( on ), (who played on the excellent episode The Inner Light, but also Seamus in the Voyager holodeck episodes), which is kinda fitting as the story is based on a 1969 Star Trek episode called 'Requiem for Methuselah', which was also written by .
Other actors include (known for her role as Nurse Lydia Wright on ER), (Days of Our Lives), (The Greatest American Hero), and .

#film #movie #CroMagnon #TonyTodd #Kurn #startrek #JohnBillingsley #DoctorPhlox #stenterprise #RichardRiehle #Batai #JeromeBixby #EllenAnnCrawford #AlexisAnnThorpe #WilliamKatt #DavidLeeSmith #AnnikaPeterson #FilmsFiXatoWatches #FiXatoRecommends

Last updated 3 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

Time to watch the new with the in-laws. :)

#dune #Jul2021 #personal #FilmsFiXatoWatches

Last updated 3 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

oh, the 'low budget' made me remember an absolute classic: Jerome Bixby's Man From Earth.
A couple of teachers / professors gather in the house of their collegue, John Oldman, to say good-bye to him as he's packing up to leave the school and area.
During the evening he shares the notion that he's actually from the Holocene period and has lived through the ages without aging himself. They discuss whether this is possible, how it would affect such a person, as well as history, and how ideas develop throughout time.

Perhaps not quite the science fiction we've come to associate with the term sci-fi, but science fiction in my book nonetheless.

I love how it's basically only filmed in the living room of Oldman's house and just outside it, and how despite the low budget, it still has a couple of familiar faces, without relying on them to carry the film.

#FilmsFiXatoWatches #JeromeBixby #manfromearth

Last updated 3 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

seconding Continuum. A bit a shame it got cut short, but at least they wrapped up the story nicely in the final season.

I've yet to see more of B5. Wife was quite a fan of it, and we might watch it after we've gone through Doctor Who (2005). Currently catching up on Jodie's seasons, after which we'll continue with season 2 of it. (I've watched all of the previous New Who series, but Siiw hasn't.)
Though we also still have to fin some time to watch the second season of the Love, Death, Robots anthology. Given the themes of some of its first season 'episodes', it's not something that we can watch together when we normally watch things together though, at dinner time with the kid. And seeing how busy December usually is for the missus at work, I doubt it'll be any time soon we get to watch it.

The new Nickelodeon Star Trek show, Prodigy, isn't bad either. A bit annoyed at how they are portraying one of the main cast members, but that's probably just to show their eventual character development, in a bit heavy-handed way. The animated sceneries are stunning though. Despite all the complaints from the 'fan'dom about how New Trek isn't Star Trek, and how 'woke' it supposedly is, I think it's actually a pretty good time to be a Trekkie.
Definitely looking forward to S2 of Picard.

Also still have to watch season 2 of Altered Carbon. Might need a recap of S1 though.

Looking forward to next season of Stranger Things.

Recently finished binging on Snowpiercer's second season.

Still have some left of Final Space to watch, but current season feels a bit too over the top at times.

Also noticed yesterday that the Lost In Space remake has a third season now.

"I Am Mother" and "Destination IO" were pretty good sci-fi films too.

Still on my to-watch list: "The wandering earth", "Altered Carbon: Resleeved" (anime spin-off of the live action series), Oats Studios (series of experimental post-apocalyptic short films by Neoll Blomkamp (District 9, Elysium, Chappie), Annihilation, Black Mirror, and Nisser ("Elves").

Plenty of things to watch still to make use of my Netflix subscription and pirate hat. :)

#seriesfixatowatches #FilmsFiXatoWatches

Last updated 3 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

Hmm, watching John Malkovich in a scene from Burn After Reading makes me wonder how much of a different film The Truman Show would've been if he had the role of Truman, rather than Jim Carrey.

#johnmalkovich #BurnAfterReading #jimcarrey #thetrumanshow #films #FilmsFiXatoWatches

Last updated 3 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9413 posts · Server

I'll second @tyl's suggestion of Troll Hunter.
Another film from Norwegian film makers I'd like to add, would be Død Snø aka Dead Snow. If you don't mind zombie nazis getting whacked, that is.

On the more comedic side would be Lange Flate Ballær (long flat balls) and the animation "Free Jimmy".

Quite a while ago I also kept a bit of a log of films I watched in a text file:
Highlights from that list are "Jerome Bixby's The Last Man From Earth", Duncan Jones' "Moon", Children of Men, The Lake House, Kick-Ass, Blender Foundation's Sintel, and Hachi: A Dog's Tale.

Repo: A Genetic Opera is also good, but I fear that might come under scary-but-without-monster category; plus, musicals aren't for everyone...


Last updated 3 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9413 posts · Server