Ieri ho provato la demo di #FinalFantasyXVI
Ovviamente non mi dà le sensazioni che associo alla serie (com'è naturale, visto che la gente che ci lavora è tutta diversa e in generale il mondo è cambiato) ma detto questo credo sia il primo FF a incuriosirmi dai tempi del 12 - tra l'altro colpevolmente mai finito perché il Battle system proprio non mi piaceva
Chissà se tra qualche secolo uscirà per PC e potrà girare su Steam Deck (dubito, ma nel caso il mio backlog ringrazia)
Now watching TheCHUGS (#AEW's #AdamCole) play #FinalFantasyXVI on #Twitch.
Now also watching Ashlizzlle play #MagicTheGathering on #Twitch.
(1 of 3)
#magicthegathering #Twitch #FinalFantasyXVI #adamcole #aew
#FinalFantasyXVI time once again, I left off with a couple of hunts and side quests to finish but the end is near #FF16 #FFXVI
Dion and Terrence being cute together, such a joy 😂
#FFXVI #FFXVISpoilers #FinalFantasyXVI #FF16 #FinalFantasy16 #DionLesage
#ffxvi #ffxvispoilers #FinalFantasyXVI #FF16 #FinalFantasy16 #dionlesage
[ACTU POP] Café Matin | FFXVI et ses DLC, THE ALPINIST >>> #cafematin #popculture #jeuxvideo #stream #twitch #twitchfr #twitchstream #twitchstreamer #finalfantasyxvi #finalfantasy #squareenix #theatrhythm #metalgearsolid #thealpinist #netflix
#cafematin #popculture #jeuxvideo #stream #twitch #twitchfr #twitchstream #twitchstreamer #FinalFantasyXVI #finalfantasy #squareenix #theatrhythm #metalgearsolid #thealpinist #netflix
#FINALFANTASYXVI gets two paid DLC's and a PC port. #Gaming #VideoGames #JRPG
#FinalFantasyXVI #gaming #videogames #jrpg
#FinalFantasyXVI in arrivo su PC è pura goduria.
Ora si palesa giusto un piccolo problema, devo decidere se continuare la mia partita su #PS5, accantonata per completare alcune recensioni e articoli, oppure attendere l'uscita della versione PC.
Ma penso di conoscere già la risposta, visto quante volte mi son giocato #FinalFantasyXV e #FinalFantasyVIIRemake tra #PS4 e PC 👀
#FinalFantasyXVI #PS5 #FinalFantasyXV #finalfantasyviiremake #PS4
Fans von #Theatrhythm Final Bar Line dürfen sich heute ebenso freuen. Wie Square Enix bekannt gab, finden diverse Titel aus dem Soundtrack von #FinalFantasyXVI ihren Weg in das Rhythmusspiel. Die Details:
Sowohl PC-Version als auch DLC-Erweiterungen zu #FinalFantasyXVI dürften noch eine Weile auf sich warten lassen. Auf das kostenfreie Update müsst ihr nicht warten. Das winkt schon heute und bringt auch neue Inhalte und Features mit sich:
Square Enix hat im Rahmen der PAX West zwei kostenpflichtige DLC-Erweiterungen zu #FinalFantasyXVI angekündigt. Dazu gibt es eine Videobotschaft von Naoki Yoshida. Spekulationen zu den möglichen Inhalten dieser DLC gab es schon vorab:
I enjoyed it overall. At one point I thought it might be one of the best games in the series, as its high points are just that good.
And that's credits for Final Fantasy XVI. :)
I finished with mixed feelings, with its spectacular highs dragged down by some really dull sidequests and a rather mixed spring cast of characters.
I thought the story went off the rails after a while too. The intriguing world introduced at the start gets thrown in the bin once the big bad shows up.
The combat was superb throughout though, and I'd love to see more action FFs after this.
Yesterday I realized my brain is too smooth for puzzle games, so we're back with something I can play #FinalFantasy16 #FINALFANTASYXVI
#FinalFantasy16 #FinalFantasyXVI
Hop, c'est l'heure du stream !
Le Mini Nintendo Direct consacré à #SuperMarioBrosWonder arrive, on va couvrir ça, ainsi que les nouveautés de splatoon 3 qui tombent demain !
Et après ça, la suite de Final Fantasy XVI !
A tout de suite en live sur Twitch !
#stream #streamer #streaming #twitch #live #livestream #finalfantasy #finalfantasyxvi #mario #nintendo #reaction #react #discussion #trailer #annonces #playstation #ps5 #Splatoon3 #splatoon
#supermariobroswonder #stream #streamer #streaming #twitch #live #livestream #finalfantasy #FinalFantasyXVI #mario #nintendo #reaction #react #discussion #trailer #annonces #Playstation #ps5 #Splatoon3 #splatoon
Le planning de stream de la semaine !
Avec masse de Splatoon 3, un live chez la netratv, la possible fin de tears of the kingdom, la fin du let's play sur Rune Factory 5, et du Final Fantasy XVI !
Rien que ça !
J'espère vous retrouver sur Twitch et Youtube !
#stream #streamer #streaming #twitch #planning #programme #zelda #tearsofthekingdom #chill #jeuvideo #jeuxvidéo #nintendo #runefactory5 #runefactory #storyofseasons #finalfantasy #finalfantasyxvi #splatoon #splatoon3 #fin #bigrun
#stream #streamer #streaming #twitch #planning #programme #zelda #tearsofthekingdom #Chill #jeuvideo #jeuxvideo #nintendo #runefactory5 #runefactory #storyofseasons #finalfantasy #FinalFantasyXVI #splatoon #Splatoon3 #fin #bigrun
Erinnert ihr euch an die clevere Aktion von Square Enix, in einigen Ländern der Welt unterschiedliche Cover-Motive zu #FinalFantasyXVI auf großen Printmagazinen unterzubringen? Die Motive gibt es bald als Metall-Poster mit Staffelei:
Completed Final Fantasy XVI last night.
So, decided to change the banner image on my profile (it'd been an Elden Ring screenshot for some time).
It might not have felt like a Final Fantasy game at times in terms of combat, but the story was there. Clive is most definitely a new fave
And it's the first FF with a story that managed to make me cry.
I thoroughly enjoyed it.
#finalfantasy #FinalFantasy16 #FinalFantasyXVI #ffxvi
I love this scene from Final Fantasy XVI.
#gaming #videogames #FinalFantasyXVI #ffxvi
Completed the Wall of Memories in Final Fantasy XVI.
I'm right before the end game and just wrapping some things up. I've done all side quests. Done all the hunts.
I'm now just levelling up to level 50 before heading off to take care of business one final time.
In some ways, this game has definitely felt shorter than previous Final Fantasy games (non-MMORPG entries).
I'm faced with a protagonist I ended up liking and a game I don't want to end.
#FinalFantasy16 #ff16 #ffxvi #FinalFantasyXVI
Egal ob Ihr die #OpeningNightLive der #gamescom2023 schaut oder Abendbrot esst, Episode 144 ist da! Manuel gibt sein Fazit zu #FinalFantasyXVI und schwärmt ein wenig über #disneyillusionisland. Und Daniel hat #shadowgambit angespielt und ist voll des Lobes! Reinhören!
#Podcast #videogames #Videospiele #podcasts #ElectronicArts #playstation #Extrafreunde #xbox #MimimiGames
#OpeningNightLive #gamescom2023 #FinalFantasyXVI #disneyillusionisland #shadowgambit #Podcast #videogames #Videospiele #podcasts #ElectronicArts #playstation #extrafreunde #xbox #MimimiGames