In France, a Citizens’ Assembly on 2 April voted by a large majority in favour of legalising assisted dying.
#ConventionFinDeVie #ConventionCitoyenne #FinDeVie #CitizensAssembly
#conventionfindevie #ConventionCitoyenne #FinDeVie #citizensassembly
40 participants of the French #CitizensAssembly on Assisted Dying criticise in an open letter that the procedure is manipulated from their point of view.
#citizensassembly #conventionfindevie #ConventionCitoyenne #FinDeVie
France’s ongoing Citizens’ Assembly on end-of-life issues is proving that reading isn’t always the best way to soak up knowledge or solve problems, @hughpope explains.
#conventionfindevie #ConventionCitoyenne #FinDeVie
The Citizens’ Assembly on assisted dying in France has voted overwhelmingly in favour of legalising assisted dying. The final detailed proposals will be submitted to the French Government on 19 March.
#convenctionfindevie #ConventionCitoyenne #FinDeVie
A national citizens' assembly on assisted dying has been running in France since 9 December 2022. @hughpope, as a mini public expert, is observing the assembly and reports on it.
#conventioncitoyennefindevie #ConventionCitoyenne #FinDeVie
A national citizens' assembly on assisted dying has been running in France since 9 December 2022. Hugh Pope, as a mini public expert, is observing the assembly and reports on it. #conventioncitoyennefindevie #conventioncitoyenne #findevie
#conventioncitoyennefindevie #ConventionCitoyenne #FinDeVie
At the heart of the French Citizens' Assembly on assisted dying #conventioncitoyenne #findevie #conventioncitoyennefindevie
#ConventionCitoyenne #FinDeVie #conventioncitoyennefindevie
#FinDeVie #Kebab et #Funk, faut peut-être un peu clarifier cette ligne éditoriale avant de se lancer dans une #introduction
#FinDeVie #Kebab #funk #introduction