New written review and video up! This time on my favorite installment of Final Girl, Frightmare on Maple Lane! Check them out below.
#FinalGirl #BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop #TableTopGames #Games #Gaming
#gaming #games #tabletopgames #tabletop #boardgame #boardgames #FinalGirl
A look at the May plays. #Stroganov roars up the charts being played 4 times when I only owned it for a whopping 3 days in May. #ArkNova is a lock at first because I've been playing it avidly on BGA as well as getting it physically to the table a few times this month. And of course, my new love, #FinalGirl continues her strong performance.
#BGStats #BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop #TableTopGames #Gaming #Games
#games #gaming #tabletopgames #tabletop #boardgame #boardgames #bgstats #FinalGirl #ArkNova #stroganov
I'm ready to battle Inkanyamba in the Sacred Groves for the first time in this edition of #FinalGirl
#BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop #TableTopGames #Gaming #Games
#games #gaming #tabletopgames #tabletop #boardgame #boardgames #FinalGirl
I love checking out #BoardGame stores when out of town. Today, in Athens, GA, we checked out #LevelUpGames and they had a wonderful selection. Bonus 25% off for Memorial Day too! Here are the few #BoardGames we decided to pick up.
#FinalGirl #Stroganov #QuacksOfQuedlinburg
#TableTop #TableTopGames #Gaming #Games
#games #gaming #tabletopgames #tabletop #quacksofquedlinburg #stroganov #FinalGirl #boardgames #levelupgames #boardgame
I finally won against #DrFright in #FinalGirl. I got quite lucky with event cards, putting out extra victims in houses, which definitely helped when his Finale card came out. The setup card was also advantageous to me whereas almost all victims were in houses and he stayed out on the street in the majority of the beginning. Now to see what item Sheila will unlock!
#BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop #TableTopGames #Gaming #Games
#games #gaming #tabletopgames #tabletop #boardgame #boardgames #FinalGirl #drfright
I got close on my first try against Dr. Fright on Maple Lane, but Sheila just wasn't strong enough. The fireworks and machete were nice and I think I could have gotten him if I didn't roll so horribly with the rifle (making me miss on my last bullet.)
#FinalGirl #BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTopGames #TableTop #gaming #games
#games #gaming #tabletop #tabletopgames #boardgame #boardgames #FinalGirl
Look what just showed up! Know what I'm doing later tonight.
#FinalGirl #BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop #TableTopGames #gaming #games #SoloGamer
#sologamer #games #gaming #tabletopgames #tabletop #boardgame #boardgames #FinalGirl
Ok, so it wasn't the first time tonight but I reset and tried again and was victorious this time. Got lucky with the event having to do with terror traps and never seeing any. I used my focus cards to get 3 dice quickly, then just hammering him with the single knife i had picked up. You did good, Charlie. Only took you like 12 times to win, lol.
#FinalGirl #BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop #TableTopGames #SoloGamer #Gaming #Games
#games #gaming #sologamer #tabletopgames #tabletop #boardgame #boardgames #FinalGirl
This is it everyone, the night I finally beat Geppetto with Charlie. I'm on the back porch, with great weather, great music in my earbuds, and a Mnt Dew Melon Zero Sugar. If the stars aren't aligning tonight, I don't know if they ever will.
#FinalGirl #BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop #TableTopGames #Gaming #games #SoloGamer
#sologamer #games #gaming #tabletopgames #tabletop #boardgame #boardgames #FinalGirl
Hey @emmahunneyball I know you had mentioned you might be into #FinalGirl as a solo gamer, but you weren't sure because of the subject matter.
Check out my two new videos below, and maybe it'll help you make a decision!
Core Box -
Carnage at the Carnival -
#BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop #TableTopGaming #Games #Gaming #Solo #SoloGaming
#sologaming #solo #gaming #games #tabletopgaming #tabletop #boardgame #boardgames #FinalGirl
Any recommendations on the next Feature Film I should get for #FinalGirl ? I currently only own Carnival of Blood but definitely want to grab 1 or 2 more soon.
#BoardGames #BoardGame #SoloGaming #TableTop #TableTopGames #Gaming #Games
#games #gaming #tabletopgames #tabletop #sologaming #boardgame #boardgames #FinalGirl
Pulled out another win in #FinalGirl with Asani. I was feeling good so I set it up again with Charlie and got wrecked.
Asani, even with less health, seems easier bc you only have to rescue 4 victims to flip over her card, plus her bonuses for rescuing seem more OP. They can help you get a much needed item almost instantly which allows you to take the fight to Geppetto before he gets too strong.
#BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop #TableTopGames #Games #Gaming
#gaming #games #tabletopgames #tabletop #boardgame #boardgames #FinalGirl
This whole time, I thought winning with Charlie would be a piece of cake, starting with 7 health but I've been sorely mistaken. This time, I just couldn't get a weapon to do damage. Then the "How Did the Tiger Get Loose?" terror card came out and wrecked like half the remaining victims.
Even with all her health, it's tough rescuing six victims to gain her Critical Blow ability.
#tabletopgames #boardgame #tabletop #boardgames #FinalGirl
Is it finally the night for Charlie to score her first victory against the puppet master Geppetto?
#FinalGirl #CarnageAtTheCarnival #BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop #TableTopGames #Gaming #Games
#games #gaming #tabletopgames #tabletop #boardgame #boardgames #carnageatthecarnival #FinalGirl
This #BoardGame does such an amazing job of playing into the #HorrorMovies tropes. In my second game, I was lucky enough to take down the villain quick but there is a mechanism to randomly bring him back to life. Of course, that happened and I had to fight him off again. I was lucky enough to be able to a few turns later but I don't think if my dice rolls went the way they did, I would have survived another turn.
#FinalGirl #BoardGames #Horror #Slasher #TableTop #TableTopGames
#tabletopgames #tabletop #slasher #horror #boardgames #FinalGirl #horrormovies #boardgame
Checked out #TheWizardsChest today in #Denver, and it was amazing. A truly excellent selection of #BoardGames. I ended up picking up the core box for #FinalGirl and Final Girl: Carnage at the Carnival.
#games #gaming #tabletopgames #tabletop #boardgame #FinalGirl #boardgames #denver #thewizardschest
YOU DIED! #finalgirl #1pg #bgg
Selena stood no chance against the Poltergeist of Creech Manor. 💀