Last we checked, have it. Their server is a Microsoft one it seems but you should be able to get it over , if we remember correctly.


#FilmsForActionDotOrg #torbrowser

Last updated 4 years ago

is what has been building up over the 50 years since we completely severed our relationship with the limiting factor of gold in 1971.

The banker crimes started in 1913, though.

What commentators have identified is . A good explanation is in the film, (2013, ).

@evelynyap @wizzwizz4

#CorporateFacsism #corporateState #totalitarianism #obey #FilmsForActionDotOrg

Last updated 4 years ago

Capitalism and socialism, mirrors freedom and democracy.

We really like the topics that you talk about but, it is the gameification of capitalism, otherwise known as cronyism, that has allowed mega corporations to rape the destroy the small and less connected capitalists.

Have you seen, Obey (2013) at . It explains .

@humanetech @nestort @drq @nitot

#FilmsForActionDotOrg #corporateStateTotalitarianism

Last updated 4 years ago

Totalitarianism is an infectious disease.

Govts and small businesses just want to do the right thing, but when that right thing is dictated to them by , and a complex feeding at the trough of free money, you are bound to get into trouble.

Some have called it .

See (2013) at

#corporateState #megaCorporations #bankers #MICIMATT #invertedTotalitarianism #obey #FilmsForActionDotOrg

Last updated 4 years ago

Everyone needs to watch the film (2013).

We originally saw it at . It highlights people's desire to in .

Or what the author calls .

Prepare to be shocked by the authors ability to predict the we are seeing around us. Some call it a .

However we deconstruct this let's do it with kindness and love.

#obey #FilmsForActionDotOrg #beConsulted #corporateState #totalitarianism #invertedTotalitarianism #societalDecay #FourthTurning #corporateDeathMachine

Last updated 4 years ago

2/2… the fact that the current system in not . And is closer to , the crime being perpetrated is and they do it by appealing to a that doesn't exist.

The 2013 film, . Has done a terrifying job of predicting the past few years and we encourage people to watch it at last we checked.

We only pointed out what we felt for the benefit of future video producers, including this one should he find it.

#pretendCapitalism #moneylaundering #neofeudalism #capitalistIdeal #obey #FilmsForActionDotOrg

Last updated 4 years ago