: At two-year intervals, the magical pig-herders Rucht and Runce of the became stags, warriors, ghosts, dragons and finally 2 worms. As such, they impregnated 2 cows, causing them to be reborn as the magical bulls of Cruachan and of Cuailgne.
Source: Sylvia Botheroyd ``

#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #otherworld #Finnbennach #Donn #irland

Last updated 2 years ago

the magical bulls of Cruachan and of Cuailgne.
Source: Sylvia Botheroyd ``

#Finnbennach #Donn #irland

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com

: The incarnation of the two magic bulls, and is extremely queer. The magical pig herders Rucht and Runce from the had fallen out. First they fought each other in the shape of two… todon.eu/@NeuKelte/10854908478

#celtic #mythologymonday #Finnbennach #Donn #otherworld

Last updated 2 years ago