A #WGAStrike picket sign featuring #Mooncake from #FinalSpace, #ScoobyDoo, and what looks like Tulip from #InfinityTrain
#wgastrike #mooncake #FinalSpace #scoobydoo #infinitytrain
Finally a #FinalSpace Loggins tribute
#FinalSpace #footloose #kennyloggins #happybirthday
Redoing my old intro post, because lots of new followers and so forth. Thank you to everyone.
A few tags of things that interest me.
#Humour #Funny #Sarcasm #Comedy #StandUp #Innuendo #UnintendedInnuendo #StarWars #StarTrek #Firefly #Farscape #FinalSpace #SciFi #Fantasy #Tolkien #TerryPratchett #Discworld #TheExpanse #JamesCorey #Grunge #80s #90s #ISwearALot #Fuck #Dogs #Smuturday #RockMusic
#80sMusic #90sMusic
#Technology #Equality
#HumanRights #Disabilities
#humour #funny #sarcasm #comedy #standup #innuendo #unintendedinnuendo #starwars #startrek #firefly #farscape #FinalSpace #scifi #fantasy #tolkien #terrypratchett #discworld #theexpanse #JamesCorey #grunge #80s #90s #ISwearALot #fuck #dogs #smuturday #rockmusic #80smusic #90sMusic #technology #equality #humanrights #disabilities #HighfunctioningAutism
So apparently these are a daily thing it seems
So many other shows didn't quite make the list... Babylon 5, Battlestar Gallactica, Due South, Firefly, Father Ted, Fringe
Also a few that a few years ago.. would have made the list.
Like 'Friends' a major fave when it was on... but having rewatched some of it recently (my sister often has it on) I've realised that a lot of it hasn't aged well.
#7seriestoknowme #reddwarf #startrek #FinalSpace #futurama #Archer #farscape #theexpanse
In other news, the Final Space (MayItRestInPeace) S1 soundtrack is epic. #finalspace #thegary #shelbymerry #nowordsjustclasps
#FinalSpace #thegary #shelbymerry #nowordsjustclasps
We all need some Loggins.
#FinalSpace #kennyloggins #footloose
I;ve read that if you want to be able to make better connections with others, you should make a post and fill it with hashtags, so that it's searchable... OK, here goes.
#Humour #Funny #Sarcasm #Innuendo #UnintendedInnuendo #TottenhamHostspur #LiverpoolFC #StarWars #StarTrek #Firefly #Farscape #FinalSpace #SciFi #Fantasy #Tolkien #TerryPratchett #Discworld #TheExpanse #JamesCorey #Grunge #80s #90s #ISwearALot #Fuck #Dogs #Smuturday
That's a start for now I think.
#humour #funny #sarcasm #innuendo #unintendedinnuendo #TottenhamHostspur #liverpoolfc #starwars #startrek #firefly #farscape #FinalSpace #scifi #fantasy #tolkien #terrypratchett #discworld #theexpanse #JamesCorey #grunge #80s #90s #ISwearALot #fuck #dogs #smuturday
@beeellecee I like to think of myself as "a meatsack with an expiration date"
Mi chiudono una serie bellissima (Final Space di Olan Rogers) e per la #tristezza mi sono comprato una #pianta da #compagnia #spathiphyllum #finalspace
#FinalSpace #spathiphyllum #compagnia #pianta #tristezza
While we're at it, #SaveFinalSpace
#SaveFinalSpace #RenewFinalSpace #FinalSpace
@fu @Marbleturtle Yeah. I'm hearing rumors people may sell #FinalSpace #BluRay discs on #Etsy, and if they do, I'll definitely buy em.
Even for stuff that isn't gone yet, like the #DisneyPlus #MCU shows, showing that there's a market for bootleg discs might convince the studios to start selling legitimate ones.
#FinalSpace #bluray #etsy #disneyplus #mcu
@fu @Nobody Right now I've been enjoying #FinalSpace, and I'm also currently watching #RickAndMorty and #StarTrekLowerDecks. I eventually plan on picking #SolarOpposites and #Futurama back up.
But honestly once I finish with these shows, I'm more likely to rewatch shows I've already seen
#FinalSpace #rickandmorty #startreklowerdecks #solaropposites #futurama
The creator of #FinalSpace comments publicly about his feelings on his show's removal.
> now, if you are saying that you don't want to download something that you haven't paid for because you want to respect support the workers that produced it, that is an all together different story and one that is perfectly fine.
Yeah that's pretty much now I look at it. Plus, downloading it for free *feels* like it's stealing to me, even if it might not technically be theivery.
Of course, there are some exceptions...the rare case of unbuyable or "lost" media is one, as I just discovered that nobody is selling blu rays of #FinalSpace anymore, and #WarnerMedia not only pulled it from #HBOMax, but #iTunes as well! So it seems like piracy is the only way I can get a copy without shelling out $99 for the FYC #DVD, and certainly the only way I can get a copy in HD. Which is a dang shame, I really want to support the creator #OlanRogers, especially due to how #WarnerMedia shafted him and didn't let him finish out the story properly. I may reach out to him and see if he has a copy of the #BluRay, but if not...hello, #RarBG, I guess
#FinalSpace #warnermedia #hbomax #itunes #dvd #OlanRogers #bluray #rarbg
Ohhhhhhh oui.
RT @AdultSwimFrance@twitter.com
Ensemble, pour la vie.
Découvre la saison 3 de @FinalSpace@twitter.com à partir du 22 mars sur Adult Swim. #FinalSpace
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AdultSwimFrance/status/1361722126135422979
RT @AdultSwimFrance@twitter.com
Imagine un instant.
Tu es confiné.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AdultSwimFrance/status/1328670407793258496
RT @AdultSwimFrance@twitter.com
Imagine un instant.
Tu es confiné.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AdultSwimFrance/status/1328670407793258496